Message from @SPEARS

Discord ID: 782335486491361291

2020-11-28 19:57:47 UTC  

everyone got standardized rights, no one has anymore or less rights than anyone else now. leftists and the media are trying to move the goal posts of what a right is so they can defame people who don't agree with them

2020-11-28 19:57:49 UTC  

So if you left we wouldn’t have to put up with it and you guys can start your own minimalist government @SPEARS

2020-11-28 19:57:54 UTC  

Fair exchange

2020-11-28 19:58:00 UTC  

james please get real

2020-11-28 19:58:10 UTC  

I’m am getting real

2020-11-28 19:58:18 UTC  

move to canada

2020-11-28 19:58:23 UTC  


2020-11-28 19:58:30 UTC  

Big City Cosmopolitan types ... have cornered liberal thought throughout the Millennia

2020-11-28 19:58:31 UTC  

You guys (southern states) just take and take and don’t contribute @SPEARS why not just make moves to secede

2020-11-28 19:58:56 UTC  

Most liberal cities won’t care

2020-11-28 19:59:01 UTC  

They tried that once.

2020-11-28 19:59:09 UTC  

I don't know either... I just am trying to figure things out. Not fully apt, but the "Spanish Flu of 1918" was only called that because Spain was neutral and their press was free to write about it.

2020-11-28 20:00:19 UTC  

@busillis that’s another way of saying where there is activity commerce’s and an exchange of ideas you end up with liberal values yes. Places with low population and stagnated growth of information tend to understand what is going on in liberal cities so they just create all this wacky conspiracies

2020-11-28 20:00:31 UTC  

What do you mean take and take...

2020-11-28 20:00:31 UTC  

@busillis, you just advanced to level 15!

2020-11-28 20:00:51 UTC  

@TaLoN132 they should do it again. Only this time we should kick them out of the union rather than them trying to leave

2020-11-28 20:01:09 UTC  

By the way, I'm pretty sure the south is composed of a lot of the food production that you actually consume.

2020-11-28 20:01:17 UTC  

As it was in the 1860s as well.

2020-11-28 20:01:19 UTC  

They take federal funding without continuing @busillis

2020-11-28 20:01:20 UTC  

The press now is free to write/say what they want to an extent but instead the majority can’t get out of their own way for one second to report anything without being clearly biased

2020-11-28 20:01:55 UTC  

james you dont even know basic geography, i told you i live in the dakotas and have absolutely no loyalty to the south. you are stuck on this and its pathetic. you prove my point that you coastal elites from shithole liberal cities can only focus on what rural americas does and you literally think my existence lowers your quality of living. it doesnt. it never will. i dont have the economic or political power to ever do anything that would negatively effect you. nor would I ever push or support a policy that would. you are completely brainwashed and propagandized by the DNC and their tech/media allies

2020-11-28 20:02:11 UTC  

That pay federal taxes

2020-11-28 20:02:26 UTC  

When I speak of the south I can include the flyover states as well @SPEARS

2020-11-28 20:02:31 UTC  

@Beth I will not claim any kind of competency on american media, but here every newspaper has a "political editor" and will remove anything that is in contrast to the "policy" of the newspaper.

2020-11-28 20:02:41 UTC  

But your states puts less into the federal government than they take out @busillis

2020-11-28 20:02:45 UTC  

Conspiracy theories like... Trump Russia collusion?

2020-11-28 20:02:57 UTC  

Well that’s why I said to an extent

2020-11-28 20:03:16 UTC  

@Beth for the bigger newspapers here, that extent is very small.

2020-11-28 20:03:27 UTC  

@james j Where does your food come from?

2020-11-28 20:03:28 UTC  

But, yeah. to an extent. I will not split words.

2020-11-28 20:03:29 UTC  

Or like the Russians hacked Hillary Clinton's emails

2020-11-28 20:03:48 UTC  

the only thing he is right about in all of this is the federal defecit rural red states have. its the only part i agree with. it needs to be fixed. its inexcusable that us midwest states take more than we provide. however that margins are very slim and not very significant in the total fed budget

2020-11-28 20:04:09 UTC  

Or like Trump is effectively different than the rest of Jackass president

2020-11-28 20:04:19 UTC  

Those kind of conspiracy theories

2020-11-28 20:04:25 UTC  

the thing is though, these cities would starve without the funding. I wouldn't though;.

2020-11-28 20:05:20 UTC  

But if people don’t stand up to it then we might as well just realise we are going down a slippery slope and we will be like China before we know it

2020-11-28 20:05:30 UTC  

Let me qualify that by stating jackasses does a prerequisite for becoming a politician.

2020-11-28 20:05:43 UTC  

I think some people overestimate others' susceptibility to propaganda. It could be because they are projecting.

2020-11-28 20:05:59 UTC  

@Beth I disagree. The papers are focused on "click-winners". They are providing exactly what people want. No one to stand up against that.

2020-11-28 20:06:06 UTC  

Those are just politically motivated investigations that have existed for decades. They work better on conservatives. You typically don’t have people invested in the Russian conspiracy as you find the right wing Alex Jones conspiracy types. It’s hard to make a good amount of money with liberal viewers but super easy with the right. I’m talking about the soros, intetdementional aliens , type conspiracies. @busillis

2020-11-28 20:06:20 UTC  

i think you should stop being passive aggressive and actually call me out