Message from @Papa Pizzagate
Discord ID: 528312349732634624
@Papa Pizzagate outbred to the point of being indistinguishable from local bantu/aztecas
I didn't want to ask because I was afraid all you brain geniuses would make fun of me
@metasophocles huh
Good one
Interesting never heard that phrase before.
Cuck genes get browned
We just have to keep non cuck genes above replacement level
This is why the pathological altruism gene is over for our people
The new founding stock will only be derived from people with a healthy level of in-group preferance
My face when I keep getting scolded for pursuing 20 yr olds
They gonn learn 2dae!
I live in a college town, so it works out good
*peak fertility* accept no subsitute
My last girlfriend was pretty decently younger
Make them waifus gents, we must replenish
Birthrates are important, but I think selecting a quality mate with compatible values and intellect are also important.
No point in wifeing up a girl if she's just gonna leave you when she finds out who you really are
That's why you lead with spicy memes
Plus, your genetics may be primed for high in group preference, but if hers aren't, you're being a little dysgenic
Making people wait until 30 to have kids is a major source of degeneracy
Our economy is broken if it doesn't facilitate young families.
@FlyingDutchmann imagine that, a negro that is not suited to handle NWEuro weather
"2009 military study which found soldiers of African origin were 30 times more likely to suffer cold-related injuries than indigenous Europeans." from article, absolutely shocking of course
I really do believe the gen z meme that they will be the turning point of cuck altruistic genes being bred out so we can have some racial solidarity again. They can shame their elders into obedience.
"Commenting on news that claims had soared by an astonishing 1650 percent between 2006 and 2016, military claims lawyer Ahmed Al-Nahhas said the MoD was failing black servicemen, who he noted “suffered 40.1 percent of recorded cold injuries in the British Army” despite comprising just 0.1 per cent of British forces personnel"
first of all, lol @ "Ahmed" as the military claims lawyer for the British Army
secondly, how can the geniuses over there in Britain not realize these negroes are completely unfit to serve, my god
401x overrepresentation for "cold injuries"
Snow is raycis
If this isn't an argument for moving somewhere with -40 winters I don't know what is.
Okay what are they even hoping to find. Like some racist upper enlisted people systematically denied winter gloves to Black troops?
Dude these people are mental .
Look at how they dealt with women. It's always white man's job to pick up the slack.
Are SJWs the real White Supremacists?
"use yo magik Wypeepo powers and fix dis!!"