Message from @busillis

Discord ID: 786762974206623745

2020-12-11 00:45:39 UTC  

Was it not suggested that Bernie was a Russian asset in 2020 as well? Idk...

2020-12-11 00:46:16 UTC  


Either your for wars of aggression or your Russian agent.



2020-12-11 00:55:03 UTC  

They need his votes lol

2020-12-11 00:57:09 UTC  

Where’s the big guy today? (Rob, not Joe).

2020-12-11 00:57:39 UTC  

This signature matching thing is where conservatives will hang their hat until 2024 in order to clasp to this bogus voter fraud claim

2020-12-11 01:02:48 UTC

2020-12-11 01:03:08 UTC  

This sounds less like a legal argument and more like a histrionic child.

2020-12-11 01:03:55 UTC  


2020-12-11 01:04:03 UTC  

He hit me hahha

2020-12-11 01:05:31 UTC  

It also sounds like they described the behavior of historic children who can’t handle a election defeat

2020-12-11 01:07:16 UTC  

Conference till monday

2020-12-11 01:10:03 UTC  

Both sides. Elections are bought, not won.

2020-12-11 01:10:03 UTC  

@CML, you just advanced to level 4!

2020-12-11 01:10:53 UTC  

Trump 2020

2020-12-11 01:11:24 UTC  

Trump 2024 😂

2020-12-11 01:11:33 UTC  

Ivanka 2024

2020-12-11 01:11:36 UTC  


2020-12-11 01:12:16 UTC  

Krakhead Biden is being investigated

2020-12-11 01:12:25 UTC  

Eric Trump 2020

2020-12-11 01:12:27 UTC  

How suprising

2020-12-11 01:15:10 UTC  

Need Sanders 2016

2020-12-11 01:15:31 UTC  

Trumps already saying he will be back in 2024 even Trump see writing on the wall.

2020-12-11 01:16:41 UTC  

Probably from internal polling what the deal is.

2020-12-11 01:17:02 UTC  

But with hunter pardoned and Biden vaccine curing covid and fixing Trumps failed economy he doesnt have much of a chance

2020-12-11 01:17:45 UTC  

Trump knew from internal polling what the deal is

2020-12-11 01:18:07 UTC  

This crazy s*** is kind of tactic

2020-12-11 01:21:38 UTC  


I have to pick the post office I can drop my package off and buy some heroin at the same time.

2020-12-11 01:22:17 UTC  

Damn it

2020-12-11 01:29:25 UTC  

Have had

2020-12-11 01:52:29 UTC  

ok i see how the low risk audit could potentially be manipulated. "It appears that when the scanner fails to read a ballot for some reason, the ballot needs to be duplicated through a vote marking machine—the voter’s choices are entered by an election worker on a touch screen and the machine then prints out a replacement ballot. The duplication process might explain why a polling manager in Fulton County testified that she encountered a box of ballots with a batch of 110 that were “pristine” and not folded."

2020-12-11 01:53:26 UTC  

they said originally that the ballots are duplicated on a pink ballot by hand with two people, but this appears to be a feature of the machine i.e. it has a printing capability

2020-12-11 01:53:57 UTC  


2020-12-11 01:54:35 UTC  

I'm surprised that the Dems pulled the trigger on their fraud system they have been constructing this year. All they had to do was wait for the changing demographics to make their numbers believable in a few years and they would have been able to do this fraud forever. Instead the numbers are ludicrous as everyone can see and they will no longer fool us with the veneer of democracy. I guess they figure that Corona tyranny makes it unnecessary to maintain pretences.

2020-12-11 01:55:05 UTC  

I love it when programmers call intentional bugs "features"

2020-12-11 01:55:42 UTC  

Yup. And I trust this and the operators are running it in good faith, with prudence, and not exploiting it. Exploits would be caught in logs, audits, and recounts anyway.

2020-12-11 01:58:28 UTC  

@Stygian Abyss it is not obvious how this would be picked up in an audit. the printouts are anonymous (just like the sealed ballot in the envelope). it *could* be noticed if a large proportion of ballots bring pristine (on fresh printed paper) or being marked with for example perfect circles. there are at least a few examples of witnesses that would seam to support that. The large increase in ballots that were not rejected would also tend to support this arguement.

2020-12-11 01:59:03 UTC  

but definitely a count on its own would not show it

2020-12-11 02:07:06 UTC  

No, it's not obvious, but time stamps and any process running on any computer platform can report to a log showing that 'something' happened, a scan, an index key number baked into the qvr code, or just coupled with the physical evidence that's set aside for audit purposes makes it trackable. They don't know or care the identity of a person, but that's not needed anyway for an audit of 'how many times was this ballot scanned or printed or was the printer paper changed or whatever.

2020-12-11 02:07:06 UTC  

@Stygian Abyss, you just advanced to level 3!

2020-12-11 02:10:31 UTC  

@Stygian Abyss maybe in the audit log, but again i am not sure if we have any confirmations from the counties that audit logs have been verified or if this was part of the recount. at least one operator noted that "The operator would then be able to change the votes with no trace of who did it or which ballots were changed. The system would only mark that at least one ballot in the batch was adjudicated, but “it can’t be tracked to exactly what ballot it was,” she said." Coffee County supervisor, Misty Martin

2020-12-11 02:14:09 UTC  

I'm also trusting that each election board, state, and decision making group that they think about security and enlist security experts to design safeguards into the process that doesn't rely solely on the machine. Color codes, blanks with index numbers, locked storage rooms, machine access codes, user biometrics, other policy should be in place.. little things that you don't know about unless you are trained and there in the room when the decisions are made and the guide books are written.