Message from @AdamS

Discord ID: 783083294353915925

2020-11-30 21:19:51 UTC  

@AdvanceManExtraordinaire, you just advanced to level 6!

2020-11-30 21:22:44 UTC  

It's becoming harder to not come to this conclusion. I think the only viable reputable avenue left to Trump is the notion that mail-in ballots were accepted that could reasonably be disqualified because the signatures are demonstrably invalid. I just have not seen anything that is anything other than speculation - something akin to "we believe that invalid signatures were accepted, so we must be able to scrutinize all signatures (which is a somewhat subjective process".

However, in PA, I think they overplayed their hand... They claimed that watchers/observers were excluded from being able to oversee the validation of signatures. I am not sure if this is true or what they are entitled to witness. In CA, signatures are matched as ballots are received, which could be week's in advance. Even so, they went with "we couldn't evaluate signatures, so we ask you to throw out all mail-in ballots" as opposed to "let the signatures be audited by us or a 3rd party", which might have been better received. The fact that they went for invalidating all mail-in ballots, my guess is they didn't think it would work.

2020-11-30 21:22:54 UTC  

@andrasol acting like what?

2020-11-30 21:26:50 UTC  

I’m all for all investigations and audits to be conducted and if mass election fraud took place we should know. I’m tired of the sideshow circus.

2020-11-30 21:26:58 UTC  

Your know what nm

2020-11-30 21:27:47 UTC  

I don't... That why I stipulated the assumption. Even you agreed it looked/read silly. I was commenting that if it was whittled down - even with the intended bias - the essential facts that the witness was making a link based on "meeting someone who knew someone else that told them something bad happened". I was just making an observation. I made no claim about knowing it was true. I will watch the hearing, though... but probably on 2x speed.

2020-11-30 21:27:49 UTC  

Did Arizona and GA certify today

2020-11-30 21:28:52 UTC  

@AdvanceManExtraordinaire how did he get the packets and is that the 2020 election

2020-11-30 21:29:11 UTC  

So broadly you had the 1st string lawyer lawsuits, then Giuliani's Kitchen Sinks, and Sidney's Krakens and they tried to get these affidavits in the later two (Krakens not through court yet) but have been having trouble making a solid case for witnesses.

This string of hearings in swing states seem to revolve around convincing state senates to pass laws or resolutions to seize control of the electors in the state and ignore the majority vote and either give them to Trump or say whole election is a fraud let's throw it out. Which some would argue is within their legal purview although the standard of evidence required doesn't seem to be the same.

2020-11-30 21:29:11 UTC  

@Dedkraken, you just advanced to level 11!

2020-11-30 21:29:19 UTC  

That is a great question for a cross examination

2020-11-30 21:29:24 UTC  

And yes

2020-11-30 21:29:43 UTC  

sorry I meant state house/senates

2020-11-30 21:29:46 UTC  

That’s a great question for a press conference @AdvanceManExtraordinaire

2020-11-30 21:30:58 UTC  

In general, if you hypothetically knew there was widespread fraud, do you think state legislator should overrule the popular vote results?

2020-11-30 21:31:05 UTC  

My prediction is that he got packets (if this happened at all) he got packets of the uploaded data not the voting machine transferring information from it self to the internet

2020-11-30 21:31:26 UTC  

Or vice versa

2020-11-30 21:31:43 UTC  

sure but do they know there is widespread fraud or think it? Plus the fact the POTUS is summoning them to the white house and intimidating them into doing this plus interfering in the certifications is highly irregular

2020-11-30 21:33:24 UTC  

I cant even imagine if Obama was secreting away state senators and house reps to wine and dine them and get them to hand over electors 👀

2020-11-30 21:33:26 UTC  

Highly irregular? Why is nobody talking about this? How is it ok For trump to call legislators and poll watchers?

2020-11-30 21:33:26 UTC  

@AdamS, you just advanced to level 11!

2020-11-30 21:34:05 UTC  

I dunno I was being tactful

2020-11-30 21:34:13 UTC  


2020-11-30 21:34:47 UTC  

theres been a bunch of concerning behind the scenes stuff going on

2020-11-30 21:35:57 UTC  

The voting machines shouldn’t have been connected to the internet, but were..

2020-11-30 21:36:05 UTC  

Too concerning. We spend a lot of time on the Rudy/Kraken show and not enough on the Twitter-in-chief

2020-11-30 21:36:48 UTC  

they need to collect evidence voting machines were on the internet they cant just say it

2020-11-30 21:38:52 UTC  

@AdvanceManExtraordinaire also you have to take into account that he knows he will prob never have to testify. He is a retired col the idea that he had access to the voting machine sounds like a Tom Clancy novel

2020-11-30 21:38:58 UTC  

I’m a software Engineer and the more I see about the voting machine vulnerabilities it makes me think they were created by impressively incompetent devs or these vulnerabilities were deliberate.

2020-11-30 21:39:41 UTC  

Ive worked with audit appliances and those suckers are locked down hard and these go beyond that

2020-11-30 21:40:27 UTC  

@yetiCodes isn’t the voter machine software not open source. How did you analyze it

2020-11-30 21:40:32 UTC  

Even if this was true, which is debatable, any vote flipping that happened via software would have to be reflected in the paper ballots. So, being attached to the Internet alone would not be proof of fraud. You would have to either prove that the tabulated totals don't match the paper ballots or prove that someone replaced the paper ballots with ones that would match the flipped votes - by precinct, which is daunting because votes are counted and tabulated by precinct, I believe.

2020-11-30 21:40:44 UTC  

I suppose I personally trust that that colonel is willing to testify

2020-11-30 21:41:00 UTC  

I didn’t claim to have analyzed it.

2020-11-30 21:41:02 UTC  

he didnt testify to what he said he was testifying to though

2020-11-30 21:41:08 UTC  

Why ? @AdvanceManExtraordinaire because he is a ret colonel

2020-11-30 21:41:33 UTC  

he said that machine is plugged into a router I assume that means its connected to the internet thats a bold assumption

2020-11-30 21:41:44 UTC  

I too am a software engineer/architect and I know of no way to make paper ballots magically match votes flipped by software.

2020-11-30 21:42:07 UTC  

That’s is the most unlikely story for a ret colonel getting his hands on voter machine packets (under the assumption they even exist)

2020-11-30 21:42:08 UTC  

Because the incentives don’t align for him to lie at this moment. There are other expert witnesses who have already signed affidavits.