Message from @Kevin_the_wise
Discord ID: 792914343779762226
@swiggityswooty He was always dirty
@swiggityswooty he's just good at sugarcoating
I just realized. Every single person that took the small pox vaccine in 1796 is dead now...
Maybe the covid vaccine is bad after all
@K.T.B. uhhh I've been saying that all this long
No you haven't. You were the one saying that the vaccine is safe and that we should always trust everything the government says 😑
I never heard Kevin say that lol
He hates the vaccine
And also weren’t you making a joke KTB
lol yeah I wanted to see if anyone would take me seriously
And Kevin took the bait
(and possibly WarlordStarfire but it's harder to tell with him?)
Lol I saw the 1796 and thought “well yeah everyone from then is dead”
> No you haven't. You were the one saying that the vaccine is safe and that we should always trust everything the government says 😑
@K.T.B. you got all wrong Russain spy
You know what I mean
Tell Putin to fuck off
Him and I are actually playing COD with each other right now lol
@K.T.B. Honestly I'm not joking when I say ur a Russain spy
Not even Russain
I don't agree with everything you say, but I don't think you're actually an idiot; I would be very disappointed if you seriously think I'm some kind of spy
Also *Russian
Don't misspell my mother country
Have some vodka
Трамп и Путин наверное играют Зов Долга вместе
I’ve seen that post
My friends put that cake on their profile
> Трамп и Путин наверное играют Зов Долга вместе
@K0rruptDumplingz oh that's what u said
Yeah that's normal
i was expecting a jumpscare
kind of disappointed tbh