Message from @Praetorian

Discord ID: 387754169060032512

2017-12-05 21:16:19 UTC  

Yeah, that was the final nail in the coffin cor me when i heard Alex say that shit. 80% brown? Really? About 90% of blacks live in the hood, and willfully engage in acts of criminality and violence. They openly despise and resist any form of white laws. Its funny to think that, as much as Alex talks about being the main voice for the counter movement, he is still completely cucked on tuis subject.

2017-12-05 21:18:43 UTC  

Yeah. the final straw for me is when I saw James Allsup completely destroy Millie Weaver's argument at the Charolettesville rally. And how her brain couldn't even process it.

2017-12-05 21:19:06 UTC  

Recently I went back and rewatched the clip of alex saying that and it just confirmed that I was right

2017-12-05 21:19:16 UTC  

that this movement is right

2017-12-05 21:19:50 UTC  

Because Infowars just profits off of reacting to the media and the left. IE and many other organizations out there are trying to push for change we are being pro active about it rather than reactive

2017-12-05 21:20:56 UTC  

Excatly. As much as i followed Alex back in the day, and PJW recently, I havent heard them make one attempt at talking about solutions.

2017-12-05 21:23:08 UTC  

Yeah. I love Alex's passion and everything, but he just repeats the same news over and over and they don't realize what the real problem is. As far as PJW, he thinks his epic calling in life is to debunk teenage purple haired feminists. At the end of the day he will stand by as his fellow brits are beheaed because he doesn't want to be labled a "racist"

2017-12-05 21:23:36 UTC  

Take this stuff to general please thanks guys

2017-12-05 21:26:26 UTC  

Nooooooooooo. 😭

2017-12-05 23:12:33 UTC  

Some of Reinhard's quotations were from a voice chat on this server. How did SPLC find out about it? Are there leakers in this group?

2017-12-05 23:14:12 UTC  

wait, really?

2017-12-05 23:14:27 UTC  

you sure he didn't say the same in an interview?

2017-12-05 23:21:42 UTC  

@Jacob No, the article indicates that unicorn riot leaked voice chat from this discord server. I also roughly remember him saying what the splc quoted.

2017-12-05 23:24:41 UTC  

that was the cville discord, we always knew it was insecure.

2017-12-05 23:25:01 UTC  

oh, okay.

2017-12-05 23:25:44 UTC  

so everything that would have been said would have been something he was fine with our enemies hearing.

2017-12-05 23:36:47 UTC  

The quote was Eli's i thought

2017-12-05 23:36:55 UTC  

Maybe I misread

2017-12-05 23:47:27 UTC  

The media has not been hitting us very hard, have they?

2017-12-05 23:53:02 UTC  

there are much easier targets

2017-12-05 23:56:38 UTC  

Thats what i thought. Well, we have a great advantage, then. At this moment, we are but a fly on the wall. Unlike the alt-right, we have the opportunity to build our image before the fake news crafts that image for us.

2017-12-05 23:59:25 UTC  

Just as we we europeans are atomized as individuals, IE will be atomized as an organization unless we have allies. I say that it will be easier to make allies while we are still relatively unknown.

2017-12-06 02:00:47 UTC  

That is true. Good strategy

2017-12-06 02:01:58 UTC  

The more allies we have now the better for when the media, the right, and the POTUS "disavow us"

2017-12-06 02:15:04 UTC  

Yup. It will be alot harder to make allies when we have to begin a potential discussion by explaining away all the negative things that have been said about us.

2017-12-06 02:17:07 UTC  

I have seen this happen to the alt-right. And we will also have to be prepared for the inevidable media reaction of trying to associate us with the alt-right. What we should say in that circumstance, i am not certain.

2017-12-06 02:18:50 UTC  

Colin flaherty is on board. Here is his latest video explaining the demographic issue.

2017-12-06 02:18:57 UTC  

Alt right is just a term though isnt it?

2017-12-06 02:20:30 UTC  

Alt-right was coined by richard spencer back in '08. I dont think is the actual leader, but he is a defacro leader due to his large influence. Jared Taylor is another one of the big names on the scene.

2017-12-06 02:21:22 UTC  

It is a movement, but one needs not actually join to consider himself alt-right.

2017-12-06 02:39:03 UTC  

Tucker Carlson has been covering this stuff a lot more as of late.

2017-12-06 02:40:09 UTC  

Katie Hopkins is becoming a big voice for whites as well.

2017-12-06 02:51:49 UTC  

Gentlemen, this channel is for media about Identity Evropa.

2017-12-06 02:53:19 UTC  

We need a general news channel maybe

2017-12-06 03:06:20 UTC  

I thought that media image is applicable to this page.

2017-12-06 03:06:53 UTC  

I posted those videos to showcase people who may be potential PR allies.

2017-12-06 20:32:41 UTC

2017-12-06 20:32:49 UTC  

Does TRS count as media?

2017-12-06 20:33:18 UTC  


2017-12-06 20:55:57 UTC  

Maybe the reason they largely ignored us until now was because our actions weren't big enough