Danos Dawn Dachshund

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I have a prediction. Liberals say that killing a baby is "pro-choice" therefore when it comes to advocating pedophilia I pedict they won't calling it sex with children or pedophilia instead they will all it "Pro-Child" becuse who doesn't "love" children. 🤮

If only...


Will the Trump campain going to take action to change the people selected as recounters? Will they investigate the people who hired the recounters? Can they set up a sting operation to catch the Dems comiting more voter fraud in the recounts? (Find out next time on Dragon Ball Z)...jokes aside what is Trump going to do about this?

Only God can save us from the great reset. Trump is great but unless people turn back to God, we will lose this country and our freedoms as soon as Trump is out of office.

I watch anime occasionally read manga often AND go to church every Sunday. Read One Piece! 3rd best selling comic world wide after batman and superman.


I know covfefe was a famous typo on Trumps tweet but I do not understand the love20 part

wait a minute someone needs to make a coffee called Covfefe19

I think we should just let the states who hate America like Cali and whatnot just secede. And if they won't leave then we kick them out of the union. They are a cancer and if we want to survive as a nation we need to remove the cancer.

How about we let the indevidual cities or countys secede but not the state as a whole. We keep the agriculteral area and the dems can keep the rat infested cities.

I would love if China would make that trade deal. It would be perhaps the greatest trade deal in the history of trade deals.

So obviously I know better than to trust the Soros-funded Snopes, but are there any articles debunking Snopes/Politifact's etc. "debunking" of Trump's voter fraud claims?

I am not a leftist troll. I am seriously asking because I cannot find an article addressing the supposed debunking of Trump's claims.

I get the "Trump's voter fraud claims were debunked" argument from leftists on fakebook and Reddit and so far all I can say is that Snopes and these other "fact-checkers" are lying.

I can then make the point that all of these irregularities never happened before and that blaming them all on Covid doesn't seem to make a lot of sense.

Is there an article debunking the "debunking" and if not might I recommend to any conservative writers here to write such an article and share it with us?

I do not want a civil war but if the choice is between a communist future or a civil war to stop that future then we have to fight.

However, it is foolish to think the civil war will be easy. The fight itself might well be an easy fight but the emotional toll it will take on our country will not be.

You all seem to forget that the commies are not just neckbeards bitching online in their parent's basement, they are also our children and grandchildren, our family and friends. Civil war will not be easy it will be terrible and painful even if we win we will lose a lot of relationships.

When is the last time each of you sat down with your children and grandchildren and asked them what they honestly believe in?

Ask them if they believe in God? Ask them if they believe the ends justify the means, or if all values are relatives?

Ask them if they support Capitalism or if they think Communism and socialism could be good ideas?

Many people have absolutely no idea just how bad the brainwashing of this country is. The problem is much worse than what the polls show. The problem is much bigger than the SJWs we see on the news.

Furthermore, even if we win the 2nd civil war we do not gain much. The root of the problem is not who is in power but who voted for them and why they voted for them. The problem is in our hearts.

At best we will win 4 more years of Trump and the removal of a bunch of corrupt politicians but then the corruption will come flooding right back in as soon as Trump leaves office.

The root of the problem is:

1. Half our population hates freedom and this country.

2. The people who put the corrupt people in power do so because they believe the democrat lies.

3. People will vote the corruption right back in because they get handouts from the government. Our government bribes voters with promises of handouts.

4. Everyone thinks they have the right to use government to tell other people what to do. We have abandoned our principles of freedom and natural rights. Either you believe in inalienable rights that cannot be violated no matter what (even for our political enemies) or you do not believe in rights at all.

5. Our people have abandoned our God. They do not believe in Him nor do they follow His commands. Unless we turn back to God we will never get our country back: Trump or no Trump.

Personally, I think the best solution is to kick the leftist states out of the union and let them form the communist government they want and leave the rest of us out of it.

No matter what: We must turn back to God and remove the evil from our midst, and only then will we be able to restore our country.

Yea things are very bad in this country. I hope it doesn't come to war but at the same time peace at any cost is not peace. I will fight if I have to.

Yes things are better in this country than in most. Condemnation by faint praise. imo. I thank God I am in this country every day. But I wise our people and our governmnet we a lot more moral. I think that even if Trump "loses" we can still have peace if we are willing to work very hard to stop election fraud in the future. I think Trump will win but all we can do now is Pray hard.

*But I wish our people and our governmnet were a lot more moral

I know things are bad in the rest of the world. I am not saying the nation is horrible I am saying that we need to fix the problems in our hearts in order to save the country.

I will let SCOTUS decide

Yes Trump can win

Don't do that don't give me hope

Discord wouldn't let me post this meme until I had more imagery in the background. I don't know why. 🤷‍♂️


Same. I do not believe them, but I still have that tiny sliver of hope that maybe this time it will be different. I know it won't but my cynicism hasn't been able to kill off that pesky speck of hope just yet.

What does Australia do that we don't?

Must be nice. I wish we had that.

To be fair even if there had been no fraud and he won in the eyes of the media on Nov 3rd the left still would have rioted and threatened civil war.

If they lose (regardless of how they lose) They will riot. Every election their behavior gets worse and worse.

If we win they riot. and If we lose they refuse to leave us alone and try to force their communist progressive values down our throats.

It's at the point that unless we give them total submission and (going even further) unless we praise and glorify their false gods, they will attack us.

No matter what they cause problems for us.

Unfortunately for them, this puts us in a position where we have nothing left to lose from trying our hardest to win.

Win or lose, they will be violent and oppressive to us so we might as well go for broke.

I hope so but remember SCOTUS is supposed to be impartial. We need to fight hard because there is no guaranteed win.

So how did this play out? Any new info on the seized server? I assume this report was fake cuase I have not heard about it anymore and it is december 7th now.

If a doctor tells you that you need to do X treatment to be cured and then you go tell your friends and family you trust that doctor without obeying that doctor's commands then you do not have faith in that doctor and you will die from your disease, despite your claims of faith.

(BTW I say "you" in the general sense and not "You" specifically.)

The same is true of faith in Jesus. If you do not do as Jesus commanded you to do, then you do not have real faith.

You cannot have faith that is without works.


Indeed even St.Pual would not judge himself and left it to the Lord. Our goal should not be to check various boxes on our "how to get to heaven checklist" but to be as loving and kind as we can be.

I often think about how raising children has a theology hidden inside it. Children can be very difficult, needy, and selfish and yet we are commanded by God and even by our corrupt society to love them. '

If we treat others with a fraction of the love we treat our children with we would be much closer to heaven.

The church is a hospital for sinners run by sinners. The teachings of the church are true. This does not mean that the people running it are going to be good people.

Furthermore, while Pope Francis is undeniably liberal and naive, the media always misquotes him to reframe his words and push their agenda.

If the media says the Pope said something there is a 100% chance they have taken it completely out of context and likely changed the meaning of what he was saying.

(I still do not like him though btw, but he is not the antichrist everyone is trying to make him out to be.)

Also, the church is no different than other organizations that have contact with children. The Media desperately tries to go after the church whenever possible. They hate all Christians and especially Catholics.

Evil people will always infiltrate any organization with children to get to them. This does not mean that the organization as a whole is corrupt. Look and compare other organizations and their sexual abuse problems with the problems in the church.

It is not honest at all to condemn the church as an organization that exclusively abuses children while pretending that other organizations are pure. For example, look at the boy scouts of America. recently they got hit with 90,000 abuse claims.

I am not saying that "it's ok because other people do it." (It is not and everyone who is involved in the abuse and cover up at the very least needs to go to prison, and will without a doubt face a harsh condemnation from The Lord when they meet Him.)

I am saying that blaming the Catholic church as an organization for the sexual abuse rather than blaming the individuals directly involved with the abuse is dishonest.

Remember how much Jesus got after the religious leaders in His day. Yet he condemned the leaders and did not write off Judaism as a whole. Rather He fulfilled the promises of Judaism.

Jesus created One church: The Catholic Church. Despite all of the sinners in it who do not follow its teachings themselves, it still teaches the truth. I would recommend looking into the early church and what they taught and why and then deciding if you want to look further into it.

There is a huge wealth of knowledge and philosophy that goes ignored and many difficult questions about God have been pondered by great minds for over 2000 years. Even if you do not like "todays" church you may still find great value in the wisdom of the minds long past.

Same. My first parish is a dumpster fire of a parish. Thankfully I have 3 in my area and the other 2 are amazing. Just what I would imagine a Christian/Catholic church to be. I understand being uneasy with the Catholic church. I have a love/hate relationship with it as well. I love the teachings but the (non-Jesus) people running it drive me nuts. (putting it mildly. ) I love the founder Jesus but his followers (me included) never live up to His standards.

And I would argue that the Catholic church's offical teachings on faith and morals help us to do that most effectively.

The article says we should stop the blue states from seceding. I strongly disagree.

If the blue states want to secede it is better to let them do so

Ideology and values are far more important than natural resources and ports. The USA is already 2 separate countries in spirit: the right and the left. Our world views are incompatible and direct opposites of each other.

The blue states are a cancer to our country. You cannot change their viewpoints or their culture. We need to do what God commanded ancient Israel was told to do and "remove the evil from our midst." The best way to do that is to kick these leftist areas out of the union.

If they try to secede I say let them. It is better for our country to be rid of their ilk. If the cancer volunteers to remove itself from your body why on earth would you stop it from doing so?

I want them to secede. It would be the very best outcome from all of this mess.

Just have them do it by either city or county than by the entire state as there are a lot of people in those states who do not want to leave the union and are still sane.

If the states try to take those people hostage then I am willing to fight for their right to stay Americans.

But if they are willing to compromise and leave as individual cities or counties, then the faster they leave the union, the better.

And do not let them come back.

I wish war could fix this that would make fixing this mess a lot easier, (terrible as war would be) but I do not think even war can change the people's hearts.

If the blue states don't secede then the USA will be no more. Their values are destroying our values. If we lose our culture we lose our country.

A country is not merely a land or a government it is a set of principles- a way of life. What the liberals think is good is morally abhorrent to the right and vice versa.

If they would leave us alone that would be one thing but they will never leave us alone. We can't coexist, and we cannot change these people. So long as they are part of our country they will stop at nothing to destroy it.

Destroying the country means we lose our freedoms and our culture. The land is irrelevant. And the leftist areas are already in all but federal law separate countries. They hate us and they hate America.

The only other 2 options are to; kill all of them (which is insane and evil) or to kick them out of our country which they hate anyway and go our separate ways.

War will not fix the problems in our culture. War won't change these people's beliefs, voting patterns, or socialist agenda. All it will do is hold on to land and people that hate our country and allow them to continue to poison us.

If you have a cancer in your body that cannot be cured then you can either remove it and live or keep it and die. The people themselves are not the cancer, but their ideology is, and it is incurable.

The problem was never just in the media or the government. The root of the problem is the evil values and lies that the left is always trying to promote.

If you do not remove the root cause of the swamp, then it will quickly refill after you drain it.

I think forcing people who hate our culture and who want to destroy it to remain in our country is both wrong and cultural suicide.

If the leftist ideology is not removed from America we WILL lose this country.

lol sorry I will get off my soapbox

If Christianity didn't start with Peter and the Apostles then all Christianity is false as it has no structure or origin that can have any claim to teaching authority.

Jesus said to go make believers of all men, that upon this rock (Peter) I will build my church. Binding and loosing, forgiving sins, baptizing, those who reject you reject Me, etc.

Also, if Peter didn't have the authority of the Pope then that means we need to still be practicing the bulk of Jewish law as Jesus himself did not abolish it.
How many Christians follow ALL of the laws from the Old Testament? It is the Catholic church that decided which things were still binding and which were not.

It was the church that complied with the Bible, changed dietary restrictions, and taught believers what things were true and what things were false.

You cannot hold the Bible to be true without leaning of the Authority of the Catholic church which authoritatively declared it as such.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oqLBeCmyaKY -Did the Emperor Constantine found the Catholic Church?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EWR2fnRw2Eo - Why Should I Be Catholic?

"rather it has come from the apostles including Paul, and Jesus."- who were the leaders of the Catholic church. And the Bible was compiled long after them. There were many different writings and it was the Church who decided which writings were Canon and which were not and declared that the Bible was the word of God.

Correct. Jesus created the Catholic church by instituting Peter as the first Pope.

No, he literally did not. Go read the scriptures. Go read early Christain history.

The Pope has very little power. And God created religion.

Calling out Religious leaders who abused their power is not hating religion..

LOl sorry I can't help myself somtimes

I will get off my soap box for now and go to bed good night

I think it could go either way. All we can do is contact our reps and Pray hard.

I was afraid of the left's reaction as well and then I remembered that the left would have behaved violently even if there had been no fraud and he had won in the eyes of the media on election day.

So we have nothing to lose from trying to win as they would have threatened civil war either way.

Any news on the voter fraud in AZ? Will it decertify?

A bit late but...


Nah, why get a tactical flashlight when you could get the mighty "Tactical Pen" which is guaranteed to be stronger than the "tactical sword."

Do we really want to do that though?

If we do that then the next time a democrat gets in power they will use this authority to ensure that a republican never becomes the president again. If we can do it to them they can do it to us.

The question is whether or not this republic is over. Will this be the last election of the republic either way or not?

If Biden wins then we have to worry about being under chinas thumb, president Harris, and the government forcing us into The Great Reset. We also have to worry about the Dems intentionally crashing the dollar and driving Americans into poverty.

Once Americans are driven into extreme poverty and debt they will be more than willing to forfeit their private property rights in exchange for food.

If Trump wins we have to worry about civil war 2 and setting a precedent that future Democrats can exploit to stay in power forever.

I hope Trump finds a way to win but how we win is just as important as that we win.

The only way to save this country is to be willing to suffer for our principles, remove the evil from our midst, and turn back to God.

Sorry I forgot this was news and not discussion.

tHeRe iS nO dIfFeRaNcE bEtWeEn MeN aNd WoMeN. tHeRe iS nO fRaUd etc. #rejectalltruth


Ask and you shall receive.... In today's News from capitol Hill


The Virus is real but it is not dangerous to most people


!Independent fact-checkers have rated this meme as false!


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