Message from @Philip R

Discord ID: 794407717380292629

2021-01-01 03:27:23 UTC  

hide the dingos!

2021-01-01 03:27:33 UTC  

So also did the State of Georgia; they also were established as a penal colony.

2021-01-01 03:27:48 UTC  

for perps named George.

2021-01-01 03:28:22 UTC  

I was going to...well...never mind.

2021-01-01 03:28:24 UTC  

to hot

2021-01-01 03:28:37 UTC  

Imagine [insert name here]

2021-01-01 03:28:38 UTC  

@Philip R What area of Australia are you from, if you don't mind sharing?

2021-01-01 03:28:55 UTC  

But are they paranoid assertions? How many previous elections had the left refusing to accept that Trump was legitimately the president? And how many had the outright censorship of the social media? And how many had the mainstream media doing the left's bidding?

2021-01-01 03:29:12 UTC  

He is from the part that is south of the equator. 😉

2021-01-01 03:29:27 UTC  

Outer suburb of Melbourne.

2021-01-01 03:30:06 UTC  

Quite possibly the most well-known area of Australia.

2021-01-01 03:30:07 UTC  

I am not sure what you mean? Biden won the election. He got more votes in the Electoral College.

2021-01-01 03:30:30 UTC  

Biden Never won the election, period.

2021-01-01 03:30:37 UTC  

Close politically? China is upset with Australia because it won't do its bidding.

2021-01-01 03:30:49 UTC  

no, geographically

2021-01-01 03:30:57 UTC  

Doc is a jokester.

2021-01-01 03:31:00 UTC  


2021-01-01 03:31:37 UTC  

Afterall, China has been infiltrating Australia with Leftist programs longer than the US and they are putting a Manchurian candidate on the throne here.

2021-01-01 03:31:44 UTC  

Yes, he got more electoral college votes, but after an enormous amount of election interference and manipulation.

2021-01-01 03:32:18 UTC  

I don't accept that either, but that is the current narrative.

2021-01-01 03:32:39 UTC  

Oh, sorry. Yes, we should have placed the continent elsewhere. But then the U.S. is just across the water, whereas we have a few other countries between us and China!

2021-01-01 03:34:30 UTC  

Biden supposedly won 477 of 3,113 counties. The Biden/Harris ticket supposedly managed to obtain 80,033,996 votes from 477 counties while the Clinton/Caine ticket received 65,844,610 from 487 counties. In 2008, Obama/Biden received 69,498,516 votes from 873 counties. So, Biden/Harris supposedly got 14,189,386 more votes than Clinton/Caine out of 10 less counties, while also getting 10,535,480 more votes than Obama/Biden out of 396 fewer counties.

2021-01-01 03:34:56 UTC  

Correct. Well done.

2021-01-01 03:35:23 UTC  

Bollocks.. I forgot about that 🙈

2021-01-01 03:35:25 UTC  


2021-01-01 03:36:54 UTC  

I'll wait for this missive to drop.

2021-01-01 03:37:28 UTC  

Mao is back.

2021-01-01 03:38:01 UTC  

I agree on the placement of Australia in the wrong location. If you had any couth at all you should have put it someplace where it snows at Christmas and you don't spend the day surfing. 😉

2021-01-01 03:38:40 UTC  

And you may not be aware of this, but the biggest news media company in America is News Corp - they really are MSM, but for my purposes I call them part of the RWM. We have a very divisive (helped along by Trump) dichotomy of echo chambers MSM (as the right labels them) and the RWM. The information amplified in each chamber is very different. While the MSM may not have reported stories the way that the right wanted them reported, the RWM more than made up for it. The RWM wasn't exactly championing Biden and reporting favorable stories about him. So, the argument that the MSM is so unfair to the right is absolutely hollow.

The "censorship" on Social Media did more to bring light to the stories that they were supposedly trying to suppress. It had no effect except to give the right even more grievances to whine about, but the information received way more attention than it would have otherwise.

2021-01-01 03:38:53 UTC  

Something else that wouldn't happen in Oz (although you could argue that this is the wrong way to go), as we have compulsory voting. So the number of votes will always be close to the number of registered voters.

2021-01-01 03:39:26 UTC  

Ah yes, but then the world would be even more top heavy, and that would be quite destabilising!

2021-01-01 03:39:42 UTC  

top heavy?

2021-01-01 03:39:48 UTC think it is round?

2021-01-01 03:39:53 UTC  

I actually think compulsory voting would mean a one party system for the US.

2021-01-01 03:39:57 UTC  

guys, we have a globist here!

2021-01-01 03:40:14 UTC  

😆 yes!

2021-01-01 03:40:17 UTC  

'Patriots' would lose their minds with compulsory voting.

2021-01-01 03:40:29 UTC  

Simply not true... Trump arguably interfered more by claiming for 7 months ahead of the election that it was rigged. Imagine that. The most powerful man on the planet knew that fraud would happen and he was powerless to stop it.

2021-01-01 03:40:48 UTC  

Well, we also have preferential voting, which kind of prevents that.

2021-01-01 03:40:59 UTC  

Americans are not mature enough for compulsory voting. If we were forced to vote we would have 150 million votes for cartoon characters out of spite. But when you have 170,000 votes in one precinct cast by non-existent voters I suppose such write in votes would not bother the Democratic Party.