
Discord ID: 595083191900176396

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2019-07-09 14:50:14 UTC [The Ice Wall #members-log]  

@Rudi spaceforce T shirt = Project for a new American Century

2019-07-13 12:53:03 UTC [The Ice Wall #members-log]  

2019-07-17 12:45:54 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

โ€œIโ€™m telling you to be prepared for a major attack!โ€ Cooper declared. The target would be a large American city.

โ€œSomething terrible is going to happen in this country. And whatever is going to happen theyโ€™re going to blame on Osama bin Laden. Donโ€™t you even believe it.โ€

Two and a half months later, on September 11th, 2001, after two commercial airliners flew into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in a cataclysm that killed 2,996 people, including 343 New York City Fire Department personnel, Cooperโ€™s prediction came to pass.

2019-07-17 12:46:22 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

Cooper told you 9/11 would happen, and not many listened.

2019-07-17 12:46:44 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

remember when CNN interviewed Osama? just walked into his cave lol

2019-07-17 15:16:09 UTC [The Ice Wall #ufos]  

No One will storm Area 51 - sorry but 60 years too late.

2019-07-17 15:17:45 UTC [The Ice Wall #ufos]  

project red light

2019-07-17 15:29:35 UTC [The Ice Wall #members-log]  

2019-07-17 16:08:43 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

what are you talking about?

2019-07-17 16:09:00 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

so nothing?

2019-07-17 16:09:15 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

no really, what are you all talking about?

2019-07-17 16:09:25 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

basic question,

2019-07-17 16:10:45 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

no one has said what they are talking about

2019-07-17 16:10:56 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

just arguing

2019-07-17 16:11:06 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

nope nothing post

2019-07-17 16:11:08 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  


2019-07-17 16:11:15 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

what are you talking about?

2019-07-17 16:11:18 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  


2019-07-17 16:11:33 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

nothingm, right

2019-07-17 16:11:35 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  


2019-07-17 16:11:45 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

what are you guys talking about?

2019-07-17 16:12:29 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

you guys talk about nothing then?

2019-07-17 16:13:21 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

so what goes around comes around, cliche bs

2019-07-17 16:13:26 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  


2019-07-17 16:13:54 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

none is quoting a Hindu book, so yes, its BS

2019-07-17 16:14:09 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  


2019-07-17 16:14:17 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

is this a the kids channel?

2019-07-17 16:14:31 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  


2019-07-17 16:15:01 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

post a quote, wheres it from, doesnt matter, never read the book

2019-07-20 12:56:27 UTC [The Ice Wall #members-log]  

31 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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