Message from @Goose
Discord ID: 524642765322059777
@Sam Anderson Can we bring your dad in as a boomer consultant?
He is already haha
long nose that looks like a dick in that last one is a nice touch
I'm going to be honest, that did not jump out at me.
But...I totally see it.
i always look at noses in cartoons lol
gotta see what kind of messaging they're putting in
My prof wants me to comment on this vid for class. Trying to see if she is antifa or not. This dude brings up Murray and the Bell Curve IQ gap in the vid. Does not question the validity of stats just says he is mad about it but "listened" and I guess did not chimp out so good for you Trayvon.
How many racist graphs should I bring up?
just one. If you’re gonna make a controversial argument, make some basic ones along with it
I’m not saying to make things up, of course. But people are more receptive to, for example, 2 normie arguments and one controversial one
for example
1) protecting the environment is good
2) mass immigration can be bad for the environment
3) corporations are allowed to dump too much waste into waterways
@Sam Anderson Just refrence the CoC that's a for sure way to signal you're not sperg in any way shpae or form
@Alex Kolchak - NY nice try tRumptard, but i won't fall for your hate speech
There's something off with the news today, as per the Drudge Report:
Trump is giving up on wall funding
Trump Foundation charity must now dispense all of its funds only to charities pre-approved by the NY Attorney General
Trump Administration is moving to Ban Bump Stocks
One of these headlines and I would be blackpilled. All three and I think the news is wrong.
@Goose damn it, I’ve been foiled again!
@ThisIsChris as much as T deserves criticism, it's niave to think the media is not used to disenfranchise the populace
Exactly I can't believe *all* of these news stories are real
It's funny at first I was sad at the first headline, then shocked at the second headline, but got skeptical by the third headline. There's no way. Also the Chinese Christian suppression thing, it's like a gay jewish atheist's Christmas wish list.
well the chinese are rounding up all religious groups to be fair
at least we got one guy not cucking
*knocks on wood*
of course
You know what f... Trump. He's proven to be a cuck when it counts.
Sounds like political sabotage. Since republicans don't know what the plan is, media can tell them Trump is backing down and they might believe it and not schedule vote
Maybe the movement that put him in power can put someone better in...
Media lies constantly. If it's not a direct quote it's bs
Of course it will be too late with demo replacement...
We can make hay with Trump. Where do magapedes turn when their champion fails? We need to be ready
I believe it. The omnibus, bump stocks, I dont know I can't think past my frustration but I know there are others.
Also don't get blackpilled on demographics. We don't need a majority to wield power or secure our future. All we need is unity.
He talks a good game, puts a good front, and then buckles when it counts. Prove me wrong.
Well next time round we'll get a Balsonaro
Then plummet right from there
It will be good times
1- the media want us to feel defeated
2- we aren't privy to what's actually going on behind the curtain
I'm not saying "trust the plan" but I am saying don't give up hope
Consider two futures.
1. Trump stems tide and magapedes get woke enough for mass remigration policies.
2. We lose majority, Texas turns blue and white demonization intensifies. Then we take a strategy of separatism following pattern of successful ethnic separatist movements.
Well time will tell. He has until 2020
Either way we have hope. Buckle up and never be defeatist.
If you think modern day is grim you need to read more history and remember all we've overcome.