Message from @Akhanyatin

Discord ID: 607352822786424874

2019-08-03 23:15:34 UTC  

Your argument has been destroyed

2019-08-03 23:15:40 UTC  


2019-08-03 23:15:42 UTC  

That follows logically.

2019-08-03 23:15:43 UTC  

we told you it's because they are far away

2019-08-03 23:15:55 UTC  

That’s a baseless claim. That has ZERO support.

2019-08-03 23:16:26 UTC  

"If we live on a globe that circles and spins swirls through infinite space upon millions of galaxies and stars."

2019-08-03 23:16:29 UTC  

Distance doesn’t explain anything. We should be moving AWAY from stars.

2019-08-03 23:16:34 UTC  

Not observing uniform stars.

2019-08-03 23:16:36 UTC  

you literally just assumed infinite space

2019-08-03 23:16:43 UTC  

are you understanding the words you're saying?

2019-08-03 23:17:07 UTC  


2019-08-03 23:17:10 UTC  

What you forget

2019-08-03 23:17:25 UTC  

Is that the stars we observe are also moving around the galaxy

2019-08-03 23:17:36 UTC  

Therefore the distance maintains itself

2019-08-03 23:18:20 UTC  

You're saying: "If we were in infinite space, then something should happen"
We're saying: "since we are in infinite space, your something makes 0 sense"
Then you answer: "baseless claims i don't understand what you're saying"

2019-08-03 23:19:10 UTC  

Stop! Stop! He's already dead!

2019-08-03 23:21:06 UTC  

@rivenator12113 lol try climbing up a steep mountain in a straight line, then try climbing it using a curved path, then come back and cry about rockets having a curved path in the atmosphere

2019-08-03 23:22:39 UTC  

Huh? Astronomers philosophers and astrophysics alike all confirm the universe is expanding into infinite space. Hello?

2019-08-03 23:22:43 UTC  


2019-08-03 23:23:03 UTC  

Kat#4451 LANGUAGE!!!

2019-08-03 23:23:17 UTC  

yes, thanks for proving my point?

2019-08-03 23:23:17 UTC  

Kat#4451 LANGUAGE!!!

2019-08-03 23:23:34 UTC  

Kat#4451 LANGUAGE!!!

2019-08-03 23:24:15 UTC  

what are you trying to say Kat? be careful, the bot doesn't like certain words lol

2019-08-03 23:24:28 UTC  

c r e e p e r

2019-08-03 23:24:39 UTC  

lol why?

2019-08-03 23:24:48 UTC  

so we can sing revenge

2019-08-03 23:25:08 UTC  

not sure i get it

2019-08-03 23:25:25 UTC  

its a meme

2019-08-03 23:25:28 UTC  


2019-08-03 23:25:53 UTC  

i am listening, thanks for this *gem* hue hue

2019-08-03 23:26:00 UTC  

your welcome

2019-08-04 10:08:22 UTC  

@Albert Einstein space and time? 🤔

2019-08-04 10:09:12 UTC  

@Albert Einstein the same force can explain every single one of these and is compatible with QFT and has shown to be measurement wise more accurate then gravity

2019-08-04 10:14:12 UTC  

@Akhanyatin again, that's not how QM works buddy. Quantum **mechanics**, do you understand what the word means. And half of that was an assortment of baseless claims and assertions. So far, whenever I've debated you, you have a tendency to indulge in your own ignorance to make arguments that aren't even remotely relevant. Most of what you've said I've even addressed before. You somehow think because I haven't mentioned those I'm ignoring them, which goes to show that you've really got no idea how the flat earth model works in general.

2019-08-04 10:18:18 UTC  

@97 Eleven No way that one force can predict all the different inertial forces from a spinning sphere man onto a flat earth.

2019-08-04 10:18:55 UTC  

Eotvos effect and the normal coriolis effect

2019-08-04 10:19:22 UTC  

I think you are using the complexity of the math to actually be more vague

2019-08-04 10:21:22 UTC  

The way to actually get these equations is with the simple geometry of a spinning sphere.

2019-08-04 10:23:20 UTC  

And yes this will be a huge problem for you because you need to introduce more forces and QFT does not like that