Message from @Cocky_Corvid
Discord ID: 459754154961928203
<:HH:426847587115728906> <:chad:402359917819985931> <:dab:402362224527671306> <:smug:402400327313391616> <:trump:402385775200829440> <:trolled:437512288438714368> <:whitepill:402381740443959296> <:jesus:417536063540559872> <:deusvult:402379066986070018> <:cozy:418139640047075328> <:bigbrain:418140857242484757> <:woke:402399487093637130>
Stop being racist
how many days ago did israel do exactly what this person suggests
and had people defending it
yea the DMV employee is gonna enforce immigration law
imagine unironically working for the government tho
@Deleted User the left never defended Israel
border security *shouldn't* be a left/right issue
but let's wait and see if any of the voices on the right who defended israel will defend this woman
we should try get shapiro to weigh in
If i lose my job ill just move to israel and become a professional palestinian remover
>Asian male
Tfw ur own races women donβt like you so you become an American politician to own the whites
another poll from the economist
i think they're gonna keep trying until they get the result they want
I like how they started chanting the number from 12k to 2k
After they realized
"12,000 children ripped from their parents!"
"umm, 10,000 of them were sent to cross the border by themselves"
my gamers just sleep no grind
I mean iceland so small
not surprised
not a big talent pool to pull from
imagine trying to make a national team from a US state