Message from @meglide

Discord ID: 791767866219036682

2020-12-24 03:47:10 UTC  

hehe, why make it more complicated than needed...

2020-12-24 05:04:12 UTC  

That is extremely strange string manipulation.

2020-12-24 05:08:41 UTC  

I'd do validation via regex before ever deciding to actually go through with further checks on input validity.

2020-12-24 05:16:13 UTC  

Especially if it has complex arguments.

2020-12-24 05:20:47 UTC  

I've had to write the entire client-end side of command arguments before, with upwards of 50 commands.

2020-12-24 05:21:32 UTC  

I had to make a template of each command and send them through a general command preparation function, then pipe the arguments off into a method-specific function.

2020-12-24 05:31:36 UTC  

Idk... I have yet to see most adults apply critical thinking... πŸ˜‰

2020-12-24 06:58:44 UTC  

If i Take my $600 an Run It Through A Dominion Voting Machine at 4am, will i get back $60,000? Askin for My Damn Self

2020-12-24 07:39:42 UTC  

I am just big mad my COD tours don’t count for anything.

2020-12-24 13:31:23 UTC  

Psh I’d put that on a CV

2020-12-24 14:50:01 UTC  

@Bey is that Python? I have only learned javascript so far. And VBA but I'm rusty

2020-12-24 17:17:23 UTC  

The end of that article starts to go a little out there but overall it was a good opposing-side read.

2020-12-24 17:58:26 UTC  

C#, I believe. It has a lot of similarities to Java's syntax (but definitely not JS's syntax/typing system)

2020-12-24 18:02:31 UTC  

funny this lady is a Dr. in the same way that Jill Biden is a doctor ... PhD not MD ... spent quite a bit of time discussing details of her Plandemic theory and all the weaknesses in her arguments earlier this year with someone I thought was rational but turned out not to be so, at least as far as I could ascertain ... when evaluating something like this the first stage is to try to find where they agree with the mainstream and carefully trace where they diverge, what you'll usually find is that they make some very unreasonable assumptions/errors that quickly move them off the mainstream's viewpoint ... I've pretty much determined that folks are going to believe what they want to believe and if they're rational they'll do some investigating on their own and if not when you point out errors/mistakes in alternate theories they just keep coming with what about this? what about that? that go further and further down the improbable lane of fantasy

2020-12-24 18:08:07 UTC  


2020-12-24 19:14:45 UTC  

@meglide don't worry, at least the earth is not flat

2020-12-24 19:57:31 UTC  

Bowl-shaped last I heard

2020-12-24 20:20:21 UTC  

Technical term is "oblate spheroid". Earth has got a little junk in her trunk, the southern hemisphere is slightly larger than the Northern hemisphere

2020-12-24 20:42:49 UTC  

WGS 84 ... Of which I'm somewhat familiar

2020-12-24 22:58:25 UTC  

@SoonMrWick let me know if you want it explained.

2020-12-24 22:58:56 UTC  

The window-tint phobia and why its a significant structural damage.

2020-12-24 23:25:47 UTC  


2020-12-24 23:42:29 UTC  
2020-12-24 23:48:39 UTC  

when do they fire?

2020-12-24 23:48:54 UTC  

or is he under Coca-Cola protection and thus untouchable?

2020-12-25 02:44:44 UTC  

I thought Santa was a thought criminal.

2020-12-25 14:06:40 UTC  

Does this mean I went beyond thought? πŸ€” πŸ™ƒ

2020-12-25 15:50:22 UTC  

Rush Limbaugh's act of simply mentioning "states succeeding from the Union" brought on screams of horror from all over. JMHO I believe the inherent purpose of the Second Amendment is to offer up protection for foreign and domestic enemies of the US Gov't. Is it not true a well engineered coup to illegally posses/steal the Presidency could be taken as an act worthy of the use of a militia utilizing the Second Amendment.

The above makes for interesting situations. For example we had a Georgia official scared of seeing the Second Amendment brought to bear: " Gabriel Sterling, a top Republican Georgia election official, on Tuesday made an emotional plea for Republicans to tone down their rhetoric, saying it had prompted threats and harassment. "Someone's going to get hurt, someone's going to get shot, someone's going to get killed," Sterling said in an impassioned speech to reporters. ".

My question on this how far can the First Amendment and Second Amendments be carried out? Example IF persons believed the USA was illegally being taken over by a coups can one legally carry a firearm as one defended this nation?

Can you legally remind a domestic enemy that they are in danger of witnessing the second amendment in action? .............etc etc

2020-12-25 15:50:22 UTC  

@Roberto Hurstez, you just advanced to level 2!

2020-12-25 16:46:56 UTC  

So what's the point of all this talk? Name one state that's really going to succeed? And if there was one that was going to do it, why talk about it ahead of time? Don't talk about it, just do it.

Also while the Republicans are busy bashing their own, Democrats are turning out in large numbers to reclaim the Senate which they will do mainly because Trump continues to insist, absent of any hard evidence, that he won the election. Well it is past time to put up or shut up in my opinion.

2020-12-25 16:50:49 UTC  

You get that gun nuts thinking it's their 2nd A right to take over the government is not actually a thing right? That's never been based on anything.

2020-12-25 17:16:06 UTC  

It was couched in the qualification of 'IF persons believed', suggesting that is the test. A lot of people believe a lot of things. Using that as the measure of justification could be problematic from several angles, I reckon.

2020-12-25 17:22:08 UTC  

I know you guys don't like zero hedge but dang that looks pretty powerful

2020-12-25 17:22:37 UTC

2020-12-25 17:26:21 UTC  

That would be something to get your heart racing on a casual Christmas morning commute.

2020-12-25 17:26:47 UTC  


2020-12-25 17:26:56 UTC  

Damn I hope they don't outlaw recreational vehicles now.