Message from @Nope

Discord ID: 779584167251017728

2020-11-20 14:12:09 UTC  

Knock knock

"who's there? “


"dishes who? “

“dishes the ghost of Sean connery"

2020-11-20 14:15:59 UTC  

You murder one pizza delivery man, then you have to murder another pizza delivery man - that's the domino effect

2020-11-20 14:33:08 UTC  

Do people laugh loudly In Hawaii? Or do they give a-lo-ha

2020-11-20 14:37:40 UTC  

Did you know that you can hear your blood move through your veins?
You just have to listen varicosely.

2020-11-20 14:39:35 UTC  

I remember my first tour of Afghanistan... Every day the enemy would fire gallons of mayonnaise at us.

Yup, life was tough in the hellmans provence.

2020-11-20 14:40:27 UTC  

Daniel Radcliffe has joined the criticism of J K Rowling over her remarks about transgender issues.

I'd call it a witch hunt, but he identifies as a wizard

2020-11-20 14:43:38 UTC  

As a newly qualified vet, I’m now permitted to treat animals.

Tonight, I took a herd of cows out for drinks.

2020-11-20 17:24:36 UTC

2020-11-20 18:44:37 UTC  

A bit forced ^ lol

2020-11-20 20:29:02 UTC  

Ive never seen a truer statement

2020-11-20 21:06:00 UTC  

Do people even crop images anymore? Lol

2020-11-20 22:37:50 UTC  

Why don't crabs give to charity? ||Because they're shellfish.||

2020-11-20 22:39:16 UTC  

Why do melons have weddings? ||Because they cantaloupe||

2020-11-20 22:41:22 UTC  

```I remember as a kid, my dad got fired from his job as a road worker for theft. I refused to believe he could do such a thing, but when I got home, the signs were all there```

2020-11-20 22:45:17 UTC  

```We all know about Murphy’s Law: anything that can go wrong will go wrong. But have you heard of Cole’s Law? It’s thinly sliced cabbage```

2020-11-20 22:46:30 UTC  

What starts with an “O” and ends with “nions” and sometimes make you cry? ||Opinions||

2020-11-21 01:57:01 UTC

2020-11-21 04:41:43 UTC

2020-11-21 04:52:28 UTC
Heard someone tell of someone who did an even better version of this. I forget the reason, but quite a few people would send them food to eat so they didn't have to make it themselves. Sometimes though they would get some food that was let's say... less than desirable, but didn't want to *not* eat it in case they were asked if they liked it. So they came up with a plan. They made a dump pit, named it The Spot, and would dump any food they didn't like there. That way, when they were asked how they liked it, they could say "oh it hit the spot!" <:KEK:726877368601411624> <:KEK:726877368601411624>

2020-11-21 05:48:12 UTC  

``My daughter screeched, "Daaaaaad, you haven't listened to one word I've said, have you!?" What a strange way to start a conversation with me...``

2020-11-21 05:49:09 UTC  

``My wife tried to unlatch our daughter's car seat with one hand and said, "How do one armed mothers do it?" Without missing a beat I replied, "Single handedly."``

2020-11-21 06:42:54 UTC  

"The dad flows strong in this one"

2020-11-21 14:44:17 UTC

2020-11-21 17:00:16 UTC  

What do you call a woman with one leg? ||Eileen||

2020-11-21 17:04:56 UTC  

What do you call an Asian woman with one leg? ||Irene||

What do you call a guy with no arms and no legs in the middle of the ocean? ||Bob||

What do you call a guy with no arms and no legs in front of your door? ||Matt||

What do you call a guy with no arms and no legs on the wall? ||Art||

What do you call a guy with no arms and no legs in a pile of leaves? ||Russell||

what do you call a cow with two legs? ||lean beef||

what do you call a cow with no legs? ||ground beef||

what do you call a cow with one leg? ||steak||

How many South Americans does it take to change a lightbulb? ||a brazilian||

2020-11-21 17:15:02 UTC  

Coke = a girl, Guy = Biden

2020-11-21 17:22:58 UTC  


2020-11-21 20:32:20 UTC  

What do you call a pig with no legs? ||ground hog||

2020-11-21 20:33:07 UTC  

What do you call a dog with no legs? ||Nothing, he won't come anyway||

2020-11-21 20:49:37 UTC  

What do you call a cow with no legs? ||Ground beef||

2020-11-21 21:09:11 UTC  

What do you call a man with an irate cat on his head? Claude

2020-11-21 21:21:01 UTC  

I honestly don't know how devout Muslims can follow all the rules of the Qur'an. The one in our corner shop can't even follow the rule of 'Multi-pack: not to be sold separately.'

2020-11-22 00:22:08 UTC

2020-11-22 00:26:55 UTC  

Did you guys hear about the marriage of two antennas? The wedding was terrible but the reception was great.

2020-11-22 03:09:39 UTC  

```I might make my future daughter Nokia... It means indestructible```

2020-11-22 12:40:14 UTC  

I used to be in a band called “the hinges”. We wasn’t any good but we did support the doors.

2020-11-22 14:34:27 UTC

2020-11-22 15:12:10 UTC  

I was feeling miserable at work, I had to clean up the work surfaces with bleach when I spilt some on my Arab co-worker... I coulnt help but laugh.
It really lightened Mahmood.

2020-11-22 15:35:35 UTC  

Sounds like they were 'screwed' from the possible 'framing'. I'm surprised they didn't become 'Unhinged'. I'm glad they got a handle on it, and learned to swing freely. It would have been a Door-Stopper otherwise.

2020-11-23 05:38:55 UTC  

Sounds like it was an open and close joint operation.