Message from @DixieBoy76 - KY

Discord ID: 543261040977248297

2019-02-08 02:36:03 UTC  

@Jakob-NY im sure they were! we know its not meant offensively

2019-02-08 02:36:27 UTC  

@SeanVV I unironically think there's stuff we could do to get more of the women vote without "cucking"

I mean if you think about it the left doesn't actually care about abuse victims, they're always whining about how badly rapists are treated in prison. We could push for things like harsher punishments for rapists which would *actually* help women rather than symbolic stuff like consent classes.

2019-02-08 02:37:18 UTC  

@Jakob-NY its great that we got members active on a college campus

2019-02-08 02:37:27 UTC  

@Jacob I agree that's a good strategy. Harsh(er) punishments for rape have always seemed very popular amongst women, at least the ones I know

2019-02-08 02:37:44 UTC  

@Jacob I think there was some research into the topic. Women like social programs. Historically, women financed the Nazi party. The big sticking point seems to be the "cruelty" of Republican austerity.

2019-02-08 02:38:14 UTC  

@V.Balboa - PA thanks, just going to try to do my part. Once I know the one guy sperging about anti-whiteness a lot better, might suggest he look like identitarianism

2019-02-08 02:38:39 UTC  

Great good job

2019-02-08 02:39:30 UTC  

I work my butt off for I/E

2019-02-08 02:39:44 UTC  

ya exactly
and to be honest abuse victims have a lot of legitimate grievances with the legal system that can be taken care of without demonizing men or anything
like requiring police departments to process rape kits in a more timely manner, provide better mental health resources, etc @Jakob-NY

2019-02-08 02:40:57 UTC  


2019-02-08 02:41:23 UTC  

good points, that in combination with policies against things like campus "kangaroo courts" could actually get at the problem without the targeted use of accusations @Jacob

2019-02-08 02:41:56 UTC  

@SeanVV there's a lot of social programs that we could implement that would ultimately help the common good but Republicans don't want to because muh principles or whatever
like payed maternity leave would probably appeal to a lot of women while ultimately making society better off as a whole

2019-02-08 02:42:26 UTC  

Great speech, Konrad 😃

2019-02-08 02:42:29 UTC  

feminists are just dumb as rocks

2019-02-08 02:42:36 UTC  

yeah that was really good Konrad

2019-02-08 02:43:34 UTC  

@Jacob you can sell it to establishment GOP by saying to businesses if you give paid maternity leave to wamin you get some benefit

2019-02-08 02:43:40 UTC  

instead of forcing it

2019-02-08 02:43:51 UTC  

bc theyll never go for that unless theyre booted out

2019-02-08 02:44:15 UTC  

I think a lot of us are afraid to support policies that would appeal to women because they think they're gonna get called feminists or whatever but there's a lot we could do that would benefit society as a whole which would have the side effect of gaining women votes

2019-02-08 02:44:36 UTC  

@Nemets YESSS 😠

2019-02-08 02:45:25 UTC  

Plot twist: TPUSA is the *real* deep state

2019-02-08 02:45:36 UTC  

@Nemets I mean realistically the people bearing most of the tax burden are gonna be business elites that hate us anyway so who cares lol

2019-02-08 02:45:48 UTC  

@DixieBoy76 - KY If the reps I saw were the deep state, we're doomed, but not because of their competence

2019-02-08 02:45:50 UTC  

You have to balance the long term goal: white women should get married young and be stay at home moms against the short term goal: vote Republican.

2019-02-08 02:46:06 UTC  

Currently at my job I provide services for the "underserved" for which I pay myself out of my taxes. Is this a clownworld or what

2019-02-08 02:46:18 UTC  

How do you make your comment highlighted @Jakob-NY ?

2019-02-08 02:47:01 UTC  


2019-02-08 02:47:17 UTC  

@Nota Bene - NY because he tagged you

2019-02-08 02:47:30 UTC  

you just made it yellow for him too

2019-02-08 02:47:36 UTC  

^^^ I didn't ask dis

2019-02-08 02:47:42 UTC  


2019-02-08 02:47:45 UTC  
2019-02-08 02:47:46 UTC  


2019-02-08 02:48:38 UTC  

@V.Balboa - PA Any way you could take the gain down a notch on your mic? Enjoying the commentary, though.

2019-02-08 02:49:04 UTC  


2019-02-08 02:49:39 UTC  

@V.Balboa - PA Never mind, lol.

2019-02-08 02:50:18 UTC  

wow she replied, this is fascinating

2019-02-08 02:50:27 UTC  

To be honest we need to drop some of the cringy rhetoric about women. Like say whatever you want on private shitposting servers, but if we have people going on Twitter and saying shit like "legalize rape" with their groyper accounts you can't exactly act surprised when women feel pushed to the left.

2019-02-08 02:51:04 UTC  

isn't that the same thing?

2019-02-08 02:51:18 UTC  

@Nemets Not bantus, but bleg nonetheless.

2019-02-08 02:51:22 UTC  

@Nemets meaning shes descended from immigrants and not slaves right