Message from @james j

Discord ID: 783580775370719232

2020-12-02 06:18:46 UTC  

this is getting away from the "fraud" stuff though, more on the technical legal aspects

2020-12-02 06:21:05 UTC  

Whether or not it changes the out come is irrelevant

2020-12-02 06:21:55 UTC  

I agree that this should be the case. but in application we have real people deciding cases and social pressures are clearly a factor

2020-12-02 06:22:32 UTC  

No. I didnt. You are saying that because a polling place at the 6 feet rule in place all those ballots should be thrown out. Why? There is no specific law that requires they be within a certain distance.

BTW, I do agree its not ideal but we are in a pandemic.

The bigger issue is that you are suggesting we just assume that every single vote cast at one of these polling places that exercised the six feet rule be thrown out... not because you can establish fraud... but just because you don't think it was an ideal situation.

And that has never happened before.... nor should it ever.

We must assume that the ballots are valid. That is the starting point. If a voter did something to cause their ballot to be invalidated then yes.... those get disregarded every election. I am sure tens of thousands do. But that is because a specific ballot was found to have a problem.

We don't throw out every single vote cast at a polling place because a poll watcher didn't think they got to stand close enough.

That is nonsense.

2020-12-02 06:23:30 UTC  

@JonasRobert The election rules being changed in PA was a legal technicality caused by the PA GOP. They already had a election under those rules and told their citizens to vote in that manner. You can’t invalidate votes made by people in good faith (also this is not evidence of fraud) as far as standing at a distance that was rectified but still doesn’t meet the requirements to invalidate votes. There are official poll watchers and then there are off the street poll watchers. The official republican poll watchers were present the entire time

The GA rule changes again were initiated by the gop. And people voted in good faith, it’s almost like the democrats or Biden are being accused for things the GOP in those states did. Also the rule changes were such that it would not effect the election in a fraudulent way, this is the claim however and is so far unsupported that any fraud occurred.

As far as the statistical models go they can be torn down easily because the initial figures they are working off of are built on guess work and assumptions. I can link how can use their own model against them and prove that republicans cheated in this election.

As far as the overnight mail in votes. You have to remember that they are not allowed to start counting until the close of polls and that votes don’t instantly get counted and added to the tally online. First they are counted then they update the database to reflect the tallies and only then do they upload or online. So the counting of votes is distinct from the upload of votes online. The x axis on those graphs everyone points to are not real scaled representations of time.

We all knew about the red mirage when the walk in trump votes would be counted and the the primarily Biden votes would come in through the mail.

2020-12-02 06:23:57 UTC  

Absolutely. There is enormous pressure from both sides. I’m very glad I’m not in there shoes through all of this.

2020-12-02 06:24:28 UTC  

@JonasRobert and the pipe burst even if not a big deal precautions still need to be made to secure the ballots, it would be a cya kinda thing in that situation

2020-12-02 06:25:30 UTC  

The pandemic is used as an excuse. Not an excuse when they remove poll observers to 20 feet away from observing and not allowing them to walk about and view the monitor screens. That has occurred in many counties. Very rude partisan treatment.

2020-12-02 06:26:15 UTC  

I watched Dr. Linda Tarver's testimony and I have some concerns about what she said and the implications. Several times she claimed that 72% of Detroit's votes were suspect and that is just not true. 72% of their precincts were out of balance, but she never mentioned that the total number out of balance was only 441 ballots - she had to know this... Her biggest concern seemed to be because there is an obscure law in MI that prevents unbalanced precincts from being audited. When the lone Democrat on the panel asked how long she was concerned about this deficiency in the law, she said it was more than 8 years. And then when he asked her why the Republican controlled MI legislature had never tried to change the law, she deflected saying that the law didn't need to change, because the Dems were just too lazy to make it balance. When she tried to say that other Rep precincts just work harder to be in balance, she neglected to say that those Rep precincts had a fraction of the votes, which made it easier to balance... And she also forgot to mention that there were large Rep precincts that were just as out of balance as Detroit. She also failed to mention the level of effort involved with balancing a large precinct vs. for a small precinct. I do find the law about not being able to audit precincts that are out of balance bothersome, but due to the Reps not willing to change the law, it makes me wonder if something else is at play. All in all, I would have more respect for her testimony if she had been fairer in a representation of the facts.

2020-12-02 06:26:30 UTC  

That is your opinion. Excuse or not. Having them stand at a reasonable distance was not a violation of the law and even judges wrote in their orders it was fine.

2020-12-02 06:26:59 UTC  

It rendered their ability to observe null.

2020-12-02 06:27:11 UTC  

Some terms were changed by the GOP, yes. This isn't what I'm referring to though. The law on poll watchers having access to the ballots were never changed in the statutes, that was an administrative decision which violates the text & spirit of the law. The purpose of having the watchers there is so both sides can verify the validity of absentee ballots. Simply being inside of the room does not accomplish this. Because these absentee ballots were processed without both sides being able to verify the signatues, envelopes, etc, I think they should be thrown out, because they weren't processed according to what the laws require.

2020-12-02 06:27:50 UTC  

(Yes, even with binoculars there’s no way one could accurately observe each ballot.)

2020-12-02 06:27:57 UTC  


2020-12-02 06:28:56 UTC

2020-12-02 06:29:31 UTC  

@JonasRobert that was thrown out of court, poll watchers of both parties were present

2020-12-02 06:29:35 UTC  

I feel like that could be demonstrated really quickly lol. I’m not sure if those votes should be rendered invalid, but... these election officials enforcing this should get some heat.

2020-12-02 06:29:55 UTC

2020-12-02 06:30:03 UTC  

I disagree. And so did the judges that heard those arguments.

Again, I have noted several times that is was not ideal. But Covid is real. Its not a left hoax. I know people who have died. Many poll workers and volunteers and they have a right to be protected.

Additionally, strictly from a legal standpoint, there is a significant state interest in protecting the health of theirs citizens.

There is no law that establishes the exact number of feet a person is to stand away.

There was no violation of the law.

To attempt to throw out the votes of millions of Americans on the assumption that something wrong happen because people were six fee away instead of two is asinine

2020-12-02 06:30:09 UTC  

The supervisors went against the counties policies for poll observers to do their job and that was to observe to make sure there was integrity. They were not given that opportunity. They were intimidated.

2020-12-02 06:30:15 UTC  

@JonasRobert trumps lawyers admitted this

2020-12-02 06:30:27 UTC  

admitted what?

2020-12-02 06:30:35 UTC  

oh sry I see

2020-12-02 06:30:38 UTC  

See my follow up msg lol

2020-12-02 06:31:11 UTC  

So you say. Ive seen no evidence of that

2020-12-02 06:31:11 UTC  

@JD~Jordan, you just advanced to level 7!

2020-12-02 06:31:25 UTC  

the lawyers admitted they were "present", because they were in the room. That wasn't their argument though. Their argument was they werent allowed to observe the ballots

2020-12-02 06:31:27 UTC  

Lol there is no argument as to why anyone needs to stay more than 6 ft away.

2020-12-02 06:31:47 UTC  

6 feet is even too far. You have to be able to verify each signature

2020-12-02 06:31:56 UTC  

This is done on purpose. An Overload of disinformation countering every story back-and-forth where nobody can keep up

2020-12-02 06:31:58 UTC  

Listen to Fauci. Lol

2020-12-02 06:32:01 UTC  

No clue which one you mean

2020-12-02 06:32:15 UTC  


You should look at what the trump team presents in court. Everyone is like they won’t let them present evidence or the judges are biased. This is not the case. Trumps entire legal team quit ( and no not because of threats) it’s because they did not want to be disbarred

2020-12-02 06:32:16 UTC  

Imagine you get carded trying to buy a beer and you try to show your ID from 6 feet away lol

2020-12-02 06:32:36 UTC  

That simply isnt reasonable, you have to be extremely close

2020-12-02 06:32:50 UTC  

Oh, got ya. This one.

I feel like that could be demonstrated really quickly lol. I’m not sure if those votes should be rendered invalid, but... these election officials enforcing this should get some heat.

2020-12-02 06:32:59 UTC  

You should see this to get an idea of what these trump lawsuits are like @JonasRobert

2020-12-02 06:33:09 UTC  

put your ID on the counter and move back?

2020-12-02 06:33:55 UTC  

I think he’s saying if you were to hold it up and someone had to read it from 6 ft away.

2020-12-02 06:33:57 UTC  

If you listen to the affidavits testimonies you will be highly surprised by their observation experiences.

2020-12-02 06:34:44 UTC  

I agree... six feet is not ideal. Not suggesting that it is... But its not a violation of the law. Judges ruled on this real time. Team Trump went to court on election day to challenge this... judges said the six foot rule did not violate the statutes.

We were in a pandemic. I mean I dont know what you want me to say... it was not illegal. You cant just kick out an entire polling place because you didnt like the procedure.

Oh yeah... btw... this rule was in place all over the US... anyone complaining about it in states Trump won? No? Shocked.