Message from @Friedrich

Discord ID: 798278649103122453

2021-01-11 19:46:11 UTC  

I wasn’t quite expecting that answer lol. Surely you must see why so many people are concerned though? You know I think this whole censorship situation isn’t a good idea at all. Even Doc sent me his number last night, with no warning or no prior conversation. Then later he said he thinks a censorship crackdown is going to happen. It’s extremely coordinated. And I know you wouldn’t refer to Doc as delusional lol

2021-01-11 19:46:47 UTC  

Who is Doc?

2021-01-11 19:46:54 UTC  

No, but that in particular is very real which is why Talon and I show such concern for it.

2021-01-11 19:47:15 UTC  

Don't forget about the Charlottesville purge that kicked off the trend.

2021-01-11 19:47:54 UTC  

There's been a lot and almost every time it does not impact the left wing ideologies so when I hear censorship isn't taking place I think people (at least who pay any attention whatsoever to politics) are willfully blind if they say censorship isn't occuring.

2021-01-11 19:47:59 UTC  

Trump supporters stabbed multiple times by Antifa militant/independent journalist outside state Capitol in NY on Wednesday

2021-01-11 19:47:59 UTC  

@leftingfighter33, you just advanced to level 19!

2021-01-11 19:48:05 UTC  

Believe me, it wasn't long ago that I was making meme videos as someone on the right.

2021-01-11 19:48:13 UTC  

He used to be here regularly

2021-01-11 19:49:15 UTC
Trump can literally denounce white supremacy 39 times and yet still be accused of supporting it... at this stage it's clear it doesn't matter what Trump says or does, people will take whatever they want to hear from whatever he says.

2021-01-11 19:50:11 UTC  

Is he perhaps supposed to start every single one of his speeches with "I denounce white supremacy" ?

2021-01-11 19:51:32 UTC  

@CT yet he couldn’t denounce q anon once to avoid a riot of his most rabid fan base. Nor did his message ever resonate with them as you still have white nationals like nick Fuentes Shilling hard for him

2021-01-11 19:52:11 UTC  

It's funny because even the racists denounce white supremisy these days and instead want separatism

2021-01-11 19:52:11 UTC  

@macsen, you just advanced to level 6!

2021-01-11 19:52:25 UTC  

Prob because getting Trump to say that was like pulling teeth after deflecting for 5 minutes

2021-01-11 19:52:38 UTC  

It's pretty simple, he doesn't know what QAnon is. He even said that in the debate. Heck I'm on the internet every day and even I am not always up to date with what they are peddling/saying

2021-01-11 19:52:38 UTC  

I'm convinced that's just an annoyance button pundits push and brainwashed people believe because Trump has denied, denounced, and refuted it on so many different occasions.

2021-01-11 19:53:10 UTC  

I really don't believe Trump wants to be a hitler - but I could be wrong I guess lol

2021-01-11 19:53:37 UTC  

He was told live on air. To think he doesn’t know who they are is niave. Especially after paling around with Flynn, Powell and Linwood. The fbi knew so he knew and choose to ignore it @CT

2021-01-11 19:54:01 UTC  

conservatives are very welcoming of minorities... it doesn't make a lot of sense

2021-01-11 19:54:21 UTC  

I think dems just didn't like Trump building a wall to purge their future voting base

2021-01-11 19:54:22 UTC  

I think he just wants to push his brand

2021-01-11 19:54:39 UTC  

All publicly is good

2021-01-11 19:54:46 UTC  

I prefer a president who gets the facts and makes up his own mind before just trusting some random 10 second blurb from a host, then acting like a parrot doing what they want him to do.

2021-01-11 19:54:46 UTC  

@CT, you just advanced to level 5!

2021-01-11 19:55:10 UTC  

Biden's just the mouth piece of Sauron lol

2021-01-11 19:55:37 UTC  

I have never heard anyone in my entire life denounce white supremacy as many times as Trump has.

2021-01-11 19:55:42 UTC  

@CT like I said pretending like he doesn’t know given the fact the fbi knows. Hanging out with central figures like Linwood and Powell and Flynn

2021-01-11 19:56:10 UTC  

@Beth no one has been so avoidant of the question

2021-01-11 19:56:25 UTC  

so avoidant? I just posted a clip of him disavowing 38 times?

2021-01-11 19:56:45 UTC  

You ask me something 39 times get to 40 an all you’re getting is 🖕🏼

2021-01-11 19:56:53 UTC  

Is there a certain number that would make people happy? Does he need to disavow once a day then or what?

2021-01-11 19:57:09 UTC  

Watch the full context and the time period @CT they ask him because he very coy about it

2021-01-11 19:57:12 UTC  

Every hour of every day would suffice

2021-01-11 19:57:57 UTC  

you think the Goldfish are voteing too? All Hail GOLDFISH!

2021-01-11 19:58:19 UTC  

How about not having to be asked, doing it on his own initiative . He knows his base is full of loons. That’s why he is always avoiding the question @CT

2021-01-11 19:58:41 UTC  

He could also be avoiding it because he's sick of answering it and has done it 38 times already?

2021-01-11 19:58:46 UTC  

Why would he voluntarily bring it up?

2021-01-11 19:59:55 UTC  

I would like to interview a good sampling of African Americans and see if they are actually terrified or not by seeing a confederate flag in the capital during the MSM would have you believe. Maybe there really is a fear that the south will rise again - especially when the media talks about rasicm non-stop. But it's hard to imagine anyone would believe that is possible or that more than a handful of trumpers are white supremisists.