Message from @MattyBoyCx
Discord ID: 798711538756222986
Oh okay sorry. My bad.
So again, no impeachment, or anything from congress
Have a question I’m pretty new to q
From what I understand every time there is a drop you guys try to connect to real events
Why are press and others so scared of it? Had Q ever said go out do this or that? From angst I understand it’s always been on the passive “stay inside military will take care of it”
“Let them do their job” etc
He refers to them as Patriots but yes
There is nothing citizens can do against the Great Reset agenda
Only Trump and the Patriots/Storm(And yes the Military IS on Trump, and our side). The people who signed that letter included the traitor Miley. They have no clearence at the Pentagon. The military has been deploying nationwide as Markd said
Those generals who signed that letter are Obama leftovers. They have no authority when it comes to what is happening, and they have no access to classified intel. DOD has the authority, Miller called in those thousands of troops. National Guard from Five states can only be used in such a manner via IA or other acts. Moreover, those generals do not have access to classified intel, otherwise there would be leaks regarding the Q operation. And Q himself said the Military IS on Trumps side, but there are a few bad actors. They will be taken out of the way without mercy. This isn't a joke. This is saving our country from the Great Reset, and saving freedom and millions of lives from madmen.
That said ATON of people are even more disillusioned by the combined mentioning of a next adminstration(With context people seem to miss) and the letters by the traitorous joint chiefs
All the while the troops go out.
So I suppose we add the joint chiefs to the list of arrested? I imagine they already were there.
Original Channel - 100th MonKeeZ ...
All credit for this video goes to Robert David Steele ...
Robert David Steele, a former CIA officer is the pro bono Chief Enabling Officer (CEO) of Earth Intelligence Network, a 501c3 devoted to teaching holistic analyti...
Ohhhhhhh GREAT..... A chatter in our News room got everybody worked up by relaying a text from her friends message to Church.....
We're heading to South China Sea and we're at War.....
PLEASE USE DECERNMENT WHILE I VET THIS..... She is a very honest long time chatter, but ya know this world can get a lil CRA CRA Crazyyyyyy ehhhhhh 😏🚬💨
Where did Linwood post this? I can’t find him anywhere.
Lindsey Graham! 🤣🤣🤣
Pence just sent a letter to Pelosi 30 mins ago saying he wouldn’t do it
Are you guys watching these hearings?
I'm overloaded I've been a little unplugged to recharge
Anything good coming from them
I am having to step back a minute myself. I haven’t been sleeping well.
Nancy is there
How do you send someone a friend request to join but can't seem to get on with an invite Link????
I don't know how or where to type her #tag number 🤪🤪🤪🤪 HELP 🆘 😁
Nancy back wonder where she went
Somebody saying it's not her???? I'm not watching so I don't know..... Our chatroom is bonkers @TNS and I'm whooped 🤪🤪🤪🤪
Nancy isn't there?
I'm still checking but somebody saying it's a different Lady???
Sounds like the same stuttering Nancy.
Okay thanks 😊 I'm gonna call it the night TNS has my head moosh tonight..... God Bless PATRIOTS 🙏💜🇺🇸