Message from @Maw

Discord ID: 784280559785345054

2020-12-04 04:47:35 UTC  

I am aware of that, but they have literally run tests to make sure that the QR code matches the written text. Powell has not provided a single ballot as evidence that lists one candidate on the front and counts as a vote for another candidate... Not one.

2020-12-04 04:47:36 UTC  

You mean like when the FBI entraps 80 IQ Muslims handing them the plans to commit terrorism and then busts them claiming to be cracking down on terrorists?

2020-12-04 04:47:39 UTC  

The QR code could register as Biden in the machine, even if the ballot receipt shows “Trump” in the text summary

2020-12-04 04:47:55 UTC  

I never even suggested that, I suggested they get threats from the left like the left gets threats from the right. @james j

2020-12-04 04:47:56 UTC  

A hand recount can’t verify the match.

2020-12-04 04:48:19 UTC  

Poll workers that go in there to do a hand recount do not have access to software...that’s why it’s called a hand recount

2020-12-04 04:48:42 UTC  

Im assuming you are addressing a specific event... I did not hear about it but would love to if you have a link

2020-12-04 04:48:54 UTC  

They have a ballot receipt with a QR code (the actual vote) and a text summary. The hand recount does not verify the match between the text summary and QR code

2020-12-04 04:48:54 UTC  

@JD~Jordan Also when was the last time a Trump supporter literally shot at a bunch of lefties in a baseball game?

2020-12-04 04:49:04 UTC  

Like, for real, this was a very silly example to bring up.

2020-12-04 04:49:05 UTC  

Very silly.

2020-12-04 04:49:20 UTC  

Im not talking about a single incident of a mentallly disturbed individual... this is occurring on mass

2020-12-04 04:49:27 UTC  

sure looks like they counted the human readable portion in GA by hand and got the same numbers as the machine got reading the QR codes think that invalidates Powell's theory that the QR code is different than the human readable printout

2020-12-04 04:49:30 UTC  


2020-12-04 04:49:31 UTC  


2020-12-04 04:49:36 UTC  


2020-12-04 04:50:03 UTC  

Which is why I said "You gave me a single example we can do this back and forth if you'd like."

2020-12-04 04:50:39 UTC  

@Maw okay I’m just saying the rate abs volume is much higher and it’s not just from some usual random outsiders living in a van

2020-12-04 04:50:56 UTC  

Because living in a van is relevant.

2020-12-04 04:51:10 UTC  

Oh wait... this might not be what I am thinking of.. but I did watch a brief documentary about what amounted to entrapment by the Feds of a Muslim American and some very lose ties to the middle east

2020-12-04 04:51:37 UTC  

That's what they did with the MI kidnapping bust.

2020-12-04 04:51:49 UTC  

They’re going to hit suckerberg from every angle

2020-12-04 04:52:07 UTC  

@Maw it illustrates the type of outsiders who normally sends death threats. Not many previously considered average folk

2020-12-04 04:52:22 UTC  


2020-12-04 04:52:27 UTC  

I hope he can afford decent lawyers. Maybe he can crowd fund.

2020-12-04 04:52:32 UTC  

Your party is clearly the anti-evil choice.

2020-12-04 04:52:40 UTC  

Also, if you think that way, you're literally in the cult.

2020-12-04 04:52:42 UTC  


2020-12-04 04:52:45 UTC  

Naaah, all the big techs are up to the bits with cheap imported workers.

2020-12-04 04:53:05 UTC  

The NYT article does not go into my discussion. The fact that Dominion switched 6,000 (!) votes to Biden, which were supposed to go Trump, shows how unsecure/unreliable they are. That’s just ONE “error” that was CAUGHT. We don’t know how many more have been missed. Not secure. No confidence in Dominion

2020-12-04 04:53:05 UTC  

@AOH_Assassin, you just advanced to level 3!

2020-12-04 04:53:05 UTC  

I don't remember any Trump supporters rioting when Biden was declared the winner by the AP like Hillary supporters did in 2016.

2020-12-04 04:53:23 UTC  

He’s being sued in like 40 states too lol

2020-12-04 04:53:26 UTC  

That has been claimed by the lawyers of some of the people arrested. They said that the under cover agent instigated everything and got the ball rolling and they were just along for the ride. It will be interesting to see what is presented in court. I don't think we can say definitively what happened until then.

2020-12-04 04:53:41 UTC  

perhaps I could have been more clear "When is the last time the FBI had to foil a plot to kidnap a Gov.. and what is going on in GA right now is shameful" is what I said... by "what is going on in GA" I meant the hundreds of threats Government Officials, their families and even volunteer poll workings are getting

2020-12-04 04:53:53 UTC  

I mean, they have a history of it.

2020-12-04 04:54:19 UTC  

What do you think happened to the people that protested Whitmer's lockdown?

2020-12-04 04:54:20 UTC  

So mom the FBI undercover agent made me do it??? haha

2020-12-04 04:54:39 UTC  

It’s very hard to form a cult when you don’t hero worship . At the very least it’s less prone in its current form to become a cult. Even moreso the more splits form on the left. It’s already started @Maw