Discord ID: 423292734858854431
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jokes on them waiting is my kink
stream started lads
esketit fellas another weekly sweat
plus Beardson & Shawn are in the "live on air" chat
so im guessing soon
although @C Dub is very right lol
love being a guest on the sweat! what a show
lol thanks i got caught off guard by being first lmao but I at least had one good bit
The red pills work if doses properly! You just got to read your crowd, as stated above. Youโll know if they are ready for revisionist history, or if they just need to hear some stat like how minorities vote dem iverwhelimngly
if the stream doesnt start in 15 min we are legally allowed to leave
Pussy Economics! You're all going to class next week
dam the real floof
shit the roll call is no joke I clicked like 3 sec after my clock hit 6:50 and Im like 10th in line lmao
this is an actual picture of drake lmao
but y?
just kiss already
bad optics for NFL kneelers right here
this chick would hate your prom @Khan inclusive salad: we live in the future
the absolute state of social security
glad you two see it my why - also clearly an implicit endorsement of white fertility
the ethnostate is coming WHITE BROTHERS
shes hot but a bernie sanders supporter - what do?
ok done - shes talking about european style socialism while we wait for the coffee maker to finish... i'm starting to lose my nerve. I want to scream autistically about Venezuela but I'm holding it in
what a sweat lmao
Fellas should I get a vape? seems ironybro approved and nicotine might be good for you?
> pageants not judging on looks
> yet another crumbling standard for women
> going to depress dating pool even further
> MFW if only you knew how bad it really is
@Deleted User I thought u were in forest bringing forth ethnostate wat habbened
alright fellas, help me pick what to talk about on the call tomorrow:
Please vote, democracy is important and necessary
alright fellas, help me pick what to talk about on the call tomorrow:
Please vote, democracy is important and necessary
lol ill leave the eyebrow malfunctions to the women
like blonde can talk about that
thank you for voting king, you are a true american
hi shillin
remember to drink water to prevent dehydreation
fuck that I want to invade. We need Warsaw pact but for Canada - we split Canada w/ North Korea and we both invade
First of all, sorry to hear that. Love and support here for you and yours.
Second, on a lighter note, how are you all still in school? it's June?
I'm going to bible study tonight fellow patricians
I think im gonna miss the call
and calls for the future
have a good time errybody
Faith goldy groyper
The guy he is talking to is so shit
at this bar
If i lose my job ill just move to israel and become a professional palestinian remover
if i cant protect my own border I'll protect someone else's DAMNIT
@Deleted User support his prayer suggestion 100%. If itโs Catholicism pray the rosary every day and try your best to focus - thatโs what I did and it really helped
@ClownEnthusiast Sauce?
just started yakuza kiwami beardson, what do i play next kiwami 2 or yakuza 0
@beardsonbeardly thanks king, looking forward to stream tonight
just got blocked by my first woman for clowning on her on twitter
feels good kings
That fucking bugs bunny picture fucks me up every time - powerful image!!
Wew lads the rage on twitter
Less that Kennedy is gone specifically more that trump gets to pick replacement - lots of โIโm literally in tearsโ posting on Twitter. Dsa members keep saying to reject civility
Roflcopter they made gang weed in real life - ePiC XD
Good book on Middle East is Shia Revival
Iโm a FIFA fag if yโall nibbas are inclined
Spoilers: Iโm not good
Also ps4
fellas fellas relax I'm here
castizo: big yes
mestizo: uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
dont have sex its gross
and gay
Thicc latina break:
getting ascended
@SalmonPro1990 Thank you for your service
my pat little
damn gibbon guy going hard in the paint
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