Message from @Philip R

Discord ID: 794410522686652447

2021-01-01 03:38:53 UTC  

Something else that wouldn't happen in Oz (although you could argue that this is the wrong way to go), as we have compulsory voting. So the number of votes will always be close to the number of registered voters.

2021-01-01 03:39:26 UTC  

Ah yes, but then the world would be even more top heavy, and that would be quite destabilising!

2021-01-01 03:39:42 UTC  

top heavy?

2021-01-01 03:39:48 UTC think it is round?

2021-01-01 03:39:53 UTC  

I actually think compulsory voting would mean a one party system for the US.

2021-01-01 03:39:57 UTC  

guys, we have a globist here!

2021-01-01 03:40:14 UTC  

😆 yes!

2021-01-01 03:40:17 UTC  

'Patriots' would lose their minds with compulsory voting.

2021-01-01 03:40:29 UTC  

Simply not true... Trump arguably interfered more by claiming for 7 months ahead of the election that it was rigged. Imagine that. The most powerful man on the planet knew that fraud would happen and he was powerless to stop it.

2021-01-01 03:40:48 UTC  

Well, we also have preferential voting, which kind of prevents that.

2021-01-01 03:40:59 UTC  

Americans are not mature enough for compulsory voting. If we were forced to vote we would have 150 million votes for cartoon characters out of spite. But when you have 170,000 votes in one precinct cast by non-existent voters I suppose such write in votes would not bother the Democratic Party.

2021-01-01 03:41:14 UTC  

what about this? Everyone gets to vote 100 times. That way, everyone can vote until the lactic acid sets in.

2021-01-01 03:41:58 UTC  

Vote early and vote often.

2021-01-01 03:42:22 UTC  

the earlier you get there, the more you get to vote.

2021-01-01 03:42:43 UTC  

Patriots wouldn't. But Joe-Blow-Grab-A-Six-Pack would. And then there is the problem of all the people we won't let vote.

2021-01-01 03:42:55 UTC  

Fox is not right-wing. That's a leftist mischaracterisation. A survey of the media done after Trump's first 100 days shows that the rest of the mainstream media was anti-Trump, whereas Fox was 50/50.

The "censorship" on social media was not scare-quotes censorship, but actual, effective, censorship.

2021-01-01 03:43:06 UTC  


2021-01-01 03:43:26 UTC  

Certainly, vote often means 2 to 5 times per election right?

2021-01-01 03:43:48 UTC  

He may be the most powerful, but his power is limited to certain areas. So no, that does not make the case.

2021-01-01 03:44:14 UTC  

It's almost as right as it gets.

2021-01-01 03:44:25 UTC  

If fox news is right wing, what do we call Oswald Mosley?

2021-01-01 03:44:48 UTC  

north wing?

2021-01-01 03:45:03 UTC  

@Philip R Nah. It wasn't effective. The 'censorship' backfired because for people with that mentality, being 'censored' is considered proof that they're onto something.

2021-01-01 03:45:20 UTC  

He did not make a false claim. The Democratic PArty was rigging the election right in front of people and the MSM was encouraging it.

2021-01-01 03:45:35 UTC  

Also... lost in all of this is the concerted effort on the right to suppress the vote. The efforts by Democrats before the election to make it easier to vote has received more attention post election, but Republicans were equally intent on making it harder. Consider that TX and FL both cast about 11M ballots - TX has 7.5M more residents than FL. Does that mean that Floridians are more patriotic than Texans? I think not. Texas did everything they could to make it harder for people to vote in urban areas that are heavily Democratic.

2021-01-01 03:45:45 UTC  

like the guy being dragged off the plane shouting: "But I am the true king!" Clearly the cops are hiding something. @Zuluzeit

2021-01-01 03:45:56 UTC  

Is legally taking appropriate avenues to change election laws actually rigging though?

2021-01-01 03:46:22 UTC  

You can make that argument somewhat with PA.

2021-01-01 03:46:29 UTC  

He made the same claim of rigging in every election he has ever been in going back to the 2003 Emmys... Every single one.

2021-01-01 03:46:33 UTC  

As often as needed. It helps if mail-ins can be received after Election Day. Easy peezy

2021-01-01 03:46:44 UTC  

so false claims are legal before the election, but illegal after the election?

2021-01-01 03:47:10 UTC  

Yes, it is, when those actions are to deliberately eradicate election security so that one can stuff ballots, register and vote for dead people, and other methods of theft by a thousand cuts.

2021-01-01 03:47:11 UTC  

If it's enemies of the people doing it, legality is irrelevant. Automatic treason.

2021-01-01 03:47:12 UTC  

Military ballots are allowed to be received by mail up to 10 days after the election.

2021-01-01 03:47:23 UTC  

It is when the processes aren’t constitutional.

2021-01-01 03:47:26 UTC  

You're making a very strong assumption here.

2021-01-01 03:47:45 UTC  

What is unconstitutional about changing your election systems? Pretty sure it's part of federalism.

2021-01-01 03:48:00 UTC  

Speck. You. Lay. Shun.