Message from @rough

Discord ID: 786084338243469322

2020-12-09 03:59:24 UTC  

He's already banned in 6 countries

2020-12-09 03:59:42 UTC  

Every country should ban him

2020-12-09 03:59:52 UTC  

Wait actually just get rid of him for good

2020-12-09 04:00:07 UTC  

He's old, he's dying soon

2020-12-09 04:01:21 UTC  

Good enough for everyone

2020-12-09 04:01:31 UTC  

Unfortunately his roots have already set in

2020-12-09 04:03:02 UTC  

well hopefully his son isn't as evil, but you never know

2020-12-09 04:06:15 UTC  

Or at least as competent

2020-12-09 04:06:29 UTC  

The article says we should stop the blue states from seceding. I strongly disagree.

If the blue states want to secede it is better to let them do so

Ideology and values are far more important than natural resources and ports. The USA is already 2 separate countries in spirit: the right and the left. Our world views are incompatible and direct opposites of each other.

The blue states are a cancer to our country. You cannot change their viewpoints or their culture. We need to do what God commanded ancient Israel was told to do and "remove the evil from our midst." The best way to do that is to kick these leftist areas out of the union.

If they try to secede I say let them. It is better for our country to be rid of their ilk. If the cancer volunteers to remove itself from your body why on earth would you stop it from doing so?

I want them to secede. It would be the very best outcome from all of this mess.

Just have them do it by either city or county than by the entire state as there are a lot of people in those states who do not want to leave the union and are still sane.

If the states try to take those people hostage then I am willing to fight for their right to stay Americans.

But if they are willing to compromise and leave as individual cities or counties, then the faster they leave the union, the better.

And do not let them come back.

2020-12-09 04:06:32 UTC  

How many people are in his will?

2020-12-09 04:12:12 UTC  

im going to have to disagree with that. i am not pro war but i think that in this case a war is needed to fix this

2020-12-09 04:12:28 UTC  

if the blue states start succeeding then the us will be no more

2020-12-09 04:13:01 UTC  

a war will be a way to let natural selection play its part

2020-12-09 04:13:19 UTC  

Not every political conservative is Christian or in any way religious. However most do hold to foundational standards of morality. This is what is more and more setting the right apart from the left. It used to be less obvious

2020-12-09 04:14:24 UTC  

just let the cycle play out

2020-12-09 04:15:32 UTC  

We are currently at weak men

2020-12-09 04:15:47 UTC  

hold on I have a meme I posted a year ago

2020-12-09 04:17:17 UTC

2020-12-09 04:18:24 UTC  

We are going to end up like russia

2020-12-09 04:18:27 UTC  

have a civil war

2020-12-09 04:18:30 UTC  

and degress 50 years

2020-12-09 04:20:45 UTC  

russia didn't have a civil war...they had a hostile takeover

2020-12-09 04:21:12 UTC  

ww1 was a distraction to confuse the ppl allied with russia

2020-12-09 04:21:48 UTC  

The only thing I'm afraid of if we have a war is that it ends up more like the French revolution than the American revolution. I think it is safe to say that one side in particular would use mostly terrorist tactics and not even think twice about killing anyone that disagrees with them even if they are non combatants

2020-12-09 04:21:59 UTC  

shit happens when soviet union collapses and all their secrets spill out over the internet decoded properly

2020-12-09 04:22:53 UTC  

seems that former communist/socialist nations reform into federalist nation states

2020-12-09 04:36:11 UTC  

I wish war could fix this that would make fixing this mess a lot easier, (terrible as war would be) but I do not think even war can change the people's hearts.

If the blue states don't secede then the USA will be no more. Their values are destroying our values. If we lose our culture we lose our country.

A country is not merely a land or a government it is a set of principles- a way of life. What the liberals think is good is morally abhorrent to the right and vice versa.

If they would leave us alone that would be one thing but they will never leave us alone. We can't coexist, and we cannot change these people. So long as they are part of our country they will stop at nothing to destroy it.

Destroying the country means we lose our freedoms and our culture. The land is irrelevant. And the leftist areas are already in all but federal law separate countries. They hate us and they hate America.

The only other 2 options are to; kill all of them (which is insane and evil) or to kick them out of our country which they hate anyway and go our separate ways.

War will not fix the problems in our culture. War won't change these people's beliefs, voting patterns, or socialist agenda. All it will do is hold on to land and people that hate our country and allow them to continue to poison us.

If you have a cancer in your body that cannot be cured then you can either remove it and live or keep it and die. The people themselves are not the cancer, but their ideology is, and it is incurable.

The problem was never just in the media or the government. The root of the problem is the evil values and lies that the left is always trying to promote.

If you do not remove the root cause of the swamp, then it will quickly refill after you drain it.

I think forcing people who hate our culture and who want to destroy it to remain in our country is both wrong and cultural suicide.

If the leftist ideology is not removed from America we WILL lose this country.

2020-12-09 04:37:30 UTC  

Yes. Not saying you have to do shit though. I don't mind.

2020-12-09 04:37:50 UTC  

lol sorry I will get off my soapbox

2020-12-09 04:38:22 UTC  

red pilling the nation makes it easier to spot the fools that refuse to learn the truth that their beloved platforms for 'news' have been lying to them all this time

2020-12-09 04:48:20 UTC  

What do you guys think of our odds of Trump winning?

2020-12-09 04:48:38 UTC  

Think he's got it in the bag, or does the globalist influence run too deep?

2020-12-09 05:21:29 UTC  

Not sure, but based off everything I see, I think they are very high. The question in my mind is more about how will those who hate him react when he does win?

2020-12-09 05:21:49 UTC  

I think it could go either way. All we can do is contact our reps and Pray hard.

2020-12-09 05:26:52 UTC  

I was afraid of the left's reaction as well and then I remembered that the left would have behaved violently even if there had been no fraud and he had won in the eyes of the media on election day.

So we have nothing to lose from trying to win as they would have threatened civil war either way.

2020-12-09 06:49:25 UTC  

I’m not even sure if I am afraid of their potential reaction or not. I just don’t know how to predict them. A lot of my childhood friends are likely Biden voters, some of them I know for sure are. I would like to think they aren’t the type to be violent, but I don’t know most of them very well any more. Since we moved I have really only kept in contact with a small number of them. None of us are very good with long distance even in a digital age. And it was much less of a digital age when we moved here. Either way what I am wondering is, is there anyway to bring them back from the mindset that has been drilled in them for so long? Can this nation heal and if so, what will that take, because making either side bend the the knee to the other is not going to make a lot of healing happen and I think the common ground at the moment is very small.

2020-12-09 07:11:09 UTC  

Yeah, the lamestream media is setting everyone up (both sides) to go along with their narrative. We missed the part that the ends don't justify the means. Investigate the fraud and let the chips fall where they may...for both sides. I'm sure that there are patriots on the left too that want closure, a fair and open election (legitimate).

2020-12-09 07:24:09 UTC