Message from @Sam Southern - TN

Discord ID: 519704530569527333

2018-12-05 02:17:41 UTC  

lmao these sound so forced

2018-12-05 02:18:11 UTC  

I'm just trying to bring home the bagels mista shekelstein

2018-12-05 02:18:37 UTC  

Don't forget the lox

2018-12-05 02:18:51 UTC  
2018-12-05 02:20:10 UTC  
2018-12-05 02:21:41 UTC  

> immigrate to the US
> try to drag America into conflicts back home
this is literally what we accuse Jews of doing

2018-12-05 02:24:33 UTC  

What do we think of the Flynn sentencing memo?

2018-12-05 02:25:49 UTC  

idk I don't really follow poltics

2018-12-05 02:25:52 UTC  

I just read studies

2018-12-05 02:26:32 UTC

2018-12-05 02:26:38 UTC  

lmao literal SJWs

2018-12-05 02:32:28 UTC

2018-12-05 02:33:23 UTC  

eternal slav lol

2018-12-05 02:33:26 UTC  

Never in my life have I experience genuine anti-immigrant "racism"

2018-12-05 02:36:30 UTC  

Only 16% of Polish Americans said that the Polish community said it should help itself. The other 84% said mo money fo dem programs.

2018-12-05 02:36:34 UTC

2018-12-05 02:37:41 UTC  

"adequate linguistic and cultural support" like don't come here if english is a problem for you tf

2018-12-05 02:39:23 UTC  

reporter = Owned

2018-12-05 02:39:45 UTC  

@Sam Southern - TN @Asatru Artist - MD You wanna know what the worst part is? This survey isn't just first generation immigrants.

2018-12-05 02:40:15 UTC  

my god

2018-12-05 02:40:18 UTC  

uh oh, are we discussing immigration black pills again?

2018-12-05 02:40:31 UTC  

@ThisIsChris jacob has an endless list man, they just keep coming

2018-12-05 02:40:54 UTC  

@ThisIsChris no no no not blackpills, just why immigration is bad

2018-12-05 02:41:19 UTC  

You guys should be whitepilled because I'm here to help make it stop

2018-12-05 02:41:45 UTC  

@Nemets I've heard the same from the father of an oriental that attended my brother's school. he was born here, so he gets treated like some outcast by the off the boats

2018-12-05 02:41:53 UTC  

Another whitepill: the Holiday season is here!

2018-12-05 02:42:09 UTC  


2018-12-05 02:42:22 UTC  

Christmas season in full swing here, except the fact that it was 65 degrees last week

2018-12-05 02:42:27 UTC  

@Asatru Artist - MD I'm like a reverse Jew. Instead of subverting my host society, I blend in with the immigrant community and subvert them to help my host society. I'm like an anti-leech.

2018-12-05 02:42:53 UTC  

@Sam Southern - TN is that unusual for Tennessee?

2018-12-05 02:42:56 UTC  

I'm sitting here and rubbing my hands

2018-12-05 02:43:20 UTC  

@ThisIsChris it's normally colder by this point. it dropped hard this week to upper 30's, so we're more in line with where I expected to be

2018-12-05 02:44:12 UTC  

@Sam Southern - TN Was it super chilly over Thanksgiving there?

2018-12-05 02:45:36 UTC  

@ThisIsChris as nashville tends to do, we had all 4 seasons in one week

2018-12-05 02:46:04 UTC  

Almost none of the survey respondents were Jewish

2018-12-05 02:46:15 UTC  

@Nemets ?? hwat in the world? is there an article about that? sounds whack

2018-12-05 02:47:00 UTC  

@Asatru Artist - MD yeah crazy cold thanksgiving here too. then got warmish, also yesterday, but cold today. I can't wait for global warming!

2018-12-05 02:48:08 UTC  

Every generation your family has been in America multiplies how much you're oppressing me. Gibs reparations.

2018-12-05 02:48:20 UTC  

@Nemets reading now, thanks

2018-12-05 02:48:27 UTC  

lmao Ashton Birdy is on Beardson Beardly's twitch stream