Message from @Doc

Discord ID: 779939807224135700

2020-11-22 05:15:00 UTC  

@Repeat, you just advanced to level 4!

2020-11-22 05:15:23 UTC  

@Repeat You cant have parties and a democracy at the same time.

2020-11-22 05:15:31 UTC  

So similar to Red Owl?

2020-11-22 05:15:59 UTC  

In a representative democracy you elect people. Like when you guys elect sheriffs

2020-11-22 05:16:23 UTC  

Thanks @TaLoN132

2020-11-22 05:16:34 UTC  

The problem isn't that their isn't honest politicians, its figuring out which ones are honest through all of the BS.

2020-11-22 05:17:07 UTC  

@linuxace Here is a rule of the thumb; judge a man by his character and his character by his merits.

2020-11-22 05:17:50 UTC  

@Repeat As someone who also aspires to act with integrity, I'm also incredulous that others are so seemingly willing to compromise their principles for their 15 minutes or in a misguided "ends justifies the means" effort to tip the scales.

2020-11-22 05:18:52 UTC  

"Behold these climbing monkeys, as they climb over and under each other and sometimes tear another down into the mud below" - Nietzsche, Also Sprach Zarathustra

2020-11-22 05:18:59 UTC  

There is no lessor of two evils? Just evil!?

2020-11-22 05:19:11 UTC  

define evil?

2020-11-22 05:19:18 UTC  

self serving?

2020-11-22 05:19:31 UTC  

then vote for the self sacrificing.

2020-11-22 05:19:41 UTC  

Evil=illegal for me

2020-11-22 05:19:51 UTC  

oh, so Mengele wasnt evil?

2020-11-22 05:21:08 UTC  

And just like that, we got to Godwin’s Law

2020-11-22 05:21:34 UTC  

I mean it's the easiest refutation of Illegal=evil

2020-11-22 05:21:43 UTC  

No, no it’s deeper than that for sure. Not going there we are not third world, or at least I chose to believe we aren’t and that we have more sophisticated laws.

2020-11-22 05:21:47 UTC  

well, indeed. They offer themselves as the perfect example. @JonM16

2020-11-22 05:22:19 UTC  

I’m want politicians that don’t break laws. How’s that? Lol

2020-11-22 05:22:20 UTC  

@Repeat Good laws spring out of ethics. But some times they part ways.

2020-11-22 05:22:33 UTC  

The one who breaks the least amount of laws gets my vote

2020-11-22 05:22:35 UTC  

Thus making the definition of legality as "good" very dangerous.

2020-11-22 05:22:46 UTC  

But we don’t have to go that far to refute evil or terrible or worse ideas

2020-11-22 05:23:04 UTC  

Evil is extremely hard to define.

2020-11-22 05:23:07 UTC  

As is good.

2020-11-22 05:23:31 UTC  

Darth Vader and Adolf Hitler thus lends themselves as examples.

2020-11-22 05:24:04 UTC  

Before that it was the Kaiser and Napoleon.

2020-11-22 05:24:08 UTC  

The one who breaks the least amount of laws gets my vote. The irony here

2020-11-22 05:24:35 UTC  

I would like to remind you that the founding fathers were all criminals.

2020-11-22 05:24:52 UTC  

Yes @Doc the definitely were

2020-11-22 05:25:00 UTC  

If you're going by Nietsche nearly everything of importance will be hard to define.

2020-11-22 05:25:02 UTC  

I think this would be a good start:

2020-11-22 05:25:20 UTC  

But the founding fathers wanted to start a new country. I don’t

2020-11-22 05:25:29 UTC  

@linuxace Except academic bovine and crowds.

2020-11-22 05:25:52 UTC  

The NAP eventually self contradicts once you get to enforcement.

2020-11-22 05:25:52 UTC  


2020-11-22 05:25:56 UTC  

@Repeat I would say you do. You wanted honest politicians. That sounds like the Boston insurrectionists.

2020-11-22 05:25:56 UTC  

@Doc, you just advanced to level 14!

2020-11-22 05:26:39 UTC  

Our system was setup to assume dishonest politicians. The Federalist documents are pretty clear on that point.

2020-11-22 05:27:03 UTC  

and the 2nd amendment....