Message from @Watching the Watchers
Discord ID: 779205830536986664
I think what people don't understand is the wealth gap is a tool of the government monoliths like former VP Biden. The poor cannot protect themselves. The government power grabbers like we have seen, will squeeze every drop of blood out of the working class and the poor because they (those without money) can't fight back very easily, or give up because they don't have the time or energy to fight because they are too busy fighting to live.
modern day Karl Marx
I equate it to prisoners who become institutionalized. They go into these encapsulated environments, establish tyrannical hierarchical kingdoms within those frameworks, and they become so entrenched and so convinced of their power over "civilians" that they become tyrants who largely go unchecked for long periods of time. If we put the exact same restrictions on government power as we do on citizens, it would be much more reasonable.
Guess who is the top tier kingdom ? it suppose to be China, but China is falling...
Utopian Peasant Society ...hmmm I like the idea, everyone is equally poor !!! hmmm...
In the "best practices" for banks and other corporations that have a lot of cash handling and account you realize that they say that personnel should be rotated out of those positions every three years to avoid the temptation and mitigate risk of corruption or theft?
@4trustco, you just advanced to level 4!
I don't like the idea, because a poor country is a easy target
I declared all utopian society without Jesus Christ is communism
@songstrings, you just advanced to level 3!
All dominion employees need to be arrested
Because of the fact that I am a writer and published (barely) author, I find the media so boring and trite. Gone are the days when these guys were all competing for your attention by fleshing put the stories, down in the trenches and out in the dunes. Gone are the interesting insights into the rest of the world and the joy of intelligent heated, yet respectful debate. There is always so much shouting and hate and anger and just plain bad manners it makes me want to throw up. But I know that cortisol rots your brain cells so I stay grateful.
ironic that this chat has turned into what you just described
I know. Peace out lol.
Something that is a big plus for Robert, he is the best diplomat I've ever seen
He can read the most dumb stuff off of superchat, and he'll find a way to respond in a disarming manner
a skill I have to learn @RobertGrulerEsq
I just found him and I completely agree. I got long winded cause I never get to talk to real people anymore lol
maybe we can get Robert to rub off on us by watching him a lot 🙂
you know the way this is heading R R Law Group is going to morph into new age , enlighten , inter dimensional ,supernatural , cool-aid drinking super cult religion with Robert as the head guru. They have their followers at airports handing out time schedule when they are on You Tube make enough money to buy all the downtown court building which they will retro in to church. Best part i can say i was there at the beginning. 👀
the odd thing about this "cult" is that too many of his fans are about 100x more sure than Robert is that Trump was cheated
I am having this argument day in and out with people in here
> I think what people don't understand is the wealth gap is a tool of the government
@4trustco You can't blame the federal government entirely. Socialism = California-ism. 5th largest economy in the world. 38th in k12 education. Before corona, 35% near poverty that is now in poverty. Roads are 43rd. Google, Facebook and others in silicon valley tell you they support BLM but they demand reversal of H1B visa change because they don't want to hire American's (Silicon valley 2.8% black, 30.6% non-hispanic white, 39.0% asian versus USA 13.4% black, 60.1% non-hispanic white, 5.9% asian). H1B visas don't help america. They don't improve peoples lives.They increase profits.
Jon perryman I meant that the ones who are actually abusing the impoverished are not the people, the hire the democrats to do what they don't actually have the stomach for but secretly desire because they are so wrapped up in the need to obtain their self worth from external sources rather than from within themselves. I'm my experience tyrants are born in fragility and lack the necessary mental acuity and maturity to define themselves by themselves instead of my an indocrination that only serves to debase and create systemic self loathing. Racism is only a byproduct of poor self esteem. Those that love themselves and accept themselves for who they are and who they are not. Show me one racist who is actually a racist that has confidence, self esteem and is grateful. I'll wait.....Because one who possesses self esteem has their own predefined system of boundaries. Not only that, they are just to busy being and doing themselves to waste time hating someone else.
Yes, they are all such deceiving charlatans
Always have been, nothing new.
Sadly, the repetition, the people, seem to not grasp the gaslighting
the judge was assigned Epstein's case
Totally unrelated, but, I was going to get on a plane and go see family in California for Thanksgiving. However, given the uncontrolled uptick in new COVID-19 cases, coupled with the CDC's very strong recommendation to avoid Thanksgiving travel, I cancelled my JetBlue flight. Feels bad, man.
@Adam135 That is interesting, especially since the president actually knew Epstein, and one has to expect epstein had a file on POTUS. I say it is time to....well...drain the swamp?
I just woke up and saw an $8000 autoclave on my carpet. That was weird.
Small one, but still.