Message from @james j

Discord ID: 787359126065774633

2020-12-12 16:40:29 UTC  

@james j Fraud was brought up every time. Dismissed on standing or laches doesn't allow for evidence.

2020-12-12 16:40:39 UTC  


2020-12-12 16:41:20 UTC  

@james j there's a technical term for stuffing ancillary garbage into an argument, just can't think of it right now. How convenient.

2020-12-12 16:41:33 UTC  

@busillis yes we have improved our legal system since then. Now we require actual evidence over witness testimony which is one of the poorest forms of evidence

2020-12-12 16:41:34 UTC  

@james j Although MI was dismissed because the claims were something. But no evidence was allowed. No audit ever conducted.

2020-12-12 16:41:55 UTC  

Because they didn’t have any @GregInHouston2

2020-12-12 16:42:26 UTC  

A recount is no where near the level of an audit.

2020-12-12 16:42:34 UTC  

@busillis were did I find you last?

2020-12-12 16:42:36 UTC  

I dont agree with that they have presented quite a few fraud cases. They are just running out of time to find evidence of some fraud.

2020-12-12 16:42:40 UTC  

Remember all of trumps original lawyer quit because they didn’t want to bring in frivolous lawsuits they knew would not stand up in court @GregInHouston2

2020-12-12 16:42:56 UTC  

okay, so anyone know of a good website that summarizes all the court cases relating to alleged fraud in the 2020 elections?

2020-12-12 16:43:06 UTC  

@james j Declaring they had no evidence does not make it true.

2020-12-12 16:43:07 UTC  

@Dedkraken the ones they did present was highly lacking in substance

2020-12-12 16:43:15 UTC  

A full hand recount goes way beyond audits.

2020-12-12 16:43:19 UTC  

@GregInHouston2 hearsay is not evidence

2020-12-12 16:43:33 UTC  


2020-12-12 16:43:40 UTC  

@GregInHouston2 you don’t know what a audit is

2020-12-12 16:43:42 UTC  

Yeah just saying there was a bunch James. Once the adult lawyers left fraud was the main thrust

2020-12-12 16:43:52 UTC  
2020-12-12 16:43:56 UTC  
2020-12-12 16:44:04 UTC  

@GregInHouston2 it means a unverifiable story is not evidence not admissible in court

2020-12-12 16:44:11 UTC  

@james j Then let us get the evidence!

2020-12-12 16:44:18 UTC  

> okay, so anyone know of a good website that summarizes all the court cases relating to alleged fraud in the 2020 elections?
@meglide Someone should definitely do that. I would also love a list of all the bizarre claims from the masses which were made before these guys knew how elections worked.

2020-12-12 16:44:58 UTC  

And now we're going back to the days of yore with machine learning crime prediction algorithms. I suppose some entity possesses nostalgia for the past.

2020-12-12 16:45:18 UTC  

Nothing is stopping the trump team from gathering evidence. The problem is they have none. What they presented in the hotel hearings have already been shown to be incorrect or unverifiable @GregInHouston2

2020-12-12 16:45:20 UTC  

@james j All we need is an audit like the did in AZ. If the claims are proven false then no one gets hurt. But you know that they will find the fraud.

2020-12-12 16:45:44 UTC  

Define a audit @GregInHouston2

2020-12-12 16:46:06 UTC  

@james j No it has not. We have video evidence of it. 100%

2020-12-12 16:46:34 UTC  

Omg the video thing again.

2020-12-12 16:46:40 UTC  

@james j Check the signatures! Check the addresses of the voters.

2020-12-12 16:46:40 UTC  

@GregInHouston2, you just advanced to level 10!

2020-12-12 16:46:42 UTC  

@james j Stop preventing audits plz. K thx.

2020-12-12 16:46:46 UTC  

In 1936 92 % voted "yes" to Hitler. International observers found very little evidence of fraud. The question remains - if you are in a position to steal an election, are you not simultaneously in the position to hide your trail?

2020-12-12 16:46:55 UTC  

Has no one explained the video to you yet @GregInHouston2

2020-12-12 16:47:05 UTC  

All states automatically conduct random audits often at the county and state level where they randomly choose a few counties and areas within counties to do partial recounts and check for errors done in the process. Of course the word audit can be used differently to say you want additional measures to be done but those have to be specific

2020-12-12 16:47:18 UTC  

As previously pointed out it's hard to argue points with no agreed upon definitions. I Guess it's more fun this way.

2020-12-12 16:47:27 UTC  


2020-12-12 16:47:40 UTC  

@GregInHouston2 you can’t tie a ballot to any address or signatures after they have been removed from an envelope

2020-12-12 16:48:26 UTC  

But Trump said 🤷 🍿

2020-12-12 16:48:56 UTC  

> @GregInHouston2 you can’t tie a ballot to any address or signatures after they have been removed from an envelope
@james j Don't tell people what they can't do, tyrant.

2020-12-12 16:49:01 UTC