Message from @Adam135

Discord ID: 783369849442402304

2020-12-01 16:26:55 UTC  

If you want to see how secure your vault is, hire a burglar to break into it.

2020-12-01 16:27:02 UTC  

Kreps is not working for dominon and I'm not going to take their word for it I looked at Powells claims and the tech behind the machines and I'm seeing some serious gaps that should be explained before I'm willing to throw the entire voting machine under a bus and say its broken

2020-12-01 16:27:32 UTC  

@Dedkraken What? So you're dismissing multiple independent entities that literally studies have concluded they're insecure?

2020-12-01 16:27:32 UTC  

...dude, the fact that many states and even Canada has outright rejected the use of voting machines should tell something

2020-12-01 16:28:37 UTC  

They were presenting studies and talking about machines that were not the machine in question and claiming dominion hacked results in areas that dont have dominion machines I find that very concerning

2020-12-01 16:28:44 UTC  

@Dedkraken We're talking about people that literally looked at the source code Dominion provided, working independently for the states. Both Texas and California's results were: "These are badly programmed and insecure."

2020-12-01 16:28:49 UTC  

what areas?

2020-12-01 16:29:08 UTC  

They cited Maricopa county, which in fact was established to have used Dominion machines

2020-12-01 16:29:18 UTC  

For multiple generations of the machine.

2020-12-01 16:29:41 UTC  

Many parts of PA dont use dominion and they were demanding to dominion to explain before PA congress how those results got hacked and they were like uh our machines arent in those counties

2020-12-01 16:29:51 UTC  

even MIT came out years ago and told county officials that Dominion software and their machines are faulty and left extremely vulnerable to manipulation

2020-12-01 16:30:05 UTC  

This isn't the same claim as "they're secure"

2020-12-01 16:30:42 UTC  

Like they were saying Wayne county was dominion issues

2020-12-01 16:30:54 UTC  

I don't care what republicans are saying.

2020-12-01 16:30:57 UTC  

PA is a completely different issue, the judge dismissed the case on the narrowest of grounds and even despite dismissing concluded it would succeed on merits alone

2020-12-01 16:31:02 UTC  

It's not republicans saying the machines are insecure.

2020-12-01 16:31:31 UTC  

Their lawsuits were alleging Appel hacked into dominion machines so they must be hackable

2020-12-01 16:31:48 UTC  

This reminds me about the Elephant in the room or a stain on the carpet with a whole room full of people talking about it, how it got there ect ect ect and everyone staring at it and complaining about it, BUT no one wants or has the will to do what is necessary to clean it up, when after examining the situation, when they see the depth of the problem, and just how deep it goes, they know what really needs to be done, however it is not an acceptable decorum.
That makes this whole conversation, useless BUT that is my opinion.

2020-12-01 16:31:56 UTC  

Their experts kept bringing it up as well that's gaslighting

2020-12-01 16:31:59 UTC  

@Dedkraken No offense, but I don't think you've actually seen the independent reports we're talking about.

2020-12-01 16:32:06 UTC  

that suit was filed by private induvial, in no way affiliated with the Trump campaign

2020-12-01 16:32:37 UTC  

the suit ongoing is the one where PA legislature circumvented its own constitution to expand mail in ballots which has strong standing

2020-12-01 16:32:50 UTC  

The kraken isnt affiliated with Trump? 🧐

2020-12-01 16:32:57 UTC  

They never were

2020-12-01 16:33:10 UTC  

Come on man...

2020-12-01 16:33:11 UTC  

Sidney simply shared her information with Rudy and vice versa

2020-12-01 16:33:24 UTC  

She was never the attorney of record on ANY of their lawsuits

2020-12-01 16:34:09 UTC  

Yeah but Trump was still like heres my elite strike force Rudy Jenna and Sidney then sorry Sidney you're fired

2020-12-01 16:34:17 UTC  


2020-12-01 16:34:24 UTC  

she was never co-counsel for them

2020-12-01 16:34:38 UTC  

They simply shared information and witnesses together

2020-12-01 16:34:44 UTC  

Also they were bringing up the Appel and smartmatic nonsense both in the hearings and Powells case it's the same witnesses

2020-12-01 16:34:50 UTC  

My tweet from dr shiva was mainly intended to draw focus to weighted voting tabulation.

2020-12-01 16:34:52 UTC  

Dr. Shiva testified in both Sindey's and Rudy's lawsuits

2020-12-01 16:34:55 UTC  

This isn't just republicans. Like, for real my dude, have a read.

2020-12-01 16:35:03 UTC  

They're insecure and poorly programmed.

2020-12-01 16:35:34 UTC  

I was confused by @RobertGrulerEsq's take on the Act 77 issue in PA yesterday. He stated that the Republicans challenged Act 77, but the PA SC instead, in effect, modified the act by allowing Boockvar to extend the date by 3 days that mail in ballots that were postmarked by 11/3 could be accepted and counted. To me, it seemed like Reps were using Act 77 to **support **their case that Boockvar exceeded her authority and did not challenge the constitutionality of Act 77. In Alito's order to set aside the ballots received after 11/3, Alito recaps the Reps claims that if the court found that the provision specifying the deadline for receiving mail-in ballots by 8:00PM on election day *"was declared invalid, much of the rest of Act 77, including its liberalization of mail-in voting, would be void."*. Their claim makes no assertion that the entire Act is unconstitutional. And in Alito's Statement issued when the SC declined to expedite the case, he alludes to the actions of the PA SC being unconstitutional and not the act itself. So, why would the challenge to Boockvar violating Act 77 in Sept be considered as having challenged the constitutionality of the Act 77 itself? Why wouldn't it be proof that in Sept the Reps fully believed that Act 77 **was **constitutional because they used it as a basis for suing Boockvar?

2020-12-01 16:35:42 UTC  

I've only taken half a semester on using UNIX based systems, and I'm sure me and the other muppets in my class could create a more secure system.

2020-12-01 16:35:58 UTC  

Shiva said if you check the paper trail his claims dont make sense he needs access to the paper ballots.

2020-12-01 16:36:11 UTC  

Which they are wiping from the machines in Georgia