Message from @LeslieW

Discord ID: 783539971390046219

2020-12-02 03:03:10 UTC  


2020-12-02 03:03:12 UTC  

Its a dry heat!!

2020-12-02 03:03:28 UTC  

I've been to the amazon before

2020-12-02 03:03:36 UTC  

you want heat

2020-12-02 03:03:36 UTC  

go there

2020-12-02 03:03:54 UTC  

seriously almost had headstroke a few times

2020-12-02 03:04:28 UTC  

Yea never truly experienced that rainforest heat before, I don't think.

2020-12-02 03:05:03 UTC  

imagine 95 degrees with 95% humidity

2020-12-02 03:05:06 UTC  

But definitely had the digging trenches in the Arizona summer around 115-120 during my construction days, not fun.

2020-12-02 03:05:11 UTC  

literally a green sauna

2020-12-02 03:05:27 UTC  

Yea humidity is rough.

2020-12-02 03:05:37 UTC  

Every time I go to Florida it feels like walking through a swimming pool.

2020-12-02 03:05:39 UTC  


2020-12-02 03:05:47 UTC  

and the people down there work in like full pants and polos

2020-12-02 03:05:50 UTC  

i dunno how they can tolerate it

2020-12-02 03:06:01 UTC  

Same I'll take no humidity any day.

2020-12-02 03:06:47 UTC  

I'm off for the night let me know if you are coming to AZ @ImNotGas 😛 have a good night!

2020-12-02 03:06:47 UTC  

@RobertGrulerEsq, you just advanced to level 8!

2020-12-02 03:07:03 UTC  


2020-12-02 03:37:37 UTC  

Hello Attorney Robert. When I made the statement about communism, my husband has since corrected me, I should have said tyranny. Also, I was specifically referring to your example of the corrupt law firm dealing unscrupulously with their client!!!

2020-12-02 03:48:06 UTC  

I just stumbled upon you today. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate your effort to provide reliable information to the public that clarifies the legal process in these cases. Election integrity isn’t a given and the concerted efforts to dismiss all who question the validity of this election, should raise the eyebrows of every American. I am a fan from TN! Thank you.

2020-12-02 03:50:15 UTC  

Also from TN and just joined the group

2020-12-02 03:56:23 UTC  

New user 🤷‍♀️ I’m in Brentwood. You?

2020-12-02 04:06:36 UTC  


2020-12-02 04:06:44 UTC  

Grew up in Memphis tho

2020-12-02 04:07:59 UTC  
2020-12-02 04:08:32 UTC  

I think you should have a little gear to the left at the bottom and that should give you the option to upload a pic

2020-12-02 04:09:22 UTC  

This is why I love southerners! Thank you.

2020-12-02 04:24:29 UTC  

Yeppers. Also to the left you can see Text Channels. Those are the different "chat rooms" like <#771201221145919499> or <#771201281024458802>

2020-12-02 05:08:53 UTC  

Can anyone tell me where I can find the legal claims that Robert goes over daily? Aren’t the available to the public in line?

2020-12-02 05:27:05 UTC  

You may want to watch this no matter what side you’re on.

2020-12-02 06:15:59 UTC  

@curious gal you can find exhibits and all that on court listener this one for instance is one of the "krakens"
If you have trouble keeping track of the case names the Democrat team laid out a pretty sweet website with the current and prior cases and summaries and links to some of the court ongoing things. If theres a GOP equivalent to this I haven't seen it Guiliani doesn't seem that organized but someone can correct me if not. I find this easier than digging in the videos to remember which case was which

So for instance active things in Michigan is Kraken + others

2020-12-02 06:17:50 UTC  

The first page mentioned has the full deep dive stuff exhibits and evidence and such he is showing in the video

2020-12-02 08:55:51 UTC  

Sidney Powell says a lot of things.

2020-12-02 14:13:16 UTC  
2020-12-02 14:56:25 UTC  

I challenge them to define "free"

2020-12-02 15:13:15 UTC  

Hmm so Porter Wright and Jones Day left a while ago because they told Trump we looked and theres no fraud and we are growing increasingly uncomfortable in giving weight to claims there was and GOP congressmen by the dozens know this was legit but are too scared to say it in public. Their law firms had people quit in protest because what they were participating in undermines the fabric of our democracy.

So people say oh what's the harm of Guiliani, Lin Wood, Sidney Powell, Jenna Ellis taking over and digging in hard. What's wrong with having hours of testimony of people without a solid foundation of knowledge surrounding how elections are counted and how the machines work air those grievances and Trump playing fast and loose with the facts and having then continue to heap coal on the fire of distrust in the system with more theories without having solidly proven any of their prior theories.

This does not feel like a responsible search for facts or ways to improve election integrity and no amount of comprehensive audits or recounts or lost fraud cases is going to end in people accepting the results. Lin Wood is calling for martial law. Sidney Powell says forget the courts bring in the military and we will have military tribunals to decide. Guiliani says I might be about to commit a crime can you pardon me ahead of time. Right broadcasting is holding a conference for Lin and Sidney to heap more coal on the fire instead of heading to court and showing a case whole at the same time Trump goes on the campaign trail and they lead a prayer group to ask God for Trump to win. Jesus will prevail doesn't seem like a slogan for fact finding. What is the stopping point or do we need to see to put this in the rear view?

2020-12-02 15:26:47 UTC  

I'll still keep an open mind and watch this thing but it's getting concerning. They have their case in court. They havent proven fraud or referred a fraudster to the DoJ and I Iike that in a court if you allege fraud it had to be specific. But if they are just going on TV to allege a bunch more things and say you cant see the hard evidence yet wait for court in their "stop the fraud" news conference so help me. Get to work on your massive court case.

2020-12-02 16:45:59 UTC  

I read an interesting theory somewhere that the reason the fraud is so obvious is that they WANTED to be caught as a prelude to something else. Any thoughts?