Message from @james j

Discord ID: 785301627681898516

2020-12-07 00:24:05 UTC  

@leftingfighter33 tread lightly there's a FEMA camp shower with your name on it.

2020-12-07 00:24:49 UTC skip to like 33:00 if u want the clip

2020-12-07 00:24:50 UTC  

Are you mentally challenged? Challenging the election is part of the process.

2020-12-07 00:25:34 UTC  

i don’t think hes stoking violence tbfh

2020-12-07 00:25:37 UTC  

Challenging the election with something realistic and sufficient and based in facts is part of the process. Not this dog and pony show and propaganda.

2020-12-07 00:25:53 UTC  

Be established as the President Elect does not really mean much... sure you can access some funds for the process of setting up your cabinet, but not much else.

Also Trump has been denying Biden access to security briefing... but Harris gets some of those because of her position in the Senate.

So of course she is still there... and she is still there as a direct result of Trump being a whiny little child

2020-12-07 00:25:58 UTC  

Everytime i hear Raffensperger or Sterling speak and they warned “someones gonna get shot,”

2020-12-07 00:26:00 UTC  

seems sus

2020-12-07 00:26:08 UTC  

I just thought of a couple disturbing possibilities about Giuliani.

1. If he dies from covid, they might bring in someone sane and/or competent.

2. If he dies from covid, stock in assassination Qspiracy puking goes through the roof. 'He got too close.'

2020-12-07 00:26:29 UTC  

How many times do I have to post this link?

Elections contested within the states (until December 8)
Elections contested in court (until December 14)
The electoral college meets (December 14)

Nobody has actually been elected yet and challenging the results is part of the process.

2020-12-07 00:26:31 UTC  

Okay I see the second

2020-12-07 00:26:32 UTC  

This well could be one of the stupidest non issues I have seen posted here thus far

2020-12-07 00:26:32 UTC  

@em he is pushing his fake election fraud thing making his most hardened supporters make death threats to election officials and talking about “taking the country back” because the country doesn’t work for them

2020-12-07 00:26:49 UTC  

Kemp owns a large amount of Dominion equities

2020-12-07 00:27:22 UTC  

Plus his response to the whole governor kidnap and assassination plot was go do it again

2020-12-07 00:27:22 UTC  

Look you can say its fake all you want but any logical cross examiner wouldve put these people on the stand already instead of silencing them entirely

2020-12-07 00:27:48 UTC  


2020-12-07 00:28:06 UTC  

Except SCOTUS saw significance in the 12/8 date and moved up the PA case, accordingly.

2020-12-07 00:28:09 UTC  

The winds of Fortune are blowing the flames of revolution.

2020-12-07 00:28:15 UTC  

OH whatever.... the refused to go under oath recently... they have hardly been silenced.... lol what a joke

2020-12-07 00:28:18 UTC  

@em they don’t even meet the bar to enter court. You don’t need a cross examiner to determine there is nothing behind their stories that. Most unverifiable and the others debunked like the latest Georgia video

2020-12-07 00:28:30 UTC  

Elections contested within the states (until December 8)
Elections contested in court (until December 14)
The electoral college meets (December 14)

2020-12-07 00:29:03 UTC  

Lmao what are you guys talking about these people have signed affidavits literally saying “HEY ILL GO UNDER OATH AND SAY THIS TOOOO!”

2020-12-07 00:29:11 UTC  

@leftingfighter33 resistance is futile all your bases do belong to Dominion

2020-12-07 00:29:57 UTC  

They control the ballot book The counting and the system for aggregating the results.

2020-12-07 00:30:17 UTC  

@em you realize signed affidavits are meaningless if they can’t be proven . You don’t get in trouble for something unverifiable or a opinion. These people have nothing to lose. Not to mention most of these affidavits were collected on a website where even trumps own lawyers said they knew most were “lies and spam” .

2020-12-07 00:30:17 UTC  

*hardly* been silenced when all you hear from mainstream media is a game of telephone invalidating their claims

2020-12-07 00:30:18 UTC  

@em, you just advanced to level 4!

2020-12-07 00:30:38 UTC  

They were cross examined in the NV... Under oath... and they did not stand up to scrutiny.

2020-12-07 00:30:40 UTC  

@em invalidating the claims they spoke is not silencing them. It’s addressing the nonsense

2020-12-07 00:30:40 UTC  

The republic has been cast out of heaven back to Earth like a fallen angel

2020-12-07 00:30:44 UTC  

Our courts aren't an open forum for every belligerent whack job who wants a podium. It doesn't work like that.

2020-12-07 00:30:51 UTC  

Most people who are trying to bring forth truth are willing to go under oath

2020-12-07 00:31:31 UTC  

But I would love to see every one of them on the stand. For real.

2020-12-07 00:31:37 UTC  

All of them.

2020-12-07 00:31:40 UTC  

Did he have covid at the bat SARS version 2

2020-12-07 00:32:04 UTC  

Yeah that would be interesting. However no matter what they will just say the courts are rigged

2020-12-07 00:32:18 UTC  

Just because a politician technically has the power to do something doesnt mean that their actions are ethical, abuse, right, or good for the country.

2020-12-07 00:32:32 UTC  

Oh I would LOVE to see it too.... for the whole comedy of it... but this is causing real damage to our country...

2020-12-07 00:32:33 UTC  

Listen to this from 4:34 already coming up with excuses as to why they wont believe the dominion machine audits. These people don’t want evidence they just want to win and when they are shown to be wrong they will just dismiss it as a conspiracy the democrats are doing

2020-12-07 00:32:33 UTC  

Kelly Laughlin will soon or sell her shares of Dominion...