
Discord ID: 468483029489287168

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2020-12-01 05:33:52 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #election2020]  

I disn't see people confusing Communism with Socialism seeing as the once Soviet Union was The Union of Soviet SOCIALIST Republic.

2020-12-01 05:37:06 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #election2020]  

What they choose to call it matters not to me, Socialism does NOT work, and there is NO evidence known to man that you can give me that I will accept regardless of what credibility the world assigns to it, Capitalism is the ONLY way it can work, anyone who claims otherwise is a Liar and an Idiot.

2020-12-01 16:24:52 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #election2020]  

Guys, I have been watching / reading this, I agree it is mass voter fraud, however, I truly believe that the ONLY way to stop this corruption is a full on armed revolt, we have to take them out.

2020-12-01 16:26:20 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #election2020]  

Conversation then about this issue is useless.

2020-12-01 16:31:48 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #election2020]  

This reminds me about the Elephant in the room or a stain on the carpet with a whole room full of people talking about it, how it got there ect ect ect and everyone staring at it and complaining about it, BUT no one wants or has the will to do what is necessary to clean it up, when after examining the situation, when they see the depth of the problem, and just how deep it goes, they know what really needs to be done, however it is not an acceptable decorum.
That makes this whole conversation, useless BUT that is my opinion.

2020-12-01 20:25:00 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #election2020]  

I am sorry but Robin Williams is dead, in my opinion, he committed an act of violence against his family with his suicide, did he at any time think about what impact it would have when his daughetr seen him hanging from a door? no, and here is a man who could afford the finest psychological treatment on the planet, so to those who are afflicted with the same thing he had? what hope do they have? How many I wonder who had his problem committed suicide because of it? we will never know.

2020-12-07 01:41:04 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #election2020]  

What should I do about this, I am afraid to come forward cause I doubt seriously if anything can be done,
When I voted last month, I did so in person, Here is what they do, you give your I.D. card and they look up your name in Alphabetical order and place a white sticker next to your name and you sign on that sticker, Now here is the problem, I was able to see the list of people and seen my Moms name, and she signed, meaning she voted, (does say who only she did) problem is, My Mom died in Oct 2017

2020-12-07 02:22:32 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #election2020]  

proving in Court is no problem on my end as I have her death certificate

2020-12-07 02:24:53 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #election2020]  

No, I seen her first middle and last name and in the same zip code area, in years past prior to my Mom dying, I seen this and seen shge had not voted and told her and she said, I how do you know I didn't, I said cause your name is near mine, she confirmed I was right,

2020-12-08 21:16:15 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #election2020]  

Adams That is not possible, everyone has a personal opinion, what you seek is perhaps an Android or some type of A.I. but then again, that would have to be programmed by a human who has a personal opinion

2020-12-08 21:17:39 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #election2020]  

Yes, but finding one who is unbiased and 100% objectionable ?

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