Message from @scottygraham7

Discord ID: 788592013024296982

2020-12-16 02:18:50 UTC  

All we want is a fair election

2020-12-16 02:19:26 UTC  

Had one. Trump lost.

2020-12-16 02:19:31 UTC  

Following their own state constitution is not a federal issue and scotus had essentially ruled already that they didn't break the US constitution.

2020-12-16 02:19:37 UTC  

Their state supreme court already tried those cases. Texas cant pick how states run their own state Constitution. Also the state constutituon doesn't allow for the remedy requested to throw out an election result just because Texas didnt like the outcome

2020-12-16 02:20:09 UTC  

How did we have a fair election

2020-12-16 02:20:13 UTC  

Don't forget that was also appealed to the Supreme Court and the Supreme Court decided not to take up the case and leave the ruling of the lower US district Court in place.

2020-12-16 02:20:21 UTC  

@scottygraham7 what if elections can only be held successfully if the cityzens voting has a basic concept of, and respect for, the system they are a part of?

2020-12-16 02:20:28 UTC  

@Maw Harris held men as slaves for the state past their being ordered released. She declares she will by Executive Fiat nullify the 2nd Amendment. She by herself is justification for the Continuation of the First Civil War since she is still a proponent of that Democratic Party state of government.

2020-12-16 02:20:40 UTC  

Same way we did in 2016 when no one thought Trump would win.

2020-12-16 02:20:40 UTC  

> How did we have a fair election
@scottygraham7 Voted. Counted the votes. Fin.

2020-12-16 02:20:53 UTC  

Wasn’t just Texas that didn’t like the way this election was run. Republican legislators in 6 or 7 states proved that yesterday I do believe.

2020-12-16 02:21:26 UTC  

@Dedkraken Itis not because Texas doesn't like the outcome, it is because they are engaged in war to destroy the US.

2020-12-16 02:21:35 UTC  

I knew he was going to win I didn’t think he was going to lose

2020-12-16 02:21:42 UTC  

The counting wasn’t fair

2020-12-16 02:22:04 UTC  

If the election was held successful trump won

2020-12-16 02:22:04 UTC  

Okay. I thought he was going to lose both times and I was only right half the time.

2020-12-16 02:22:12 UTC  

She said she'd use an executive order to try and go above the 2A, and enact gun legislation, she did. Also don't think this will work, at all, and I think it's an empty promise and she knows it is.

2020-12-16 02:22:21 UTC  

> The counting wasn’t fair
@scottygraham7 Sure it was. Now we're even until proof otherwise.

2020-12-16 02:22:24 UTC  

@scottygraham7 Then it wasnt successful, was it?

2020-12-16 02:23:03 UTC  

But it was Texas trying the case. There was lots of issues with what they asked. Texas secretary of state changed their own rules but they wanted to claim what other states did was unconstitutional but what they did is fine. Other states Trump won did the same and they wanted to keep those results and only flip Biden states. That's not equal. They wanted to keep the down ballot race results but toss just the potus election on the same ballot.

2020-12-16 02:23:07 UTC  

Everyone knows there was fraud in this election

2020-12-16 02:23:22 UTC  

@scottygraham7 If so, elections are no longer possible in the US.

2020-12-16 02:23:30 UTC  

A 12 to 5 SCotUS will ensure putting US in deathcamps so our land can be given to China will be "legal".

2020-12-16 02:23:33 UTC  

@scottygraham7 interesting consequences that will bring....

2020-12-16 02:23:55 UTC  

Precedent is already set that stacking the SCOTUS is highly unlikely.

2020-12-16 02:24:04 UTC  

Ik what ur saying

2020-12-16 02:24:04 UTC  

Not the way they were done this for this past one...

2020-12-16 02:24:06 UTC  

> Everyone knows there was fraud in this election
@scottygraham7 You might want to take a wider look around. The people who haven't moved on are in a cluster which obstructs your view.

2020-12-16 02:24:26 UTC  

But Trump said if Biden won they will add 24 justices.

2020-12-16 02:24:34 UTC  

You cried for 4 years about Russia

2020-12-16 02:24:46 UTC  

Who cried?

2020-12-16 02:24:55 UTC  

@Free2Think well, if that is your position, isnt it game over?

2020-12-16 02:25:01 UTC  

You've known scotty for 4 years?

2020-12-16 02:25:05 UTC  

You and the democrat party

2020-12-16 02:25:12 UTC  

@Dedkraken. Then we don't want them. I can see what a total disaster California is New York the last I heard was pretty bad so no thank you we don't want those new updated laws

2020-12-16 02:25:33 UTC  

> You and the democrat party
@scottygraham7 I'm not sure you know that for sure.

2020-12-16 02:25:44 UTC  

In case you have not noticed over the last four years those whose "honor" upon which you rely for our security of unalienable rights do not give a rats arse for the law, the Constitution, moral values, or any truth beyond what gains them control over and against the livestock which they classify the rest of humanity.

2020-12-16 02:25:47 UTC  

@Free2Think exactly

2020-12-16 02:26:26 UTC  

Enough to change the outcome? Over 50 court cases in a span of 6 weeks and not one court ruled to throw out or change enough ballots to change the outcome.

2020-12-16 02:26:34 UTC  

Thankfully, it's not up to the executive branch in its own authority a lot of the time.

2020-12-16 02:26:57 UTC  

Idk what u don’t get about these courts being democrats