Message from @Calii
Discord ID: 797630740531642418
links says
Holy shit what’s he saying?!
share? voice or webcam
Ddos attack.... Iran
I'm trying to verify......
Never know what's TRUE anymore
Pakistan is without power i see
I saw that too earlier question is who’s next?
vatican dark
It’s fixing to happen 💥
I think so
This has been going on for too long now it’s time for it to end.
Anyone have Dish? What channel is OAN or Newsmax on...can’t find it on google
I use duckduckgo
It helps on the censorship
That’s what I use
Hey George News is back!
Rsbn is pretty good too.
Rsbn site says no speech. It's fake news
I just heard that Mitch McConnell and some of his cronies are going to censor the President.
@Di that’s not surprise
Ya considering mitchs wife is ccp
This is a sci fi movie. You can’t make this shit up??? I have lived 60 years through some bad hard things. This is the most terrified I have ever been.
scarey but amazing
True yes.
It’s a time to be alive for sure so much is gonna come to light
I lived through most of Vietnam as a child. I watched some boys around here come home different people than when they left. But this is crazy stuff. I am not prepared to be a communist!!! I don’t know what to wear? It’s too hot here for a quilt over my head.
I can’t even listen to some of the newsmax reporters they are making me sad.
Don’t lose faith pray and trust the plan ❤️
I am i promise. You have been preaching this too me since September. Leak
Hey everyone. I’m a bit confused. I keep seeing many accounts shitting on Q. One of the main complaints is that Q followers etc fell for psyop and didn’t act when we needed to. My confusion is didn’t Trump have the largest in voting person number ever? Didn’t Trump tap the largest number of people that never voted? Didn’t Trump supporters gather in numbers close to a million twice in 2 months? Didn’t Trump have the largest gatherings at rallies in history? So if it’s a psyop wouldn’t that be successful to engage millions that wouldn’t otherwise care? Isn’t it successful because so many millions are AWAKE? I’m not spinning my wheels right??
Yes 👍 ignore those trolls and larps..... They are freaking out trying to get people to turn on Trump