Message from @Repeat

Discord ID: 780323555061530634

2020-11-23 06:13:16 UTC  

@Elias Diaz, you just advanced to level 2!

2020-11-23 06:13:18 UTC  

Don't think I know enough about you to determine if you'd be more or less impartial.

2020-11-23 06:13:27 UTC  

Nope, I do it for the community.

2020-11-23 06:13:37 UTC  

I wonder what that phone call was. Maybe kemp threatened to reveal some information on trump if Powell wasn’t fired

2020-11-23 06:13:51 UTC  

@Maw Yeah you're better than I ever could be with this lot. Have at it. Lol

2020-11-23 06:14:07 UTC  

Thank you for your service đź‘Ź @Maw

2020-11-23 06:14:50 UTC  


2020-11-23 06:15:04 UTC  

Indeed. I too would like to register my gratitude

2020-11-23 06:15:23 UTC  

It ain't easy.

2020-11-23 06:16:14 UTC  

But I blame you for MEE6. Super weak.

2020-11-23 06:16:38 UTC  

> He says, as he tries to look up the latest rank information.

2020-11-23 06:16:43 UTC  

@DrSammyD I'm thinking that there is a difference between an imbalance and an over vote. An over vote is when more people vote than are registered. An imbalance means that we received a certain number of mail-in ballots, had a certain number of people vote in person, but the tabulated votes do not match what we expected. That could be for a number of reasons - like ballots stuck together when pulled into the tabulation machine and only 1 vote was recorded though 2 ballots went through. I guess it's fairly common and not always caught. That's why the do the balancing and it is usually off in the single digit numbers. What they do then - and they apparently have done it for every election - is see if the imbalance would come close to making a difference in the election and if not, they just rock on. Otherwise, they have to go back and hand count all of the ballots to account for the discrepancy. It's pretty benign. It just happens that the Wayne county republicans tried to use it as a way to prevent the MI vote from being certified.

2020-11-23 06:16:49 UTC  

Hahahaha Maw

2020-11-23 06:24:38 UTC  

I actually didn't suggest the Discord bot though, I think I was as surprised as everyone else.

2020-11-23 06:26:52 UTC  

_did suggest Nightbot though, so you can blame him for that._

2020-11-23 06:37:22 UTC  

Supposedly one of the “features” of the voting software is that you can choose to swap votes between candidates and this can be done on the whole ballot for every candidate or a single candidate.

2020-11-23 06:38:13 UTC  

That’s part of what Powell claims is in some of her signed testimony

2020-11-23 06:43:51 UTC  

That is true and has been shown in other races in GA by Bennie Smith.

2020-11-23 06:44:24 UTC  

But she's claiming it was used in CA and that DT won CA lol

2020-11-23 06:44:24 UTC  

But about Georgia and Lin Wood. It seems he is filing two separate cases.
One of the lawsuits he is claiming a “back room deal” was made sometime in March where they changed the rules of absentee ballots illegally. Such changes can only be made by the legislators and the legislature did not approve this. He continues to claim by doing this they violated the law and poisoned the entire general election in the state of GA. He says his lawsuit states its unconstitutional and unlawful and they’re going to have to figure out a way to have a new down ballot vote and the electors and legislature will have to select the president of the US.

2020-11-23 06:47:13 UTC  

The other alternative I heard someone mention before, maybe it was Lin wood idk, was that they would have to cast out all absentee ballots.

2020-11-23 06:47:13 UTC  

@Repeat, you just advanced to level 9!

2020-11-23 06:48:44 UTC  

Something else I noticed Lin wood said about being able to prove ballot shredding. He said they caught the truck “trying to drive off”. He claims he has videos as well.

2020-11-23 06:49:20 UTC  

Parler is loaded with info about this stuff

2020-11-23 06:51:12 UTC  

We should all be demanding the truth. After 3 to 4 years of hearing “election fraud” and “Russian collusion” and now this! Someone needs to go down

2020-11-23 06:57:47 UTC  

This "article" sounds like it was written by someone in their basement. It is big on nebulous accusations, but lacking in detail.

2020-11-23 07:05:24 UTC  

So the absentee ballot “rule change” appears to be illegal and unconstitutional since legislators didn’t change the law-according to Lin Wood

2020-11-23 07:06:51 UTC  

Btw I found that interview with Lin Wood discussing all of this info on Judge Jeanine Pirro’s Twitter.

2020-11-23 07:14:28 UTC  

Sidney Powell's Twitter was banned for 12 hours because of this link.

2020-11-23 07:14:42 UTC  

Here is her Twitter account verifying the deletion.

2020-11-23 07:43:44 UTC

2020-11-23 07:45:32 UTC

2020-11-23 07:45:37 UTC  

@Alondraz Ramsland analysis is the one where he confused MI and MN. Cool, I hadn't seen the filing yet.

2020-11-23 07:46:22 UTC  

How do votes go down in count?

2020-11-23 07:47:33 UTC  

Yes, I wasn't aware of it until a few minutes ago

2020-11-23 07:47:33 UTC  

@Alondraz, you just advanced to level 2!

2020-11-23 07:49:46 UTC  

@Alondraz @TaLoN132 I'm a big fan of Russell but his affidavit was flawed, he used Minnesota precincts instead of Michigan precincts FOR SOME. He listed way more precincts than what the article corrected, though. You should consider that.

2020-11-23 07:49:49 UTC  

That affidavit it not yet valid.