Message from @Trashboat
Discord ID: 524675643393179648
I watched “The Man Who Would Be King” the other day, and that is now one of my favorite movies. I want to read the book now
Feels like they must be making this up, how could everything political go awry at once?
Maybe somebody has Yuge blackmail on Trump.
@Sam Anderson Is that real?
I haven't seen it but I know it's good by viewer rating and how much it triggers libs.
I'm sure it's good too. I've seen Zahlers other two films and they were great.
Haven't been able to track down a copy of the new one with Mel Gibson yet. I think they tested it out in festivals and are now working on a wider release.
@Rabbidsith not sure if people actually have blackmail on trump but it would make sense. Given how he has been ineffective recently.
Was the civil war about states rights or slavery?
States rights
It was about immigration
Ok, but how?
I don’t know much about it
civil war was about slavery like the yellow vest movement is about taxes
States rights vs puritanical crusade to violate all law for their feels
The subject was about slavery but the principle was states rights
Civil war was beginning of end of constitution
But the intention was slavery?
Slavery was a grave error for moral, economic, and memetic reasons. But it would have been better to preserve Constitution.
No it's like fighting your neighbor over mowing the lawn but the principle is HOA control
But they weren’t arguing over states rights
A secondary but significant issue was tarrifs
slavery was crucial to the economy.
it was actually designed that way
even plantation owners had to take out loans from the banks to maintain business
all the money went to a small group, as usual
So slavery is small picture
They definitely were arguing over states rights.
Big picture is slavery
Or states rights I meant
Basically yes
true or false; states have/had a right to secede from the union?
For example Lincoln didn't free slaves in North under emancipation proclamation
And he wanted to send all slaves back to Africa
the north had slaves after the civil war lmao
can't wait for when the left call for the removal of the lincoln monument
Vast majority of southern soldiers didn't own slaves. For them it was self rule
@Perihelion - CA <5%