Message from @GreenPixel

Discord ID: 598929304893521966

2019-07-06 13:23:40 UTC  

Good luck on the server

2019-07-06 13:23:48 UTC  

Thx. Take care

2019-07-07 05:55:47 UTC  

Well he was a little late to the party huh

2019-07-07 05:57:01 UTC  

-lol Gappy..

2019-07-09 07:52:12 UTC  

My theory: behind the ice wall there is a group of Illuminati members who are hiding to kill us to start Armageddon. The Illuminati is a gangsta group and has ties to the government. The Illuminati is connected with all the governments and so they create a mass conspiracy to hide the info about the ice wall from us and make a conspiracy called globe earth. They use scientifiticisticismic technology to photoshop the pictures of the earth.

Ok so now we know how but why, you see the Illuminati was getting slowly suppressed due to its representation as a rogue terrorist group back in the 1900s. They were worried the truth may come out about them hence they positioned themselves outside the ice wall to threathen the US government and the world. In compliance the US, China, France, Russia and Britain signed the minsreft treaty of the first rebeliance to help the Illuminati and made this globe earth conspiracy thing. To protect the Illuminati.

However, now more and more people are leaving the Illuminati and some are spilling the beans about the ice wall and the flat earth. This is very dangerous and is very scary but brave as they have a life-binding nda.

The government will realise that the new Illuminati is becoming to weak and the minsreft treaty of the first rebelliance will be revoked and they realising that the real flat earth was the Friends they made along the way

2019-07-09 10:13:39 UTC  
2019-07-09 11:11:28 UTC  


2019-07-09 11:16:36 UTC  

The earth is a mcdonalds happy meal, the only true facts, and the illuminati is actually sentient chicken nuggets.

2019-07-09 11:18:47 UTC  


2019-07-09 14:59:20 UTC  

@Rudi spaceforce T shirt = Project for a new American Century

2019-07-10 05:33:30 UTC  

The birds work for the bourgeoisie

2019-07-11 12:29:41 UTC  
2019-07-11 16:59:13 UTC  

@Human Sheeple I once heard something about dinosaurs being a hoax, do you have any material on that?

2019-07-11 16:59:51 UTC  

Biggest clue should be no literature about them before about the 1870's

2019-07-11 17:02:23 UTC  

U have any documentary or book you can point me to?

2019-07-11 17:07:03 UTC  

There are some giant bones, some have suggested they're actually Mammoth bones, giant bones, dragon bones, they didn't have DNA testing in teh 1870's

2019-07-11 17:29:34 UTC  

So you believe in dragons but not dinosaurs

2019-07-11 17:31:13 UTC  

Plus the first dinosaur was discovered mid 1800s

2019-07-11 17:31:24 UTC  

So of course there’s no mentions before that

2019-07-13 03:52:51 UTC  

because cold climates bury it quicker than it can rot

2019-07-14 17:03:07 UTC  
2019-07-15 12:27:18 UTC  

2019-07-15 12:27:21 UTC  

2019-07-15 12:33:32 UTC  

>>mute <@372074385814847501>

2019-07-15 12:33:32 UTC  

<:vSuccess:390202497827864597> Successfully muted **Marozas**#1990

Did you guys know the moon is all the planets

It changes shapes and colors

Think about it

When the planet "mars" came closer to earth at night the moon wasn't anywhere to be seen

The government is lying to us

Keep an eye out for whenever the next "planet" comes closer to earth 🙄

Or maybe that just proves that the moon is actually a hologram and they use the satellites to change its appearance to make it seem like there are other planets

2019-07-15 13:25:59 UTC  
2019-07-15 13:51:58 UTC  

Hey guys

2019-07-15 18:04:58 UTC  

@2ᴅ ʟᴏʟɪ ᴡᴀɪꜰᴜ (、. ̫ . )、 Did you see the honey moon yesterday?

@Enn no I was on a plane

2019-07-15 18:05:53 UTC  

It looked really weird tbh, like enhanced Blu-ray

Oh wow