Message from @Papa Pizzagate
Discord ID: 548294923435245598
latimes is right. We should should rename John Wayne Airport to Jared Taylor Airport.
I had a vision of a summer camp named Camp Taylor today.
Many such properties being sold off, just need the money and the prep work done for the inevitable lawsuits. Maybe in ten years.
Why Taylor? @Wood-Ape - OK/MN
For JT. Many camps are named after influential founders/donors. Or maybe just Camp Evropa or whatever. Not trying to get into "design ethnostate flag" tier pointlessness
The mormons are supposed to be making their own scouting program ever since the boyscouts got pozzed
to make a related point
Mormon scouting is a joke
How so?
Well, when they did it in the BSA, they essentially stripped down the program to be an Eagle Scout Factory. Doing only the bare minimum to meet the requirements so all their scouts could achieve Eagle by the age of 14.
Even though it was a program you could be apart of until the age of 18, you would never see a mormon scout above 15. They devalued the rank of Eagle Scout so much that the military stopped recognizing it as a qualifier for immediate bump in rank on enlistment
I mean I don't really think the politics of eagle scout status or whatever are that important. I had a mormon friend that did it and as far as I'm concerned it would just be nice to have a scouting program for children to do outdoor things that's not full of gays and trannies like the bsa is.
Trail Life
Oh absolutely. I was apart of a traditional BSA troop that was non-denominational, and had a heavy value on youth leadership, outdoor skills, discipline, and self improvement. I got my Eagle scout right before I turned 18
The whole thing that happened with them having to let girls in is bullshit yeah, and the BSA is a dying program most definitely though compared to when I was in it. I'm speaking about the Mormons from experience because I was apart of one the few non-mormon troops in my entire region
We were criticized and complained about by the Mormon troops actually because we were 'paramilitary'
Hm I guess trail life already solved this issue
They seem to be growing
I was in a Mormon troop, and though I had some really great experiences, but it's absolutely true that they ran things as a Merit Badge mill.
<:clown:548295778888843266> <:zoomer:548295779354148904> <:boomer:548295778788048918> <:npc:548295779232514068>
Your precious emotes have been added, humans. I'm returning to standby mode now. Do not disturb me about these icons for at least 6 months.
Hell yeah
<:clown:548295778888843266> honk honk
Now it is time to @ server admin every 5 mins to thank him
I just realized that if BSA goes bankrupt, that's a great opportunity for us
5 years down the line, IE could probably afford property
Still saving up for the moon base
5 years down the line, I could probably afford property
Getting close to 5 years, and I can almost afford property.
What do y'all think of "The Lobby" by Al Jazeera on the tribe? Was
Gonna watch it