Message from @Maw
Discord ID: 776190706313330729
Look at the content of the actual proposition and the ballot title, that's probably a good indicator of the "yes" support.
the title is misleading, true, but the proposition itself is clear
`A "yes" vote supports this constitutional amendment to repeal Proposition 209 (1996), which stated that the government and public institutions cannot discriminate against or grant preferential treatment to persons on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin in public employment, public education, and public contracting.`
`government and public institutions cannot discriminate against or grant preferential treatment to persons on the basis of race ...`
supporters of racial discrimination have a name
**Ballot title:**
```"Allow Diversity as a Factor in Public Employment, Education, and Contracting Decisions. Legislative Constitutional Amendment."```
**Ballot Action:**
```The measure would have repealed Section 31 of Article I of the California Constitution.```
***Referencing Section 31:***
```(a) The State shall not discriminate against, or grant preferential treatment to, any individual or group on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin in the operation of public employment, public education, or public contracting.
dangerous word, discrimination.
As the human brain cant avoid doing it.
And is supposed to, one might add.
They also used the phrase *"lawful discrimination"* which is mildly concerning to say the very least.
When you're referencing skin colour.
I mean dude looks like the definition of a "prick" bit he wouldn't have ever been involved if they weren't selling crack and heroin, killin dudes, having thats my bitch thats my money ticket talks on jail phones, and oh so much more, when you hold them accountable for their actions its harder to feel sorry. How many families do you think their dope game fucked up ? How many kids got sold for crack ? Sorry Im not sorry. I know the hood shit that goes on.
We could also talk about the Democrats involved in the whole ordeal and look at the political affiliations of the law enforcement in that case, man its odd how weird they handled the evidence, how everyone had bodycam except the important ones ? It all stinks. If anyone hasn't seen this yet. Lots of affidavit exhibits in this litigation. No case number yet from what I see, so take it with a grain of salt.
Hi Robert. I just listened to you for the first time today. I heard at the end of your show that if anyone is in need of an attorney to let you know. Have you heard of Austin Steinbart? He's in federal prison and could probably use some help.
> Hi Robert. I just listened to you for the first time today. I heard at the end of your show that if anyone is in need of an attorney to let you know.
fair from what i heard at the end.
@RobertGrulerEsq Hey Rob, apparently transcripts are out for some election cases in Pennsylvania. It would be helpful to hear you explain the good, bad and ugly of how the lawsuit claims square up with what they had the stones to actually say in court, as the rubber is starting to meet the road. Thanks for your consideration.
@RobertGrulerEsq "Feds" who questioned the USPS worker about his claim trying to get him to recant his claim say about trying to "calm the storm" because senator's and DOJ are involved.... plus what Biden mentioned about creating the largest fraud organization ever.... hmmmm... Definitely throws up some red flags along with our own "FBI" proving how corrupt they were.
> Hi Robert. I just listened to you for the first time today. I heard at the end of your show that if anyone is in need of an attorney to let you know. Have you heard of Austin Steinbart? He's in federal prison and could probably use some help.
Pretty sure he's letting locals in Arizona know they can recommend his practice to other Arizona locals who need representation in the justice system. Lawyers can't go out asking people if they can represent them 🙂
A tech malfunction caused problems in the dem Iowa Caucus early this year is it same problem now. they seem have same type issues. the company Shadow, Inc now (Bluelink) was involved. smartmatic ? Ukrain press conference
Under Precinct by Precinct Reports
Voting Statistics
for General Election
I don't understand what AVCB boards are and why they have 0 registered voters but votes counted. If anyone can explain that to me I would appreciate it.
I just looked at that ^ there is no way that’s accurate. If I’m reading correctly there was no mail in votes anywhere
> I don't understand what AVCB boards are and why they have 0 registered voters but votes counted.
@akrska AVCB is Absentee Voter Counting Board. Instead of sending mail in ballots to the specific precinct, some precincts use an AVCB. Detroit has chosen to use AVCB's. I'm guessing it's because detroit has over 400 precincts and they probably find it safer to have absentee votes secured in a single location instead of mailed to the precinct responsible for that ballot. An AVCB is not a real area with people. This is why you see 0 registered voters. I don't know how ballots are assigned to an AVCB. Notice that all Detroit precincts have 0 absentee ballots.
Trump stopped lawsuits in Michigan. Wayne county keeps good voting history. I compared 2016 to 2020. It looks very good. Voter turnout went from 59% to 64%. Votes Trump/Biden are in line with votes Trump/Clinton. Any error in this county will be very difficult to prove even if they did a hand recount.
@Jon Perryman, you just advanced to level 1!
Forgive me if your already doing this, but could I suggest you upload the audio of your video to google podcasts or some other audio podcast system. I'll admit I'm thinking of myself, I'm in Philippines for the month and my bandwidth isn't great, but I think I'd like to listen on my comute in the car when I get back rather than fox on sirius.
@Neil he does have them also on twitch. Not sure you have access to that but that is how I watch them.
Thank you both, we are working on that right now! Should have it figured out within the month, I'd say.
You think there is still value in the audio even though the show tends to be focused on the visuals?