Message from @Recalibar

Discord ID: 784883141445156864

2020-12-05 20:29:11 UTC  

@Recalibar thanks - but can a favorable scotus result from Alito change the PA elector selections once done? Also, is Alito the only SCOTUS representatative? when would the entire SCOTUS bench become involved?

2020-12-05 20:29:12 UTC  

@tomB63, you just advanced to level 1!

2020-12-05 20:30:37 UTC  

Indications of possible fraud and fraud are different.

2020-12-05 20:33:32 UTC  

Maybe a clue from Q...

2020-12-05 20:34:16 UTC  

If Wayne county's 0 registered voter precincts, many places reporting that they had unusually high turnout rates across several thousand counties, hundred thousand or so, massive vote dumps, etc. They're all pretty big footprints, not sure how more true of a scottsman you can be.

@tomB63 I believe they're looking at throwing out some 200,000 votes submitted illegally because of an 11th hour ruling by the state court giving an opinion as late as august on how the mail-in deadline was extended another two days outside of their legal statute. That would mean that the electors would go to Trump, in that case, especially if that were the ruling on the damages. Alito is not the only SCOTUS rep of course, but there are many other court cases that indicate that the final result is changed. If you've seen the allotted heads of circuit courts, but *conservative judges are* all presiding over these swing states in question.

2020-12-05 20:36:57 UTC  

He also had TWO voting systems in the group that wrote that statement. Those were NOT impartial. They never should have been included at all.

2020-12-05 20:37:32 UTC  

I take it you wrote the dissenting opinion? Lmao

2020-12-05 20:37:45 UTC  

@Recalibar, you just advanced to level 2!

2020-12-05 20:39:37 UTC  

I'm not sure about other states...but in NV, they've shown MANY registered voters at places that are not residential addresses.

2020-12-05 20:42:18 UTC  

@DisenchantedTruth corporations are people too.

2020-12-05 20:42:57 UTC  

In which case, my husband and I should have voted another 4 times because we own 4 coporations?

2020-12-05 20:43:18 UTC  

Ffs these alt facts. When will it be enough?

2020-12-05 20:43:56 UTC  

When a TRUE investigation is done.

2020-12-05 20:43:58 UTC  

You're welcome to provide an argument instead of dismissing the conversation, Mr. Marx.

2020-12-05 20:43:59 UTC  

That was actually a joke.

2020-12-05 20:44:36 UTC  

If the DOJ would do a credible and transparent investigation, I'd be thrilled. Don't see it happening though.

2020-12-05 20:44:50 UTC  

LOL! Sorry. Headache here.

2020-12-05 20:44:52 UTC  

> You're welcome to provide an argument instead of dismissing the conversation, Mr. Marx.
@Recalibar Thank you.

2020-12-05 20:44:52 UTC  

@Zuluzeit, you just advanced to level 27!

2020-12-05 20:45:23 UTC  

I think there's a lot of opsec going on, honestly.

2020-12-05 20:46:11 UTC  

@Zuluzeit is very intelligent. Don't hurt yourself@Recalibar

2020-12-05 20:48:04 UTC  

Was that before the election, during the election, and after the election?

2020-12-05 20:48:22 UTC  

3) Again... Please provide any documentation of how massive mail-in fraud could be pulled off.

4) I have only heard a couple of anecdotes about perfectly flat ballots. But now you are talking about someone sneaking pre-filled in mail-in ballots and secretly swapping them out with the "real ballots" (this when Trump has signaled to his supporters to vote in person and democrats have shown an overwhelming desire to vote by mail because of fears of CoVid - valid or not). Why take the effort to track down the ballot template to create valid mail-in forgeries and then risk getting caught swapping out ballots at the precinct when in all likelihood the vast majority of those ballots would be for Biden, anyways? Anyone sophisticated enough to pull that off would be smart enough to weigh the risk to reward ratio.

However, there is valid reason why there might be flat ballots. If the ballot is damaged while extracting it from the envelope or gets damaged/jammed in the tabulation machine, there is a process that requires bi-partisan participants to transfer the voter's intended choices onto a new ballot. That does happen and they typically set aside these ballots until later in the process when they can all be done at the same time in order to not slow things down.


2020-12-05 20:48:31 UTC  

Regarding the contractor video who "blew the whistle" - I looked up the company he said he worked for on LinkedIn - there did not appear to be anyone listed that looked like him - there were only 15 employees listed. That's not definitive, but they did not appear to be a large outfit. Even so, he did not attest to anything other than violating the trust of the people who had hired him. He did not have the data he claimed to have, it was not used to create fake ballots, and he was not aware of anyone else who had violated his employers trust the way he did. I am not sure what that video is proof of unless you are pre-disposed to believe every unsubstantiated assertion of malfeasance of proof of some broader conspiracy to commit voter fraud. It's kind of the point I am trying to make.

Regarding Ramsland... I find him to be a disgruntled former Congressman who lost a race he expected to win and has been on a crusade against Dominion since. This is the same guy who's research Powell presented in a case in MI that claimed that many counties has reported more votes than voters - in a court filing. Only later to find out that he had mixed up MN with MI and failed to realize that as the reason that the populations were off.

2020-12-05 20:48:34 UTC  

I certainly hope so. There are too many data anomalies for me to completely dismiss the idea of fraud. Yes, I'm one of those who pulled data and looked. I'm no expert and not qualified to determine anything from data alone....but 4 precincts in Philadelphia reporting the exact same ratio of 18 votes Biden to 1 vote trump on EVERY upload from 7 an to 4 pm on day is enough to make me believe it was a computer setting a ratio. Can you imagine what the chances are of that happening?

2020-12-05 20:51:36 UTC  

@DisenchantedTruth Especially if this was an event which implicates more than a few bad actors as seems to be the case of the video. The likelihood that the DOJ is investigating facebook for more than visa hiring reasons right now seems plausable enough for me to consider, especially in light of increasing attempts on censorship of right/moderate voices. Currently sec. 203 is shielding them from a lot of litigation.

@busillis Dec. 3rd

2020-12-05 20:54:01 UTC  

@TaLoN132 is a voracious investigator

2020-12-05 20:54:31 UTC  

@TaLoN132 is just one such footprint I mentioned before. Page 93 is when precincts report that a total of 0 registered voters added some total of 100,000 votes to the total for Wayne county. Someone's not doing their job.

2020-12-05 20:56:22 UTC  

Everyone keeps asking why didn’t Trump get ahead of the curve if he knew there would be voter fraud? It still remains to be seen whether he did or didn’t. IMO-To what extent was he willing to go through remains to be seen also. I believe we are still getting the trickle.

2020-12-05 20:57:42 UTC  

Freedom of Information Act all election information system logs in suspect counties and prove it with the data

2020-12-05 20:57:55 UTC  

@Repeat That's what I'm thinking, too. OPSEC's important if this were actually as big as is alleged. I do recognize that I tread into conspiracy theory when I allege such things, so, grain of salt.

2020-12-05 20:58:05 UTC  

It could be like a mosaic where you have to step back to see the whole picture.

2020-12-05 20:58:55 UTC  

I don’t believe any of us are privy to that info because we would lose our security clearance if we were here discussing it.

2020-12-05 20:59:08 UTC  

Or arrested 🤣

2020-12-05 20:59:22 UTC  

If I have a secret clearance should I be worred? Lmfao

2020-12-05 20:59:29 UTC  

I may or may not.

2020-12-05 20:59:50 UTC  

5) What I am saying is that criminals tend to make mistakes, leave evidence, proof of a crime. Conspiracies tend to fall apart and yet with hundreds even thousands of affidavits claiming to provide evidence of fraud, not one bunch of replaced ballots showed up? No one caught going through security with pre-filled in ballots? Not one person caught in the act of swapping out fake ballots for real ones? It doesn't require a whistleblower to come forward... It takes one person who is involved in the conspiracy to be caught doing something suspicious and being interviewed by the authorities and making a deal. We've not found one person doing anything that caused them to lawyer up or anything.

And there is no way that a handful of people could perpetrate this level of fraud. Each precinct has it's own types of ballots - different local races, measures, etc. Each precinct - where they do the counting in most states, I believe - would have to be compromised - All in the same time period. The President and his legal team are asserting fraud on the scale of millions of votes. He thinks he won the popular vote. How many people would it take to flip nearly 4 million votes?

2020-12-05 20:59:59 UTC  

You notice we have tightened security clearances this last year or 2?

2020-12-05 21:00:36 UTC  

No more 10 year expiration date either

2020-12-05 21:02:34 UTC  

With what’s at stake, I don’t think we will see leaks through USA cracks especially under national emergency. If you’re looking for leaks, check Canada, Mexico etc.