Message from @Grossly Incandescent
Discord ID: 513832669113483275
Oh would you look at that.
What? That black people don't like big dogs, and there's lots of single black mothers?
hol up, is that a mixed race gay male couple and their children?
“Their children”
@Grossly Incandescent WOW I was just about to post that
Great minds <:4dchess:439923932062154782>
Besides the obvious horseshoe theory joke, a broader underlying thread here would be that globalism/liberalism is destructive to peoples and culture.
@Phillip Wiglesworth - FL Nelson just conceded the senate race to Scott!
*nods* saw the tweet a little bit ago
Though this is a little troubling to me, because Democrats have truly pushed and tested the limits of what they can get away with in 2020. They know what the courts will rule on and allow, and just what - exactly - their tactics will accomplish.
Not so sure.
Non-matching signatures? ✅
Late ballots? ✅
Mysterious boxes of ballots? ✅
Late filing of recounts? ✅
Alot can change in 2 years
Now the question is will they change for the better?
They seriously got a judge to rule that mail-in ballots with absolutely no signature on them will be counted.
That's troubling.
And no contempt of court charges or rulings for defying a judge's orders.
Just...flat out ignored them, and nothing happened.
Yeah, the last two weeks have been pretty eye opening. Any serious right winger with any power should be all over this stuff
Instead we get crickets
Seriously here, folks. We have a county in Florida that was absolutely DESTROYED by a hurricane 3 weeks before election, and they didn't have even one minor issue with getting ballots in on time, accurate, correct, and no disputes. But a county that is KNOWN for discrepancies can't even file their counts ON TIME, but also accidentally counted ballots twice during a hand recount?
checking out some tweet mashups
Also the two counties that were pulling these shenanigans just happen to have the 2nd and 3rd highest density of Jewish Americans in the US outside of NYC
I worked in Mexico Beach all week long this past week...and I cannot believe the amount of destruction I witnessed. Indescribable. Yet they had no issues with election results. There's no doubt in my mind now that Broward county was a Democrat "fix" in the works, and they'll try even harder next time.
Only way I see stopping it is to no longer allow the release of election results until all counties in the state report 100%.
They were holding off and waiting to see what numbers they needed to come up with
But Phil, every vote MUST be counted, otherwise we’re undermining our democracy!
Ya, just ridiculous.
Ann Coulter was right in her facetious tweet: Republicans vote on the 6th, Dems vote on the 7th (and ever day after that until the courts finally put a stop to it)
Just make it a national federal holiday (voting day), and that'll destroy these dem tactics.
Florida was a trial run to see how blatant they could be while simultaneously ensuring the genpop only looked there and wouldn’t focus on the steals in Arizona, California, and Wisconsin
okay this is really interesting
ancestries clustered by how similar their political views are
based on 5 variables
interesting how closely it corresponds to actual geographic locations of those countries