Message from @PrivateEye

Discord ID: 784780973346127892

2020-12-05 09:00:53 UTC  

Dominion bought them in 2010, this looks like it's from 2006

2020-12-05 09:03:36 UTC  

Do you, by chance, work for a hardware/software company?

2020-12-05 12:20:23 UTC  

I'm not sure if I'm willing to throw elections under the globe around the bus because of some guy named Brad that has a blog. The Hugo Chavez nonsense has always been tenuous at best. Smartmatic machines were never broken. You cast your vote a paper ballot prints out and you heck your vote. Audit the paper ballots against the electronic tally and you have accurate voting results. Fraud beyond that isnt baked into the software and hardware. If Hugo Chavez wanted to rig an election he would have used older machines without safeguards.

Even if there was some mysterious evil intent behind smartmatic software and they bought sequoia you think that what their voting machines plus themselves into 30 year old sequoia machines and download their evil into the software? Then they go and infect dominion machines? Dominion wasnt buying decades old machines to use their software in their new machines. They bought them to sell their clients hundreds of millions of dollars of machines they developed to replace old unsecure machines.

They dont reprint ballots and of course signatures arent verified by the recount they are secret votes theres no signature on them. Verifying the total number and number for each candidate rules out a wide variety of fraud methods which the GOP has claimed happened. Verifying signatures had not much of anything to do with the fraud claimed they just saw their fraud wasnt proven and randomly demanded more because while a signature audit is thing its done for other reasons and they know it's illegal for the secretary of state to order the audit without a direct reason for doing so. But that ofc deals with the mailins not machine votes.

2020-12-05 12:46:20 UTC  

If we want to destroy secrecy of voter identification once the ballot has been counted and we want to go back and audit the identity of those that cast the already counted votes we would have to change 44 state Constitutions as it's been considered core to democracy to keep integrity of the vote and not allow people to be bullied harassed intimidated or purchased at the voting booth. Considering the volume and breadth of death threats made against everyone identified in the election process as showing Trump lost and an apparent hunger for suspending the US Constitution and invoking martial law I'd say it's a good thing they cannot figure out who votes for whom more now than ever.

2020-12-05 13:16:23 UTC  


2020-12-05 13:16:35 UTC  

anyone here got good knowage with DOD

2020-12-05 13:20:04 UTC  

Yea, the transition shuffle has begun there. Democrat and RHINO generals ready to replace Trump supporting generals. It’s all political, even though they pretend to be Apolitical.

2020-12-05 13:21:51 UTC  

Any institution in America that says, “we are not political” is a lie.

2020-12-05 13:50:22 UTC  

Generals support the Constitution not Trump not Biden

2020-12-05 13:51:25 UTC  

So they say. Bogus, don’t be naive

2020-12-05 13:52:13 UTC  

Yeah it was fine for 4 years. It will be fine now.

2020-12-05 13:52:35 UTC  

There is nothing political about following country over party and not letting Trump crown himself King of the United States

2020-12-05 13:52:39 UTC  

That’s more naivety.

2020-12-05 13:54:07 UTC  

The rest of the world will drag us around on a leash and THE SKY WILL FALL.

2020-12-05 13:54:19 UTC  


2020-12-05 13:54:23 UTC  

Doomsday time

2020-12-05 13:54:51 UTC  

Literally chicken little'd the thing. Priceless.

2020-12-05 13:57:06 UTC  

BIG GOV is back online, all the unnecessary beauracratic job producing agencies are signing up workers. They will be union protected. They won’t be able to be fired.

2020-12-05 13:58:17 UTC  

Sounds like a sweet gig. What jobs are those?

2020-12-05 13:58:24 UTC  

Asking for a friend.

2020-12-05 13:59:24 UTC  

Everyone defends what they rely on- its axiomatic. Zuluzeit’s sustenance will improve now that Trump is gone😘

2020-12-05 14:00:41 UTC  

All the major federal agencies will double in size. Easy to get a government job.

2020-12-05 14:00:55 UTC  

The world is coming to an end

2020-12-05 14:02:53 UTC  

There is no confidence in democracy. We are owned by China, the so called allies, high tech, and the mob. Just pay the Piper.
Liberty is a mirage.

2020-12-05 14:03:27 UTC  

The UN will once again rule the US.

2020-12-05 14:05:11 UTC  

Even a Republican senate can’t stop the downhill slide. We will now love the rest of the world and enable their power, corruption, and wars.
Have fun, my friend
You got what you voted for

2020-12-05 14:06:14 UTC  

A truly bittersweet gig

2020-12-05 14:08:20 UTC  

Or and I'm just spitballing with ideas here. You could just turn off Fox News and live your life.

2020-12-05 14:11:13 UTC  

@PrivateEye Imagine that massive chisma, all resting on the election of one person. Almost like a Hollywood movie, isnt it?

2020-12-05 14:11:36 UTC  

Fox is worse than the rest. They’re totally controlled by ratings. Totally elitist, ruling class. Spitballing ideas? In elementary school NOBODY got as many spitballs stuck on the bulletin board as I did. Fun to watch the teachers pull their hair out.

2020-12-05 14:12:42 UTC  

It’s not one person. It’s a regime change. The new administration is ready to take over. You will get it all.

2020-12-05 14:14:01 UTC  

I think its called "administration" when its the good guys. "Regime" are the bad guys.

2020-12-05 14:16:54 UTC  

Kinda, but no. It’s an ideological shift that is a major shift. You’ll get what you voted for. My vote disappeared when I scanned it into the election machine. I think it’s in China now, they know how to count.

2020-12-05 14:25:59 UTC  

This short video has a few things in it that I hadn't seen yet... some things seem extremely NOT OK no matter what actually happened...

2020-12-05 14:32:08 UTC  

So I should call them all regimes

2020-12-05 14:34:07 UTC  

Oh geez they put cardboard on the windows to keep the angry mob away? That's not going to work they will just huff and puff. You gotta get some good bricks.

2020-12-05 14:35:24 UTC  

It's not the cardboard that I hadn't seen, it was them throwing out the republican watchers, with sound, and everyone cheering when they were walking out the door. How is that allowed?

2020-12-05 14:36:49 UTC  

You break the rules you gots to go. Everyone in the facility is expected to follow the rules and show some decorum.

2020-12-05 14:37:53 UTC  

'Elections aren't secure.'


'Belligerent conspiratards with explicit aggression who feel like it should be allowed anywhere near live ballots.'

2020-12-05 14:38:11 UTC  

I won't argue with you, because I didn't see what happened before or after. It just seems strange for them to say 'all republican challengers out of this room'. I'm not sure what all of them could be doing that required them to leave.