Message from @Nikiek2020
Discord ID: 784960585904685076
She did get pissed today when I yelled across the street that Ben Shapenis did not get Crenshaw elected though. My 6 year old kept asking what a Shapenis was. Lol
I really have a hard time understanding how these people don’t understand GOP is gone. In my experience Trump supporters really just demand accountability. They don’t get it.
If you don't understand that the rampant corruption crossed Party lines, then you are still sleepwalking among the sheep being led to slaughter!
The GOP is not going to be our savior! It is merely the vehicle used to gain the power position necessary to go about the process of rooting out the corruption, and ultimately draining the swamp.
I hate the evil in this world only.
I see and give thanks daily for the beauty and grace and mercy that God blesses us with in multiple ways every single day. I love knowing that I am saved and can still appreciate the good.
I know that rewards easily won have very little value. Our freedom is the most prized of all should not come easily. It is a prize worth fighting valiantly and brutally for. It is no cheap trinket. It is valued more because it must be won with great effort! We become stronger for the battle to gain it and to hold it.
Embrace the challenge! It is God’s gift to be earned!
Do not despair over the voting fraud and attempt to overtake, from within, our country, God’s client Nation. Pray for our warriors all who are fighting this war of good vs evil. Pray for our President Trump, and His teams of supporters be they politicians, military, attorneys, activist, digital warriors, and just we the people. More than 80+ million citizens are in this epic battle to defeat the corrupters! And most importantly we are ALL answering to God’s wish for us to live free. How can we not win this battle! The war has already been won!
Stand in faith and trust and courage.....Hold the line so that Trump can use the righteous sword of vengeance.
Written by my wife, Mary Margaret Myer Has everyone seen this.
I’m pumped for a rally !
I remember the Biblical story of King Hezekiah, who when the Kingdom of Judah was caught in idolatry and decline, he found old scripture, and realized the truth, and ordered the idols destroyed and Judah returned to righteousness because of him. Later, the Assyrians overan the northern kingdom of Israel, then moved to attack Judah. Knowing his armies were no match for Assyria, Hezekiah in desperation wrote "God please deliver us from our enemy" on a scroll, and placed it on the mercy seat of the Ark of the Covenent.
Assyrian's armies were miraculiously defeated. And Judah was saved.
Doesn't matter how great his plan is or how successful it will be and how we will win, Trump, like Hezekiah, has been going to Jesus Christ regularly. Trump calls him "the boss".
I just want the show to drop already. But as I’m watching this, I’m realizing I think some people need more time. Idk
Could be.
Sorry I haven't been on today, I've been putting up my Christmas decorations before I go into hospital on Wednesday! Been popping on and off twitter all day. How's everyone doing? Y'all watching the rally?
I wish I was I’m picking up my puppy from the vet he got a hold of a chipmunk that are rat poison so glad he’s doing better though! I’ll be praying for you Qrabbit!
A no! I hate when our fur babies aren't well! Thank u @Nikiek2020
My cat is trying to climb my Christmas tree. She doesn't realize she's fatter than she was last year 😂😂😂
Lol my problem is keeping the dogs from going on it 🤣🤣
Good luck !! We will hold the line while you’re away.
Thank u @Ligg_Stephs !
I could be back on Wednesday night talking pure cow poo while high on whatever they give me lol so I apologise in advance haha
Will probably tell y'all how much I love u 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Lol well just get better we’ll miss you!
Awwwww see I love y'all already!
We love you too!
Trump just said "The best is yet to come"
Yeah, I believe he said these ppl are sick also?
The people doing the stealing yeah
He said he has plenty of evidence and he played some of it
Related to the Georgia water pipe lie and how at the same time they captured film showing ballot activities
U see trump has filed a suit to call another election for Georgia?
Sorry to hear about your pup. Mine got into a pack of gum a while back and the vet bill ran me well over a thousand. Hope your procedure goes well Rabitt. We’ll try not to burn this place down while you’re away.
Yeah and theres another double court order in PA. One from a Commonwealth judge invalidating all fraudalent balllots, the other an ultimatum from Judge Alito to the PA government of some kind
U got a link?