Christmas Chosen One

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What rights were taken from lgbt’s

They can better than any other country on earth

Elon musk

Mark Zukkerberg

Elon musk never got a loan from his parents as of my knowledge

@sophiaaaa actually he was 100k in debt after college and got no money from his parents. In this debt, he created zip2 which he received billions for from PayPal

Trump lost first debate as he didn’t focus on the issues as much as he should have, Pence was much more calm and collect and I would say he either won or tied

@sophiaaaa are you gonna comment on your no self made billionaire comment being debunked or your Democrats not blocking republican COVID response being debunked?


@sophiaaaa must’ve left or something, right?

That is not what some schools do nowadays sadly

What about everything else

Ok, good to know

So @sophiaaaa ,you said earlier that there was no self made billionaires and I suggested Elon musk and linked this. Do you have a response?

You also asked about Democrats blocking Republican COVID response and I linked this. Any response?

I agree, that’s one reason why I suggest people ignore what I say and look at the evidence themselves to form their own opinion



Early response in shutting down travel from China and Europe (although Trump allowed in American citizens, which I admit wasn’t a good decision), promised national guard to anywhere that needed it, he enacted the defense production act of 1950 to make ventilators for hospitals. Other decisions I fell should be left to the states as there is a separation of power between local, state, and federal government. This Is where I’d say the majority of the “miscarriage of justice” came. Cuomo sent infected patients to nursing homes, sent infected patients from the city to upstate while taking ventilators and other PPE from upstate hospitals. Other governors such as Whitmer from Michigan also moved infected patients to nursing homes causing high deaths. As for the late mask mandate, I’ll agree it’s stupid it didn’t come soon, but in defense on Trump, WHO through at least April didn’t recommend masks unless you either were at risk (elderly or underlying health conditions) or had the virus.

Found the article. June 8th is when the World Health Organization recommended masks


Countries like

Did NOT mandate masks when outside. When they did, it was always locally. You know, exactly what happened in the US

I watch a bit of everything. CNN, telegraph, Washington Post, Fox, abc, it doesn’t matter. It’s up to you to disseminate and fact check your own info

> You have to watch ALL the news, to decide for yourself.
Fully 100% agree to the fullest extent

Comments, questions, concerns, blatant insults?

Took me years as a Democrat, with a Democrat family to break through

What about it

My stance on abortion and birth control is not one from a typical conservative because I’m not a religious person

Still believe abortion is murder, but I’m not against birth control

Different plan b pills have different effects and I haven’t read up too much on the actual process behind them

My basic view of that once the egg is fertilized, any action you intentionally take that stops the baby from being born is murder

I have a question for you then @SubtleSara , should women have a say in men’s rights? Furthermore, define no say. Is the Supreme Court allowed to make a decision on women’s rights if a male is on the Supreme Court? If the Supreme Court is all female, but the females are elected by some males, is that males having a say in women’s rights? When you separate and discriminate anything into groups based on something out of your control, it makes more problems than it solves. I’d rather have men and women involved in HUMAN rights and discuss what’s right, what’s wrong, and what’s good in a civilized discussion. My final question, why don’t you think men should have a say in women’s rights?

And I said

I have a question for you then @SubtleSara , should women have a say in men’s rights? Furthermore, define no say. Is the Supreme Court allowed to make a decision on women’s rights if a male is on the Supreme Court? If the Supreme Court is all female, but the females are elected by some males, is that males having a say in women’s rights? When you separate and discriminate anything into groups based on something out of your control, it makes more problems than it solves. I’d rather have men and women involved in HUMAN rights and discuss what’s right, what’s wrong, and what’s good in a civilized discussion. My final question, why don’t you think men should have a say in women’s rights?


Women decided in Skinner vs Oklahoma that a woman could rape an underage boy, have a kid, then sue for child support. A women can also steal sperm, use it to impregnate themselves, have a kid, and sue for child support. Women can also get pregnant off of a sperm donation and sue for child support.

Men SHOULD have a say because it doesn’t just affect women. It affects the CHILD!! Saying men shouldn’t have a choice about women’s rights should mean a man can’t stop a women from legally killing babies.

Men should still have equal right to participate in lawmaking as much as women should

Thanks @Memologist Ph.D. , but I also don’t believe in God, soooo

Then don’t have sex or use contraceptives, and if you don’t, give it up for adoption

Sounds great, goodnight

The only god I believe in is myself

Honestly, what the Supreme Court should’ve done in Roe v Wade is define when life begins. If it begins at conception, BAM, abortion is murder. If it doesn’t, that argument could continue

If you define when life begins, any abortion after that point would be murder

Well, this is boring.
@SubtleSara and @sophiaaaa both left and now I just agree with everyone

> glad we agree. I'll stop with my rant. love y'all. Even those of you who disagree with my opinion

Idk, seems kinda gay to me

Seem gay

You are married to a woman. A woman, who loves men. YOU ARE MARRIED TO SOMEONE WHO LOVES MEN! GAYYY

Thank you for your service

I don’t love my dad, I have never seen or talked to a Human, therefore, cannot be gay

Don’t fix Winder Woman

> Remember when people wouldn’t get fired for saying some random thing was gay?
The good ol days

> gay people are so gay
@Memologist Ph.D.

No, they have a warrant

Criminals should be punished, if they believe the info is available and they get a warrant to access that info, they should get access to the info

No, that would alert them and possibly allow them to destroy possible evidence

What if some information is online and some is in person? Police wouldn’t access both at once and as soon as criminals gets that notification they would destroy evidence and might even attempt to flee the country

Ok, and?

That wouldn’t stop a criminal from buy plane tickets to Cuba after flushing all their coke down the toilet

The notification would allow the criminals to destroy physical evidence not online yet

Most warrants work based off of surprising criminals. If police know he was in contact with know drug dealers and that was online, it’ll be great if they could access it. If when accessing it, they only found he contacted one known drug dealer and didn’t talk too specifically, the criminals would get the warrant notification and destroy all physical evidence.

No, sometimes different warrants for different purposes are issued hours, or weeks apart

Court could issue the physical warrant minutes after the virtual one and it’s be too late



I can almost guarantee you that wanting to give people a simple notification on one social media platform will not change the law

There no real reason to give a notification anyway, if it ain’t broke, don’t create a problem for no reason that completely changes the law, it’s functionality, and how it’s conducted



Michigan will stay red I believe

I did some election predictions a little while back for different scenarios, let me find them

Here’s the swing states

Here’s some likely outcomes I could see

Here’s a grump blowout

Here’s a trump landslide

Heres a Biden landslide I made, for comparison as well as a Biden blowout

> Since I'm lazy and should be working on chem, can you give me a little summary?
@Deleted User

See, chemistry is about chemicals and stuff

But seriously, what level chem you on? High school, college?


Just finished chem and I’m in AP bio now. The only reason I’m going for AP is because I assume that my state (NY) will close down schools fast and will move everything online. Online schools is easy af

Dang, I’m also in AP English and AP US History

Are we secretly the same person


It was more than fun, it was glorious

Did @sophiaaaa leave the server or something?

Good debate

@Diamond You mean 2024?

@Diamond So Trump jr only for one term?

@Diamond She could run in 2024 and 2028

@Diamond She could run in 2024 and 2028

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