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hi 👋
still laughing when Biden called Abraham Lincoln a racist at the debate
that sims 4 LGBT and Trans content has been in the game for like 2 years
and even with the Left backing Hillary, she still lost
its funny how much MSM relies on polls
so ready to see their meltdown on November 4th
I wonder if Trump will deploy the National Guard at polling sites in Red States
I don't know if Trump was strong enough to beat Bernie
it seems like more liberals fall for his free stuff for nothing than Biden, and he is not as mentally unstable as joe (still insane though). Would be a tougher fight.
Johnson was so two faced
well lots of covid deaths are being marked wrong and people are suing states
or how many false positives there were
and the left trying to put the guilt trip on people about the deaths
then lie about those death counts
well they tried to drop the bomb with the impeachment
Hillary has been hiding in the basement as well with Joe since 2016 😂
Hillary will be back in 2024 based on her 2008 and 2016 pattern, most likely
you can run as many times as you like
This is Biden's third time running
just hope we don't get another 28 years of presidents that will screw that up again
and I hope MI Gov. Whitmer is recalled as well
busy doing homework ☹️
and look who is chummy with China and also look who released the virus...
thanks 🙂
good luck with 12th
12th grade sucked
yeah I have so much work it hard to do anything outside of it, and I am so sick of zoom classes.
most of the work though is having to look up skills that weren't taught in classes
just a hint but Algebra 2 really helps in college algebra
for me there was a huge leap in difficulty between 11 and 12, but my HS had 8 45 minute periods, but only 7 classes.
one period was for lunch and homeroom
not having a in person graduation really sucked ☹️
make sure to bring shoe covers to avoid stepping in poo if you go to CA
funny to see the Apple Headquarters, then zoom out and see how different the surroundings are to it.
the summers are just as bad in TX and FL
maybe worse with the humidity
northern AZ is pretty cool
summer isn't so bad in June in AZ, its when the monsoon kicks in in July and August is when its pure hell
I hope she doesn't make it past the primary
pelosi will be dead by then most likely
Hillary will probably run in 2024
and Biden is way more racist than Trump lmao
pedofornia 😂
idk if Creepy Joe or Pedo Joe sounds better
I wonder what would happen if you wore a Maga hat and a blm mask at the same time. Libs would freakout
I hope so too
there was a video of Obama Voting by mail, and it would be funny if he voted Trump
I don't know if pence could beat someone like Hillary
I love how leftists worship Pedo Joe 😂, and ignore all the racist and sexist things he does. They are so hypercritical.
congress has too much power and it breaks the checks and balances
and lots of libs against illegal immigration are not even in a state close to the border
yeah and I know people suing states over the similar issue of non covid patients being recorded as a covid death
hotdog water ice cubes are just as bad
I have been doing that, and I also dislike the ad 😂
I guess flies are facts and fictional then, because it fits the "Facts over Truth" thing biden said 😂
well the census is already done and how many people filled it out before moving?
I don't think we will see a map shake-up until after 2030
well mexico kind of invaded us
Well the lockdowns were a state issue because the 10th amendment says all things not stated in the constitution are the states power. Also Trump has to get approval from state governors allowing the national guard to be used.
hence why all the rioting is happening in Dem areas, because they refuse to allow the guard to step in and stop it.
the only power the feds had was to have the guard ready, shut down the borders, pass relief bills, and to use the defense production act to stimulate production of key resources for the pandemic.
yes, and getting republican governors and congress
yep, unless reps win house and senate
pretty much or winning like the 7 key lib states
it seems Trump can secure the states he won in 2016 🤞
its mainly can the people at Trump rallies cancel out all the college professors
and celebs
and like Katy Perry and T Swift saying be yourself and don't let anyone stop you, then tell them to vote the opposite.
yeah saying liking Trump is like wanting liberals to stone you
I know people that have had their cars damaged for having Trump and pro police bumper stickers
death threats are so common in 2020 that I don't think they threaten many people anymore
knives can do just as much damage as a gun
criminals will still get the guns/weapons illegally
and Trump rallies feel more like you are having a casual chat rather than like a speech
love the people that honk to disrupt biden rallies
each rally gets like 20-30k people in person, not even counting people watching the streams.
and all 8 are "press"
when Harris laughs you know she is lying
you have to guess that spit droplets fly everywhere when she laughs
and she like only 1/5th black
and its not fully their body
and look up all the nasty things G Floyd did
how many times on LivePD did the officer say "is there any substances in the car?" the suspect says "no", officers search the car anyway and find substances
MSM loves sweeping drugs under the rug
its funny when suspects go crazy about being padded/searched and the officers calls out a reinforcement the same gender and race as them to do it, their facial reaction is gold.
also Black officers are a oxymoron to BLM like Fine Jewelry at a Walmart.
yep just like Candice Owens says
and even with all that money they still have lost in the past
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