Message from @Friedrich

Discord ID: 798280052990672896

2021-01-11 19:54:21 UTC  

I think dems just didn't like Trump building a wall to purge their future voting base

2021-01-11 19:54:22 UTC  

I think he just wants to push his brand

2021-01-11 19:54:39 UTC  

All publicly is good

2021-01-11 19:54:46 UTC  

I prefer a president who gets the facts and makes up his own mind before just trusting some random 10 second blurb from a host, then acting like a parrot doing what they want him to do.

2021-01-11 19:54:46 UTC  

@CT, you just advanced to level 5!

2021-01-11 19:55:10 UTC  

Biden's just the mouth piece of Sauron lol

2021-01-11 19:55:37 UTC  

I have never heard anyone in my entire life denounce white supremacy as many times as Trump has.

2021-01-11 19:55:42 UTC  

@CT like I said pretending like he doesn’t know given the fact the fbi knows. Hanging out with central figures like Linwood and Powell and Flynn

2021-01-11 19:56:10 UTC  

@Beth no one has been so avoidant of the question

2021-01-11 19:56:25 UTC  

so avoidant? I just posted a clip of him disavowing 38 times?

2021-01-11 19:56:45 UTC  

You ask me something 39 times get to 40 an all you’re getting is 🖕🏼

2021-01-11 19:56:53 UTC  

Is there a certain number that would make people happy? Does he need to disavow once a day then or what?

2021-01-11 19:57:09 UTC  

Watch the full context and the time period @CT they ask him because he very coy about it

2021-01-11 19:57:12 UTC  

Every hour of every day would suffice

2021-01-11 19:57:57 UTC  

you think the Goldfish are voteing too? All Hail GOLDFISH!

2021-01-11 19:58:19 UTC  

How about not having to be asked, doing it on his own initiative . He knows his base is full of loons. That’s why he is always avoiding the question @CT

2021-01-11 19:58:41 UTC  

He could also be avoiding it because he's sick of answering it and has done it 38 times already?

2021-01-11 19:58:46 UTC  

Why would he voluntarily bring it up?

2021-01-11 19:59:55 UTC  

I would like to interview a good sampling of African Americans and see if they are actually terrified or not by seeing a confederate flag in the capital during the MSM would have you believe. Maybe there really is a fear that the south will rise again - especially when the media talks about rasicm non-stop. But it's hard to imagine anyone would believe that is possible or that more than a handful of trumpers are white supremisists.

2021-01-11 20:00:02 UTC  

Not sure what exactly you mean? It's a fact that indefinitely confined requires no voter ID.. they send in the mail with a signature, don't even need to know a drivers licence # or anything.

2021-01-11 20:00:02 UTC  

Has trump just resigned??

2021-01-11 20:00:26 UTC  

I'm am sure that both sides has some irrational and unfounded fear of the other side

2021-01-11 20:00:45 UTC  

really the key to peace is for everyone to come together and push through that fear

2021-01-11 20:01:11 UTC  

99% of people are good people haha

2021-01-11 20:01:21 UTC  

@Friedrich It's pretty silly, one confederare flag amid a sea of thousands of American flags lol

2021-01-11 20:01:34 UTC  

You mean the state department website? I guess someone messed up by accident. I give chance 0.1% chance of resigning

2021-01-11 20:02:03 UTC

2021-01-11 20:02:21 UTC  

Yes? That’s what I’m thinking? Because no one is saying anything about it?

2021-01-11 20:04:01 UTC  

@CT again he is being asked because in normal situations like after Charlottesville most people wouldn’t need to be proded to have him to say that. Maybe he has a issue with have a pack of white nationalists always cheering his name. They love the right wing sphere Trump embraced. Tucker carlsons head writer was found out to be racist. In fact he was so poor on his messaging on that he had a Charlottesville under his watch, we saw a rise in white nationalist Trump supporters. All the way to the captiol riot where there were people who were anti Semitic.

2021-01-11 20:04:08 UTC  

Funnily, lots of these clips aren't from BLM riots.

2021-01-11 20:04:09 UTC  

Those seem like very in context half sentences

2021-01-11 20:04:24 UTC  

They're out of context, quite a few yes.

2021-01-11 20:04:38 UTC  

Pelosi's first comment was to children in cages.

2021-01-11 20:04:40 UTC  

yea just trying to figure out how many goldfish voted this way. the ballot gets sent to a P.O. box and dropped off in a Bin on the corner. So absolutely 0 way to hold these goldfish accountable. if this is the way moving forward i am just trying to figure out how big of a fish tank to buy for the next election.. Then we can put a halt on the counting to do the math and get more fish...

2021-01-11 20:04:53 UTC  

Really?.... Because I just watched one of those insane Simon Parkes videos that says Trump is about to shut down all media and go to war with China over that Executive Order he signed in November.
I think they are calling. it Odin or Odie or some such nonsense

2021-01-11 20:05:45 UTC  

The strategical thing for Trump might be to resign with a wonderful, loving concession speech to everyone... then he can have the possibility to run again. But dems and rino's would probably impeach him anyway after he resigned lol

2021-01-11 20:05:52 UTC  

Yes because ideas implanted as seeds don't last.

Especially when they are rarely if ever denounced and often encouraged.

There's double standards. Period.

2021-01-11 20:06:41 UTC  

Whether for BLM or bob the builder means no difference to me. The left calls for violence.

2021-01-11 20:07:59 UTC  

Unrest isn't violence.