Message from @Jacob

Discord ID: 518176222182899762

2018-11-30 21:20:13 UTC  

our best bet for funding is upper class, but not *too* upper class people

2018-11-30 21:21:14 UTC  

3 years from now we are gonna be flying out dozens of Zoomers to activism.

2018-11-30 21:22:15 UTC  

Speaking of making money, I gotta get good grades next week. But ofc I get set up comfy in the library only to be in the sport with shitty wifi.

2018-11-30 21:22:17 UTC  

The easiest way is to get younger members with a little bit of money and put a down payment on a house

2018-11-30 21:23:01 UTC  

Live in it and pay off the mortgage until they're ready to move and start a family then have another IE member take his place

2018-11-30 21:23:12 UTC  

tbh i never experienced the correlation bettwen good grades = good job

2018-11-30 21:23:15 UTC  

That's how the chosenites do it

2018-11-30 21:23:24 UTC  

One of the cheap houses was in Pennsylvania. Isn't that a pretty big chapter? Could be a good location for the first chapter house.

2018-11-30 21:23:24 UTC  

definitely "who you know" here

2018-11-30 21:24:25 UTC  

also proof of strong work ethic

2018-11-30 21:25:17 UTC  

Most of my opportunities were through who i knew, not exactly what i knew.

2018-11-30 21:25:35 UTC  

Although being good at what i did helped. <:4dchess:439923932062154782>

2018-11-30 21:25:51 UTC  

$61.25 per member

2018-11-30 21:26:15 UTC  

That's literally less than the cost of a single medium activism trip

2018-11-30 21:26:27 UTC  

We can do this

2018-11-30 21:26:36 UTC  

These KY homes are so run down. <:sad:366743316475281408>

2018-11-30 21:26:41 UTC  

20% down is less than $10k

2018-11-30 21:27:07 UTC  

If there are members in the area get together and get on that.

2018-11-30 21:27:16 UTC  

Better than paying rent really

2018-11-30 21:27:18 UTC  

@Asatru Artist - MD We also have 800 members, many of whom are able to work on this kind of stuff

2018-11-30 21:28:01 UTC  

@Campbell4732 It doesn't even have to be members in the area. I'd contribute to buy the first IE chapter house.

2018-11-30 21:33:08 UTC  

okay there has to be something wrong with this one

2018-11-30 21:33:45 UTC  

Probably tons of unpaid property taxes

2018-11-30 21:34:02 UTC  

Plus the house probably needs a ton of work to meet code to be livable

2018-11-30 21:34:16 UTC  

Lots of cheap, huge old houses like that here in Detroit

2018-11-30 21:34:44 UTC  

> here in Detroit

2018-11-30 21:34:46 UTC  

oh God

2018-11-30 21:34:48 UTC  

Ya, isn't the city selling many of them for only like $1

2018-11-30 21:34:59 UTC  


2018-11-30 21:35:24 UTC  

They were when Kwame was in charge, then they'd slam you with back taxes

2018-11-30 21:35:57 UTC  

Now you're able to buy them extremely cheap and have the taxes waived if you can prove you are fixing the house up to live in it and not just to flip it

2018-11-30 21:38:45 UTC  

@Jacob my grandpa was born on Onondaga street

2018-11-30 21:39:29 UTC  

New AmRen podcast Jared Taylor says something about Blacks. “I thought those palms were already greasy. Oops I didn’t say that.”

2018-11-30 21:39:30 UTC  

Syracuse is a dead city. That's why the house is so cheap

2018-11-30 21:40:23 UTC  

well here's the thing

2018-11-30 21:40:34 UTC  

an IE chapter house doesn't have to be close to any jobs

2018-11-30 21:40:52 UTC  

@Jacob Syracuse is a pretty rough place to live man, the winters are absolutely horrible and the economy is terrible

2018-11-30 21:41:03 UTC  

ya but no one is gonna *live* there

2018-11-30 21:41:15 UTC  

Cincinnati is better