Message from @yetiCodes

Discord ID: 783582545018224640

2020-12-02 06:31:56 UTC  

This is done on purpose. An Overload of disinformation countering every story back-and-forth where nobody can keep up

2020-12-02 06:31:58 UTC  

Listen to Fauci. Lol

2020-12-02 06:32:01 UTC  

No clue which one you mean

2020-12-02 06:32:15 UTC  


You should look at what the trump team presents in court. Everyone is like they won’t let them present evidence or the judges are biased. This is not the case. Trumps entire legal team quit ( and no not because of threats) it’s because they did not want to be disbarred

2020-12-02 06:32:16 UTC  

Imagine you get carded trying to buy a beer and you try to show your ID from 6 feet away lol

2020-12-02 06:32:36 UTC  

That simply isnt reasonable, you have to be extremely close

2020-12-02 06:32:50 UTC  

Oh, got ya. This one.

I feel like that could be demonstrated really quickly lol. I’m not sure if those votes should be rendered invalid, but... these election officials enforcing this should get some heat.

2020-12-02 06:32:59 UTC  

You should see this to get an idea of what these trump lawsuits are like @JonasRobert

2020-12-02 06:33:09 UTC  

put your ID on the counter and move back?

2020-12-02 06:33:55 UTC  

I think he’s saying if you were to hold it up and someone had to read it from 6 ft away.

2020-12-02 06:33:57 UTC  

If you listen to the affidavits testimonies you will be highly surprised by their observation experiences.

2020-12-02 06:34:44 UTC  

I agree... six feet is not ideal. Not suggesting that it is... But its not a violation of the law. Judges ruled on this real time. Team Trump went to court on election day to challenge this... judges said the six foot rule did not violate the statutes.

We were in a pandemic. I mean I dont know what you want me to say... it was not illegal. You cant just kick out an entire polling place because you didnt like the procedure.

Oh yeah... btw... this rule was in place all over the US... anyone complaining about it in states Trump won? No? Shocked.

2020-12-02 06:35:13 UTC  

I agree, disclaimer here, from what I’ve heard there seems to be multiple witnesses to poll watchers being prohibited from watching.

2020-12-02 06:35:20 UTC  

I think it's sad the way that they made fun of that poor guy. It really spoke to the character and attitude of the people taking the video. They saw someone doing their job in plain site of everyone there. I would hate to have to do my work in a fish bowl situation like that. And then to have them dox him and post a video acting like bullies... It's ridiculous. He didn't "palm" a memory card. That guy's life and self esteem are going to be irreparably harmed and all because people assumed that there was fraud happening. Without Trump saying there was going to be fraud, that guy would have just done his job and gone home.

Later on, there is a lady berating people who are trying to do their job and figure out what happened. The fact that they found 2700 votes that should have been processed was a good thing. It was part of the canvassing effort that they combined with the hand recount. The assumption is that there will be fraud - every election worker is suspect. If they take to long on their bathroom break, it must've been fraud.

2020-12-02 06:35:26 UTC  

well here in the UK the usual thing when you need to show some doc/id like in the pharmacy is to put it on the counter

2020-12-02 06:35:56 UTC  

counters have some plastic/plexiglass shields and it's hard to even hear anyway

2020-12-02 06:36:29 UTC  

prohibited from watching what though? the folks outside banging on the glass demanding to be let in?

2020-12-02 06:36:44 UTC  

Yeah, I get that, I just don’t think that was the point of his example.

2020-12-02 06:37:12 UTC  

I am fine conceding that not every affidavit or suit is bullet proof. But this does nothing to dispute the rest of the body of evidence. And simply saying "because some ppl submitted a spammy affidavit we are going to discount EVERYONES affidavit" doesnt make sense

2020-12-02 06:37:15 UTC  

I think I missed something because people are just spamming their own thing in the channel anyway 😄

2020-12-02 06:37:16 UTC  

The ballots being counted lol.

2020-12-02 06:37:21 UTC  
2020-12-02 06:37:44 UTC  

Poll observers take their job very seriously. Pandemic or not, there was blatant intimidation of poll observers and failure by supervisors to be cordial to poll observers.

2020-12-02 06:37:52 UTC  

I mean you guys do get that if you get to enforce this throw out all the votes in polling places that had the six foot rule that team Biden could do the exact same thing in Trump counties...

It is simply NOT a viable remedy to ignore the votes of an entire polling place on thsi six foot crap

2020-12-02 06:37:55 UTC  

No problem. 🤙🏼🤙🏼

2020-12-02 06:38:06 UTC  

What if they don't take enough time? Fraud&&

2020-12-02 06:38:27 UTC  

because the Trump legal team files a lawsuit that say poll watchers werent allowed in the room to watch votes counted and the judge said were there GOP poll watchers in the room and they said there was a nonzero number

2020-12-02 06:38:55 UTC  

LOL... yeah "a non zero number" LOL

2020-12-02 06:39:13 UTC  

I think it would be helpful if people spent more time describing the laws, purpose, and procedures regarding the watchers w/ regard to absentee ballots. The notion that the campaign had people "present in the room" is complete nonsense.

2020-12-02 06:39:14 UTC  

now that is just embarrassing

2020-12-02 06:39:18 UTC  

Again, I don’t think that’s a satisfying remedy for the perceived harm, but I think there is an argument to be made that this was sketchy as hell. Lol. Layman’s terms.

2020-12-02 06:39:47 UTC  

That's not true... Observers have no say in signature verification. They have no training in it. Observers are there to make sure the process is being followed. They do not have the right to be able to read everything. That would be ridiculous. There are (or should be) checks and balances build into the process. If they follow the process, things should be caught and corrected.

2020-12-02 06:40:10 UTC  

this is simply not true

2020-12-02 06:40:23 UTC  

it would be wonderful if the poll watchers had a more in depth knowledge of what is going on and what they are supposed to do but sadly not that many cared about the nitty gritty until their candidate started scream fraud

2020-12-02 06:40:27 UTC  

they DO have say in signature verification, in literally every election we have ever had

2020-12-02 06:40:29 UTC  

Typically you would not see this on either side. There is a bipartisan working relationship during an election. One side does not subvert or prevent poll observers from performing their job.

2020-12-02 06:41:17 UTC  

@JonasRobert I also addressed the hotel room conference hearings people. When Kelly mechaney holds up a bunch of online submitted affidavits that’s the quality she is presenting, what affidavits do you think can hold up to scrutiny.

2020-12-02 06:41:17 UTC  

signature verfication varies state to state some dont use it as its the less reliable way to match folks

2020-12-02 06:41:22 UTC  

this is why I just said this: "I think it would be helpful if people spent more time describing the laws, purpose, and procedures regarding the watchers w/ regard to absentee ballots. The notion that the campaign had people "present in the room" is complete nonsense."

I dont think youre purposefully wrong but maybe you just arent familiar with how it works?

2020-12-02 06:42:01 UTC  

I keep saying that I realize the 6 feet thing is NOT ideal. It does hamper the ability of the watchers. But what is the remedy?

This rule was in place EVERYWHERE. I live in a Trump State and we had the six feet rule in place where I live.

The remedy cannot be that we throw out the ballots where the six feet rule was in place ONLY in Counties where Biden won.

I mean come on now.

It was not a violation of the law. It make life much much more difficult for ALL the poll workers. No doubt. But the remedy is not to throw out all the ballots.

2020-12-02 06:42:04 UTC  

I’m referring to the testimonies at the PA hearing ( I’m aware it is pseudo legal) but those folks filed affidavits, so I think hearing them out is good practice