Message from @Nico The Great - CA
Discord ID: 531686422378315798
it's not a palatable discussion topic but it is something that has to be removed. correct, that's why outward suppression is necessary to not promligate the gene. I guess the issue is also having the cultural pressing for homosexuals to marry, you may infact be continuing homosexuality and not letting it be weeded out.
@PatrickAZ Gay people are borne of straight parents though they are not borne of gay parents
@Grayson that's true but it's also like the based minorities, they'll weather any storm because they are willing to remove their personhood for a better opportunity.
Well, at the same time, do you really want to suppress them to the point that they're getting themselves into unhappy marriages due to social pressure? Better to just let people admit that they're gay, and as long as they don't shove it in your face, leave them alone.
@Grayson of course. it's recessive and it is more effeminity not outright "homosexuality"
oy vey. I dunno. I see that as a slippery slope either way.
I’ve plenty of friends who married women and tried really hard to be straight and everybody was miserable and some committed suicide.
I understand that.
As I understand it there was very effective conversion therapy research suppressed by the gays
Frankly, I'm not convinced ANYONE is born gay. Every homosexual I've known had family issues and/or suffered from sexual assault. Or are just perverts/pedophiles
correct. I think that there are much stricter measures that we could promligate. not just the live let live mentality...
Milo Yiannopoulis even said he doesn't think people are born gay
@Nico The Great - CA no you can’t say that bro. Come on now.
I think you are born more prone to these behaviors.
yes, this ^
it's pretty well established in evolutionary psychology that every trait is a combination of genetics and environment
we understand homosexuality in a very weird lense. It is behavior not like a "whoa I guess I'm into persons of the same sex".
it's been around for a very long time. as far back into history as sex used for currency.
Some people try so hard to fight those urges and feelings, go to therapy, counseling, force themselves to go on dates with women .. I’ve known several guys like that. Some tried so hard, they cried With me, they hated it, hated themselves, some committed suicide because they didn’t want to be that way and most came from well adjusted stable healthy families
it stems from degeneracy and over promotion of decedance.
that sucks. are we going to now start pleading for all the low IQ's in the world.
I've known people who watched progressively worse porn and then magically became homosexual.
If homosexuality is infact a genetic trait, like IQ then should we start opening our arms to all the low IQ's and wrap them in a blanket or do we have to draw a line.
There's clearly many factors involved
To be honest, we should take care of our own low IQ people to an extent
It stems from a loss of manhood in our society, as well as a continued hypersexualization in our society that drives people to.creepier and creepier desires
I was just going to rephrase that.
Lack of a father figure growing up is an important factor IMO
Yes, our own we should put to a higher status. I think that is self evident in our involvment with this group.
Genetics are not enough to explain homosexuality. Realistically it would have been breed out or be very rare similar to other genetic defects.
no, it wouldn't necessarily have to have been bred out
let me find my post from earlier
@MrDefault agreed
There’s plenty of low IQ white trash people who live in trailers but they are our people . Anyways no I’m not suggesting that we need to open our arms to minorities and illegals and refugees and other races. But I agree with Jakob that we have bigger fish to fry than getting all flustered and obsessed with gay issues
Gay men are often obsessed with trying to please other men, because their father was distant, absent, abusive, etc growing up.
@wolfwood agreed