Message from @meglide

Discord ID: 787046887651147777

2020-12-11 19:51:12 UTC  

Would they overrule a future election under the same conditions because they should’ve fixed signature verification after 2020?

2020-12-11 19:53:10 UTC  

has there ever been a case of a voting cartel or voting conspiracy in the US?. In the UK we did have a case in 2008 where 6 members of the local government were found guilty of bribery and vote forging. This was following liberalisation of our postal voting rules.

2020-12-11 19:54:11 UTC  

I think we need to start looking at newer technologies that are available to us... Like 2-factor authentication - and possibly being able to review our (and only our) vote online to make sure it was tabulated correctly. (While making sure that there is no way for someone reviewing our ballot to know who cast it. I believe there is a way to make that happen and I think it solves a lot of potential concerns about the integrity of the system. There are others, but you get the idea. We can probably come up with better ways to leverage technology to this end.

2020-12-11 19:54:38 UTC  

@TaLoN132 Voter suppression is a bit of a different beast imo than the sheer degree of issues I have seen so far during this election. I am not certain what remedy would be possible.

2020-12-11 19:55:33 UTC  

Not exactly... Violation of any SCOTUS order would give standing to anyone to sue ahead of time, if accommodations have not been made.

2020-12-11 19:56:07 UTC  

That might work but votes should always be 1 to 1 not fractional like some of what we have seen.

2020-12-11 19:56:57 UTC  

where have we actually seen fractional voting as opposed to the mere allegation of fractional voting?

2020-12-11 19:58:11 UTC  

In an affidavit 'under penalty of perjury'. Lol

2020-12-11 19:58:50 UTC  

It is different... there have historically been many orders of magnitude greater degree of proof and scale with regard to voter suppression. To date, none of the allegations of voter fraud in this election have withstood scrutiny - and there has been a ton of scrutiny. We are heavy on allegation - proof is virtually non-existent. That could change, but so far... almost nothing.

2020-12-11 19:59:31 UTC  

But so many claims. So, so many.

2020-12-11 19:59:34 UTC  

Affidavits are considered evidence when under penalty of perjury.

2020-12-11 19:59:44 UTC  

"weighted race" is part of the manual

2020-12-11 19:59:44 UTC  

I think data analytics are underrated. Why don't we listen to people who actually understand software and data, which would therefore be evidence. Isn't everything traceable through the internet, through computers. Isn't there evidence of everything on earth on the internet!?

2020-12-11 19:59:44 UTC  

@Phil, you just advanced to level 12!

2020-12-11 19:59:45 UTC  

@nainani, you just advanced to level 5!

2020-12-11 19:59:56 UTC  

Fractional vote would have been exposed in recounts and risk limiting audits. They did not happen in this election.

2020-12-11 20:01:50 UTC  

@TaLoN132 explain why a voting machine would have a weighted race feature ?

2020-12-11 20:01:52 UTC  

there is no compelling evidence that they happened

2020-12-11 20:02:04 UTC  

Like Phil just mentioned weighted races are in the manual, that in my opinion is at least circumstantial evidence.

2020-12-11 20:03:17 UTC  

@meglide you would need to see the source code of the machine to say for sure. i dont expect them to display fractions on the machine

2020-12-11 20:03:20 UTC  

why wouldn't it? voting machines would be used for lots of different things, supposed you wanted share holders to vote their shares and some shares are weighted differently than others?

2020-12-11 20:03:27 UTC  

Where's the AI that will end all human error in elections

2020-12-11 20:03:41 UTC  


2020-12-11 20:03:56 UTC  

@meglide its not marketed for that purpose

2020-12-11 20:04:06 UTC  

so what

2020-12-11 20:04:26 UTC  

@meglide and why would dominion deny this "feature"

2020-12-11 20:04:56 UTC  

@Phil and @Darkangael my car has the ability to exceed the speed limit ... is that proof that I've done so?

2020-12-11 20:05:43 UTC  

Prove that you didn't, bro. That's the test.

2020-12-11 20:05:47 UTC  


2020-12-11 20:05:50 UTC  


2020-12-11 20:06:09 UTC  

No, only proof that you could have.

2020-12-11 20:06:10 UTC  

no more innocent until proven guilty

2020-12-11 20:06:50 UTC  

i think that's a bunch of melarky anyway

2020-12-11 20:06:58 UTC  

> no more innocent until proven guilty
@nainani Totally. We should jettison that superfluous principle.

2020-12-11 20:07:09 UTC  

the point is you cant prove you didnt and i cant prove you did. normally you would have to assume your innocence. but it is not the only circumstantial element.

2020-12-11 20:07:13 UTC  

Having or Proving the Capabilities may be a Discovery Issue to examine the machines?

2020-12-11 20:07:19 UTC  

Civil cases are not held to criminal standards of proof, only to a preponderance of the evidence.

2020-12-11 20:07:19 UTC  

@Darkangael, you just advanced to level 4!

2020-12-11 20:07:41 UTC  


2020-12-11 20:08:00 UTC  

or recount the ballots manually like they did in GA? would that be sufficient?

2020-12-11 20:08:06 UTC  

Mr. Marx prefers to make laws not be subject to the laws of others.