Message from @TaLoN132

Discord ID: 781628351248465942

2020-11-26 21:06:47 UTC  

Hugo Chavez isn't dead. He exists now in his true reptilian form. This isn't rocket science.

2020-11-26 21:06:53 UTC  

Agreed... All of these states have paper ballots. If there was a question of vote switching, they could simply recount. That didn't pan out in GA, so it is off the table. They now have to try to play the statistics game, because the paper ballots match what was counted.

2020-11-26 21:07:10 UTC  

Yes . But who in their right mind will believe that Hugo Chavez planned to overthrown Trump

2020-11-26 21:07:44 UTC  

But I don’t think that’s the point they are making...

2020-11-26 21:08:25 UTC  

The difference is that Roberts used statistical evidence of past elections to justify making changes for future elections. That's different than using it to justify reversing the current one.

2020-11-26 21:08:36 UTC  

@thebrodys aha so he is saying the remedy should be that the court sends it to congress to choose the president. Robert (R&R) has addressed such remedies before and has explained that courts are _extremely_ reluctant to take remedies that are larger than the damage, though it isn't impossible

2020-11-26 21:08:36 UTC  

If there are fraudulent ballots that are considered verified then yes a recount just counts them again and says yep all checks out

2020-11-26 21:08:53 UTC  

Well... dead people vote, don't they?

2020-11-26 21:09:02 UTC  

When ur named Team Strike Force.. and says the Kraken will be released. . Doesn't give u alot of credibility

2 dead men come to think of it 3 if you include vices

2020-11-26 21:09:39 UTC  

Well when you word it like that... πŸ˜‚

2020-11-26 21:09:52 UTC  

Unpopular opinion of the day: dead people should have the right to vote.

2020-11-26 21:09:54 UTC  

@TaLoN132 like that lady that Tucker and the president mentioned.. who was alive

2020-11-26 21:10:47 UTC  

Tucker came back sorry . My apologies. We made a mistake

2020-11-26 21:10:54 UTC  

Just start when they are in the womb

2020-11-26 21:10:57 UTC  

Yea that might be another problem (if true)

a reason to keep that yiffer rather than to wire em that'd be a nice way to prevent these 9th month atrocities

2020-11-26 21:12:00 UTC  

Yes... but they have not proven anything that rises to the level of fraud to account for millions of fraudulent votes. The closest might be Matt Braynard, but he didn't prove fraud, he proved that there are some instances of potential fraud that needs to be investigated further - and the limited time that he had makes any claim of scale very tenuous.

2020-11-26 21:12:58 UTC  

Hard to prove when states are refusing audits...deleting info...and rushing to certify

2020-11-26 21:13:44 UTC  

Also hard to prove when you don’t have anything

2020-11-26 21:13:56 UTC  

And relying on public opinion

2020-11-26 21:13:59 UTC  

@RickyDigits Trump want a recount. Another hand recount. And a third recount.

2020-11-26 21:13:59 UTC  

@MatiLuc, you just advanced to level 8!

2020-11-26 21:14:16 UTC  

No I think what they want is an audit

2020-11-26 21:14:16 UTC  

If an elaborate Dominion conspiracy claim starts off with ' it necessarily isn't provable by its own design', you're going to have a bad time in court.

2020-11-26 21:14:18 UTC  

Stats are used as an Inference to go to Trial or a Hearing.

2020-11-26 21:14:23 UTC  

Not a recount

2020-11-26 21:14:32 UTC  

No one wants to do an audit

2020-11-26 21:14:47 UTC  

I don't know... Biden is surprisingly fit. He bounded to the podium to make his acceptance speech... And have you seen him ride a bike? I hope I am that fit...

2020-11-26 21:14:52 UTC  

Which says a lot

2020-11-26 21:15:19 UTC  

Also hard to prove the dominion stuff when the software is protected trade secret and no one wants to show the logs

2020-11-26 21:15:28 UTC  

You can’t seriously believe Biden is fit and healthy?

2020-11-26 21:15:29 UTC  

The Georgia certified. And he the secretary of state is a Republican. That says alot

2020-11-26 21:15:35 UTC  

I would _pay lots of money_ to see Trump and Biden duke it out WWE style

2020-11-26 21:16:05 UTC  

Georgia also said they'd do an audit and bait and switched a recount not reverifying anything

2020-11-26 21:16:12 UTC  

Pretty telling

2020-11-26 21:16:42 UTC  

All states should be doing risk limited audits. GA did the most extensive one. Are you familiar with the way that risk limiting audits are performed? It's a relatively new concept and I wasn't aware of them until recently.