Message from @12thman
Discord ID: 797990127560556545
they same company they said controls your thoughts
the evil liberal big media company
that they claim to hate
these the same people that see a blurry photo in the woods and claim its bigfoot
Oh I understand, the idea is that this is one of the files that was leaked from Nancy Pelosi's laptop when they stormed the capitol
It's a shame that it's completely unverifiable
lol i just noticed look at the excalmation points
you think that a government official would be using 4 exclamation points like a 5 year old writing a story
It's very informally written, I doubt something like this would have been sent with the official stamp of approval at the top if it wasn't proofread by her staff.
Additionally, I've found this image re-posted a bunch of times on Facebook, but every instance of the image fails to provide a verifiable source. In fact, even conservatives have been making fun of this image, pointing out how clearly artificial it is - some have even pointed out that if you adjust the contrast in the image, you can see faint circular outlines around the signature and the emblems on the top, indicating that it's likely the work of photoshop.
So yeah, I don't think that we're the ones with "only one brain cell" for doubting this, @Texasreaper
honestly i could do this in under 5 min
also @Texasreaper what happened to being againt main stream media becasue its for the mindless sheeps
Welcome to The Adorable Deplorable, @IrregularBounce! Please read the rules and have a great time!
Happy to be here
Welcome to the cornfields
Thanks brother
@Kevin_the_wise I agree with you on a lot of things but when you call someone a Russian spy and use emotions you've lost the argument.
are you anti vax
It depends which vaccine you're talking about.
it shouldnt tho
lets say the flu shot
no i'm not anti flu shot
what exactly are you against then
> @Kevin_the_wise I agree with you on a lot of things but when you call someone a Russian spy and use emotions you've lost the argument.
@WarlordStarfire did u not see the fuckin evidence I sent
i'm against to covid vaccine unless the person is older than 60 or with pr-existing conditions .
all u do is give ppl the finger and call ppl russians or say there on crack
dubz check dms
Imagine ignoring the evidence
Why don't you give them actual evidence then inside of a picture.
that pic looks fake
ok yea this guy is already 100 times more logical then kevin
Kevin I think you have the right idea a lot of the time you just don't convey your arguments very well.
might have to take that back
I wouldn't take it back. I don't agree with everything WarlordStarfire says either, but he's completely right that Kevin_the_wise never really tries to convey his arguments in any logical or evidential way
Kevin just posts random images, and then when we ask for context or explain why it's not good evidence, he just ignores us and then weaponizes our "ignorance" against us in future conversations
Not only is that an incredibly dishonorable way to behave in any argument, it's also kind of manipulative to some degree (whether that's intentional or not).